These are a race of supernaturally geeky humans’ that think they are normal yet emanate a strange sense of awkwardness.
XP 100
Human Gamer
N or LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0 (-2 in a game store, or near any sort of electronics); Senses Perception +0
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
hp 5 (1d6 - 1)
Fort -1 (-2 against being overweight), Ref +1 (+5 during a computer game), Will 0 (-3 against fast food)
Resist normal people
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. If unfit)
Melee unarmed strike +0 (1d6 + 0) nonlethal
Str 10, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 9
Base Atk +0; CMB 0; CMD 0
Skills Craft (any) +1, Knowledge (local) +0; Racial Modifiers -2 Acrobatics, -2 Intimidate, -1 Knowledge (local)
Languages Common
Environment indoors
Organization solitary, pair, or team (3–6)
Treasure Gamer gear
Gamers possess exceptional drive and a great capacity to expand. Their empires and nations are reclusive, looked at with pity, disgust, humor, and questioning by other members of the human race. The citizens of these societies often find comfort in gaming much more than a usual human. Gamers are best characterized by being predominantly unfit, obese (on occasion scrawny but never buff), and un-toned; inhabiting most cosmopolitan cities’ indoor regions away from general society culture. Unlike normal human curiosity and ambition Gamers often opt for a sedentary lifestyle, and many leave their homes to acquire fast food and more computer games, simply because they can.
Gamer Racial Traits
-2 to Charisma, -1 to Constitution
Medium: Gamers are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Gamers have a base speed of 30 feet.
Stench: Gamers gain the stench ability if they are overweight or obese. This sickens most humans if they don’t make a DC 20 fort and DC 10 will save.
Languages: Gamers begin play speaking Common. Gamers with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Physical Description: The physical characteristics of gamers are usually overweight or obese and some are skinny – very rarely if ever do these creatures obtain a normal size for humans.
Society: Gamer society comprises of very similar attitudes, and lifestyles. When compared to the societies of common humans their society seems to be in a state of constant geeky people. In general, gamers are known for their geeks, overweight, poor nutrition, excess nutrition and sedentary congregations.
Relations: Can have normal social circle but is usually either extremely embarrassed or unaware that people around them find their antics weird.
Alignment and Religion: Like most humans gamers are neutral despite many thinking they are good or chaotic; Gamers are usually N sometimes LN and never CG unless suffering from sever mental illness/dissorder and was not originally a gamer. Like humans they also have a wide range in gods and religion.
Adventurers: Makes terrible adventures.
Names: Unlike other races, who generally cleave to specific traditions and shared histories, humanity's diversity has resulted in a near-infinite set of names. Throughout most of the world humans speak Common, yet their names are as varied as their beliefs and appearances.