
Raark Featherwing's page

RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Mark Moreland wrote:
Yoshua wrote:
But it looks like to dive into this I will likely have to re buy a lot of content I already have across multiple platforms?

If you've already got the PDF for a book that you want the Nexus version of, through Paizo Connect, you can get the price of the PDF taken off the Nexus price, so you're just paying for the Nexus upgrade.

Conversely, if you but something on Nexus that you don't already own on PDF and your accounts are linked via Paizo Connect, you'll get the PDF added to your downloads.

....but if you buy a physical book you get no discounts at all? :(

Joana wrote:
Raark Featherwing wrote:
Will there be a Player's Guide for the Dead Suns AP like there is for every regular Pathfinder AP?

Answered several posts above you: No.

Robert G. McCreary wrote:

From the Department of Expectation Management:

Dead Suns will not have campaign traits (as stated, themes are replacing traits in Starfinder), campaign-specific themes, or a player's guide.

Oops, just read it. That is a shame though as my players wont have the books, only me. It would have been good to have given them some pre-game reading to give them a feel for what is to come. Oh well.

Will there be a Player's Guide for the Dead Suns AP like there is for every regular Pathfinder AP?

There appears to be no link for that file now....has it been removed?

Top notch! Love the voices and the manic drum beat. Brilliant!