Angvar Thestlecrit

RPGuru's page

3 posts (20 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 alias.


Glad to hear it is on the agenda though!

I adore writing and playing RPG's, I adore the way both fuse in the play by post format. Pathfinder forums have a great tab and alias system as well as a simple dice roller. However writing {b} every time I want something in bold (but with brackets) or {spoiler} every time I need to include a spoiler, really spoils the writing (in fact, it just did). Is there in the works (like in many other pbp sites) a way of selecting the text, hitting the 'bold' button, and its done automatically? Is it a thought?

This is perhaps the only reason I haven’t thought of GMing a game here.

Comments would be appreciated.

All I got left is bonds, so recommendations are welcome.