Quthack's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Sovereign Court

Thanks for the advice, as you yourself said it is easier and less time consuming to do maps by paper, which I have always done, and mostly will continue to do. The whole search for mapping software was because I wanted a city for a current campaign, but haven't found anything on the web or paizo maps that matched what I had in my head. And I do occassionaly run into the same problem so I figured I would look into it. Again thanks for the advice.

Sovereign Court

I have been searching all over the net trying to find a program that can help me do my maps. Between real life and gaming I don't have alot of time to dedicate to learning how to make a program that work for me. Dundjinni looked very easy, but it doesn't even look like they have done much support or upgrades in 4 or more years. I have been reading on CC3 but everyone says it is extremely complicated to use unless you take the time to learn, something I don't have. Now I'm looking at Fractal Mapper and am a little intimidated to purchase it, tried the extremely limited demo version, but the limitations of it are so limited I don't know if it is complicated or not. Please any advice?