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![]() Im trying to build a character who plays out as something close to a Nature and Wildlife Scholar (with a smidge of survivalism) and have been trying to decide between the two of these two PrCs. I would likesome advice as to the pros and Cons of each and what roles they would be best for. Also, if there is any viable way to combine the two that doesn't involve druids (Character is going to be LG, not NG) would be appreciated. ![]()
![]() Ive had this build Idea kickin around im my head for a while, so Ive decided to ask those more skilled than me for help in this. I need help choosing Feats and Wizard Spells, also any other special tidbits would be helpful. As one could guess from the Title I want him to be an Uber-prepared type of guy with a spell for any occasion....yet Im also tryig to give him a Nature theme too. Im Starting of as a Half-Elf Wood Wizard, and plan of Going into the PrC at Level 9 (which is when Im getting Spell Mastery as well.) Ive already chosen my Druid Spells and im trying to go for a decent balance of style and mechanics Feats im thinking of taking::
Elven Blood Craft Potion Craft Wonderous Item Improved Familiar (Celestial Raven) Spells Im planning on having:
Paragon Surge Transformation Aqueous Orb .....not sure of rest Druid Spells from PrC:
Barkskin Animal Aspect(Greater) Reincarnate Spike Stones Aspect of the Wolf Snake Staff Fire Seeds Dust Form Ironwood Windwalk As I said before Im making him as a Utilities Wizard, meaning I'm having him do a lot of different things, but i still wanna keep to the Nature theme. He is currently not part of any party, I just wanna have him ready in case I need a character. ![]()
![]() ooooooookay then. While I was making a homebrew race I created a Racial Archetype for the Witch class. my whole goal was to give it the feel of an Arcane Caster who taps into a more primal power. After a few revisions it ended up taking on a life of its own and soon became a form of Hybrid class between Arcane Caster and Druid. Personally I would like everyone's advice on Balance, Fluff, and Crunch for this Archetype. so here is the Ley Caller:
Natural Patron: A Ley Caller’s patron is an entity of nature; as such they are limited as to their bonus patronal spells. A Ley Caller may only choose from the Patrons of Animals, Elements, Healing, Moon, Stars, Transformation, Water, Winter, and Wisdom. In addition the following spells replace their Patron spells: 4th-Warp Wood, 8th-Obsidian Flow, 12th-Transport Via Plants, 16-Earthquake. Terrain Bond: A Ley Caller calls upon the inherent arcane power of the natural world as their patron, channeling their magic through the very land rather than a familiar. Choose a Bonded Terrain from the ranger’s favored terrain list. As long as you are within your bonded terrain you are treated as having the Eschew Materials feat and all spell material costs cost ¾ as much as usual. In order to cast spells a Ley Caller must spend eight hours meditating and communing with their bonded terrain, if they leave their terrain they are unable to prepare spells but may cast them if they succeed a concentration check at a DC equal to 20 + the Spell’s level or lose the spell. A Ley Caller who wishes to switch to a new Bonded Terrain must spend 24 hours in the new terrain and perform a ritual worth 500gp per Witch level. This replaces the Witch’s Familiar.
Primal Magicks: At 10th level learns how to harness their nature-bound magic in a more pure form, similar to that of druids. As a standard action a Ley Caller may treat their spells as Divine rather than Arcane. Divine spells cast this way are cast with a -2 penalty to their caster level, but do not require somatic components. At 12 level the caster may increase this penalty to -3 in order to treat their spells as having the Selective Spell metamagic feat applied to them, though doing so does not require the usage of a higher spell slot as normal. A Ley Caller must be in their Bonded Terrain to use this ability and can activate it 3+ their Intelligence bonus times per day. The duration for this effect is equal to 1/4 their class level+their Intelligence bonus minutes per day. This time need not be consecutive, but must be spent in minute increments. This replaces the Hexes gained at 10th and 12th level. Patronic Oath: All Ley Callers gain their powers from a powerful patron tied to the natural world. As such should they do something to anger the natural world then their power is forfeit. Though a Ley Caller is not required to worship nature they must not perform acts against nature such as creating Undead, intentionally ravaging ecosystems, or other such depravity (GM’s Discretion). Should the Ley Caller perform such acts they lose all of their class abilities. Thoughts, Questions, Concerns, Constructive Criticisms? ![]()
![]() Okay, I'm currently building a homebrew race of Jackal People with a decadent Egypt them and am currently making it so they worship Dark Tapestry Gods. ....however I've also decided to give it a slight basis off of the Chaos Gods of Warhammer 40k, so I need advice as to which Lovecraftian entities match up to which Warhammer entity. So far I have Tzeentch- Nyarlathotep (Black Pharaoh) What im considering Slaanesh- Shub-Niggurath or Hastur Nurgle- Shub Niggurath or Xhamen-Dor Still have no one for Khorne..... So which ones should I pick, or should I just make them all just forms of Nyarlathotep, or any other option you can think of? ![]()
![]() Greetings all, ive decided that before I ask this and just through it out there to see if anyone would be okay with this. THe Champion of Irori PrC has an ability that allows you to treat your PrC levels as Monk levels for the Sake of certain monk abilities, mor specifically the Flurry of Blows ability. Now, personally I love this PrC, but all of my favorite Monk Archetypes, such as the Sensei or Master of Many Styles, replaces the Flurry ability for something around equal power, but serving a different function. Now, Irori teaches his followers to seak self perfection in what thier good at, so wouldnt it make sense to allow the monks to instead increase thier specialized flurry-alternatives rather than just railroading them into somethings thats not even a requirement? now I know this question is probably stupid, but I would still like some input whether it would be appropriate or worth it o allow this home rule. ![]()
![]() As the title says im trying to design a Magical-Girl themed character Conditions first: As a magical girl I want her to be a Full Caster who worships Shelyn, I've currently am trying to choose between Cleric or Oracle. While i am hoping for this to be somewhat optimal I still want to focus mostly on theme and flavor so these thingsare paramount No Race Suggestions, I already have one Must eventually get angelic (or close enough) wings when she becomes powerful enough At later levels she will gain some form of ranged weapon She will be NG Charisma and perhaps Wisdom are my main focuses for now. She is meant to be mainly played as a strai spellcaster using mainly buffs and either control or blastig. Must of course have some sort of Divine-esqe feel to it Please help me wih this, any thought would be apreciated. ![]()
![]() Recently moved into Cibolo and am looking for a group to finally get started on pathfinder. I have little to no actual experience, but due to bizarre circumstnce have been spending forever going through the rule books. So I'm looking for a group to take me in so I can finally play. I'm looking for
![]() as th title says, here is my take on the canine race, which i designed to be complimentary to the catfolk. Tell me more if you want me to write up more stuff for this race such as common professions, culture and the like. I literally have a whole bunch of stuff in mind for them. Wolfolk: Slightly more reclusive than thier cat counterparts, the race commonly known to others as the Wolfolk have hardwork and comitment almost built into them. Always working towards a path of self-improvement and learning these canine humanoids constantly practice and practice thier chosen proffession or "art" in thier terminology until the very day they die. the Wolfolk are naturaly cunning and intuitive, however such a life of learning and research ofen leaves them physically weaker than other races. Such behaivior is normal and encouraged in Wolfolk society where everymember is valued as an integral part to the tribes welfare and success. the Wolfolk in turn are an honorable people who always try to serve thier families and tribe with loyalty and honesty, even to those who are not of the same blood as them. Physical DescriptionThe Wolfolk have an appearance similiar to anthromorphic wolves, however thier muzzles are shorter and while they indeed have broad shouldier and body builds thier arms tend to be relativly average in length and width. Thier fur colors are most commonly different shades of brown ranging from sandy light brown, to chestnut and chocolate colors which turns to stony grey with great age. The fur atop thier heads tends to grown finer and longer, and it is customary within Wolfolk society to wear it in different tails and braids. Wolfolk eyes have round irises and the colors usually range from brown, grey and green with blue only happening in rare occasion (and is usualy indicative of some form of sorcerous bloodline). Also it should be noted that while thier finger do terminate into sharp clawlike nails they are far too dull to be used as weapons. SocietySelf improvement, being one of the wolfolk's driving instincts, is enhances by thier strong sense of communal loyalty. Within a wolfolk tribe all members are encouraged to push themselves to the very best of thier vocation, for Wolfolk philosphy states that only by each member performing thier duty unerringly does the tribe live and thrive.
RelationsWolfolk tend to view other races in a simple way, admiring thier skills while also weighing them to thier annoying proclivities. Dwarfs and elves they respect for thier consumate artistic skill and proffesionalism, but are ofen irked by elves' lack of drive and dwarves' tendancy for indulgance. Halflings they get along farely well with and the two races have been known to make fast friends, however gnomes they find to be to capricious and flighty for thier liking. Half elves and half-orcs are both apreciated for thier drive to improve and advance and they inturn apreciate the Wolfolk for judging them no on thier blood. Humans, as well as Tieflings and Aasimar are considered a mixed bag to the Wolfolk. Catfolk are often seen as to laidback and have always been (mostly friendly) rivals with the Wolfolk, and Ratfolk are found to be endering, if not slightly bothersome due to thier pack-rat tendencies. However all outsiders are treated with a bit of wariness when first encountered and must earn a Wolfolk's trust first before being accepted by them. Yet despite this those who befriend the Wolfolk will always find a loyal and honest ally which are quick to aid, but slow to forgive if slighted. Alignment and ReligionDue to thier beliefs in self improvement, honesty and focus Most Wolfolk gravitate towards the lawful end of the spectrum with thier society's emphisis on family, honor and trust usually makes the more often good than not. The most common Dieties found to be worshipped are Erastil and Sheylin who both speak strongly to thier love of natural beauty, family, and the arts. Those who focus on the healing arts occasionaly take to Sarenrae. Almost always they will reject both Abadar, whom they see as a disgrace as a god of justice since he is not just to the natural world, and Callistra, whom they dislike for representing and condoning self-destructive behaivior. Adventurers whether traveling in order to gain more skill and expertise in a trade, hunting down new resources for the tribe, or seeking to help a neighboring tribe, there are plenty of reasons for a Wolfolk to seek the path of adventurer. Wizardry comes easy to them due to thier cunning and intellect, as do the paths of the Magus and Alchemist and occasionaly Witch for those who seek to understand the stranger powers in the world. Druids and rangers are also fairly common due to thier strong ties to the Natural World, and the Cleric might go on a pilgramige despite thier usual ties and duties that keep them with the tribe, and a Paladin might seek to protect his tribe from the evils the threaten them. Very few ever follow the path of the inquisitor since most have no need to distrust thier kinsmen, and Barbarians even lessso due to thier need for control and lack of martial might. Common Male NamesBoreale, Lorros, Ommaj
[b]Racial Traits[b] Ability Score Racial Traits: +2Int, +2Wis, -2Str Type: Wolfolk are humanoids with the Wolfolk subtype Size: Medium Base Speed: 30ft Language: Wolfolk start of Speaking Common and Wolfolk. Those with a high enough Intelligence may learn Elven, Dwarven, Draconic, Knoll, Halfling, Aklo, and Giant. Steadfast:Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) subschools. In addition, if a member of this race fails such a save, it receives another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming the spell or spell-like ability has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the member of the race has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue's slippery mind class feature), it can only use one of these abilities per round, but can try the other on the second round if the first reroll ability fails. Focused Study:At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, members of this race gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. Low-Light Vision: Wolfolk have low-light vision allowing them to see twice as far as humans in dim light Standard Education:Members of this race with an Intelligence score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the user's character level):
![]() I'm about to start Carrion crown with my friends (most of us are pretty new to pathfinder) and unfortunatly we kept on getting people interesting and now we have a party of 7 players:A Bard, A barbarian, A summoner, a ranger, a cleric, a rogue, and an undecided (probably a Druid or a sorcerer) So, how should I scale is adventures difficulty in order to prevent it from being a ROFLstomp? ![]()
![]() I was talking with some buddies about what our certain favorite movie,show,game and comic characters would be in pathfinder. Eventually we got to the part about Daleks and decided it owuld be awesome to have Dalek Monsters in a campaign. Anyone think they can crunch some stats and help brainstorm here? personally I think the Daleks would be excellent for any campaign if tooled well enough for a fantasy setting (THinking they might be constructs powered by a tiny creature stuffed into it like a cythnigot or a cacodaemon) lets get to work. ![]()
![]() Okay, I've been working on this archetype for a long while and I think that I now have it...not really. Please tell me if it seems balanced enough Hand of Faith (paladin archetype)
Class Skills: A Holy Fist adds Acrobatics and Perception to his list of class skills and loses Ride and Handle Animal. Monastic Seminary: The need for Charisma to check and allow for all paladin abilities, such as the ability to channel, can be replaced with the use of Wisdom. This change is optional and chosen at first level, once it is chosen it can’t be changed. Divine Quickening: Rather than receive spells from their patron deity, they are instead blessed with powers that augment their physical prowess. Starting at fourth level the Holy Fist Can gains powers from the Ki-Powers list that Qinggong Monks and in the same fashion (from Ultimate Magic rule book) draw from with a few exceptions (See below). These abilities either use Charisma or Wisdom (based on Monastic Seminary choice) for saving throws, class specific ability options for spell and concentration bonus, otherwise treat as normal Qinggong Monk powers. In Addition the Holy Fist gains a minor pool of Ki that stacks with any the Holy fist previously had or eventually gains. The number of Ki points given is equal to half his Holy Fist level–2 plus their Wisdom or Charisma (depending on choice made with Monastic Seminary) modifier. This class feature replaces the Holy Fist’s ability to cast spells and counts as having the Ki pool Class feature.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Holy Fists are proficient in all simple weapons, 5 martial weapons, and one extra Monk weapon. Weapon and they also start off with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat even if they don’t meet the prerequisites. Holy Fists are also proficient in Light and Medium Armor, light shields, and bucklers. This replaces normal weapon and armor proficiencies Unarmed Strike: A Holy Fist's unarmed strike increases in damage same as a Monk, except that it stops increasing when it reaches 2d6
Divine Bond: A Holy Fist makes a personal bond with the divine spirits of the Good-Aligned planes, who fortify his body with their holy might. This functions like a normal Paladin's spirit bond, however the + bonus applies only to non-natural weapon and any other weapons that aren't his unarmed strike. However if he enhances his unarmed strike it instead allows him to ignore that much of his opponents Armor bonus to AC as well as that much of any DR the opponent might have. This stacks with any other affect he has that allows him to overcome DR. Every five levels after fifth you this bonus as twice its current total and any gains in amount of bonuses between each interval are added as normal then combined into the total when it is multiplied again (see table below). This is replaces a normal Paladin's divine bond.
![]() I've kicking this idea around in my head for a while, one for an arcane-archer with some divine-esque powers as well. I would like advice for class and build progressions, though keep in mind that I plan on my lower stats to be Str and Cha, also I planning on being a Half-elf (Really OP race in my opinion) ![]()
![]() THis guy is kinda dificult. This half-elf from Nex graduated from the Quantium University of Magic with high marks and he prides himself on preparedness. Most of the time he prefers to take matters into his own hands and is is willing to handle problems both with arcane and combative skill as well and simply being a great academic...in other words he's a snarky nerd. Now just gotta know what class to make him. and what skill set to go through. Originally I was going for making him either a Staff Magus/spellblade or a Staff Magus/Soul Forger, however it still feels like it doesn't suit his Jack-of-trades persona properly. Now here is a list of needs
![]() Currently I'm trying to make a sorcerer from the Shackles who specializes in AoE, blasting, and weather based spells. I've already decided to make him have the Arial variant of the Stormborn bloodline plus he'll probably use crossbow and later upgrade to a firearm. I currently need help on his stats and the proper feat progression for him to follow as well as another advice you can offer a noob like myself. ![]()
![]() please judge this idea for a monk-esque paladin Archetype. Diminished Spell Casting: Need I say more. Serenity: The need for Charisma to check and allow for all paladin abilities, such as spells and the ability to channel, are instead replaced with the use of Wisdom. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Holy Fists are prificient in 3 simple weapons, 2 martial weapons, and one extra Monk weapon. Weapon and they also start off with the Improved Unarmed Strike feat if if they dont meet the prerequisites. Holy Fists are also proficiant in Light and Medium Armor and Bucklers. This replaces normal weapon and armor proficiancies Unarmed Strike: A Holy Fist's unarmed strike increases in damage same as a Monk, except that it stops increasing when it reaches 1d10 Divine Stance: at 3rd level and every four levels after a Holy fist may qualify for and take Combat Stance feat, ignoring all prerequisites other than the needing previous stance feats within the Stance's progression. If they do not wish to take a stance feat they may instead take bonus Fighter feat. This ability replaces Aura of Courage. Divine Bond: A Holy Fist makes a personal bond with the divine spirits of the Good-Aligned planes, who fortify his body with thier holy might. This functions like a normal Paladin's spirit bond, however the + bonus applies only to non-natural weapon and any other weapons that aren't his unarmed strike. However if he enhances his unarmed strike it instead allows him to ignore that much of his opponants Armor bonus to AC as well as that much of any DR the opponant might have. This stacks with any other affect he has that allows him to overcome DR. This is replaces a normal Paladin's divine bond. ![]()
![]() I have recently been trying to design a Drow Noble Character as of late. I have already designed his "Character Aspects" however now its crunch time to actually mane the guy's identity on paper and I've been having a hard time picking any particular class for him. Objectives: Overall he's supposed to be somewhat of an assassin who hunts down and murder's his fellow drow, particularly the clergy. He himself has no religious affiliations and overall he views other people as inferior and only allies himself with other adventurers when he deems it nescicary. He is willing to use any means nescicary to kill his targets from poisons, knives, duels, and other sneaky skills. He prefers to also prevent his enemies from using magic. Current ideas for classes
Preffered weapons
please help me decide. ![]()
![]() Greetings all. I have recently decided to get myself into the RPG scene and I decedid that Pathfinder would be my best bet for some true RP fun. Now, I have read all of my rule books and have been considering my options and I believe that I know whom I shall start playing. I plan on starting my character a Lawful Good Monk up to three levels, then multiclassing into Paladin (Hospitaler Var.) and taking the Monastic legacy feet to keep upgrading his Unarmed damage. I'm not trying to make a maxed-out character, I just have a theme in mind for this character based upon personality and character motivation. Other notes on char: will also wield a Naginata and take some Dragon Stance Style feats. please add you two cents for this noob who would like advice |