Quanir Ramas |
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Gloves, Steelskin
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th
Slot hands; Price 22,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Upon first inspection, Steelskin Gloves appear to be oversized, but otherwise ordinary, chainmail gloves. However, once the possessor puts them on, the gloves shrink to size and then disappear into the wearer’s skin leaving the hands with only a faint metallic glint.
Steelskin Gloves protect the wearer’s hands from non-magical fire, cold, acid, and poison. The wearer’s hands cannot be crushed or cut by non-magic weapons.
Any action that requires a strength check based on holding or gripping may be treated as if the wearer has a strength of 18. Throwing, lifting, or actions that require use of muscles beyond the hands and forearms will not be affected. If the wearer already has a strength greater than 18, then the gloves will have no effect.
Striking with the hand/fist while wearing Steelskin Gloves will inflict 1d3 of potentially lethal damage as if the wearer were wearing metal gauntlets.
Wearing Steelskin Gloves reduces the Dexterity prerequisite for the deflect arrows feat from 13 to 11 since the possessor can now simply block arrows and other projectiles without threat of injury to the hands.
The gloves allow the wearer to feel and to perform actions that require nimble use of hands and fingers (e.g. picking locks) as if the wearer was performing the action bare handed.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, stoneskin, protection from energy, bull’s strength; Cost 11,000 gp