
QOShea's page

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wynterknight wrote:
It's just a weird thing I have... possibly my aesthetic sense is just offended by that many stripes in one village :)

More of a spots man, eh?

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There's an Amiri / Seelah art up now.

Click here.

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mdt wrote:
I think they finally got 1800 silver coins, 150 gold, and left the copper for the next group. They took the ingots, kits, and 6 or 7 gems they found. It was hilarious all the different ways they tried to think of to carry away half a ton of copper on two long boats. :)

We were greedy and level 1. What did you expect?!

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Set wrote:
And Geb surprised everyone with that non-necromantic spell he whipped up, Geb's Mass Twinned Repeating Chain Flesh to Stoner.

Corrected for amusement.

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With one group I was in, was playing a half-orc fighter. Dumb as a stump, INT 8, but STR 22 at 5th level. Not sure how these days.

My character missed his footing on a ridge and slide down to the river below and ticked off an owlbear.

The others couldn't get there, so it was just me and the owlbear.

EVERY attack roll for both the owl bear and my character were 1s.

We never hit each other.

Eventually it got tired and ran off. I missed on the AoO (1 of course).

A few sessions later, another owlbear. It tried to hit me, rolled a 1. I tried to hit it, rolled a 1. And so on.

Fifth time we ran into an owlbear and we couldn't hit each other, the party rogue, who is a real smartass in character and in R/L started announcing "Dancing with Owlbears!"

Another campaign later had an owlbear trainer who trained them to dance and danced with them.

I hit the DM with several french fries LOL

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Mahorfeus wrote:
Call me daft, but don't Wizards need a load of Intelligence? It determines what spells they can cast and the saves of those spells. Assuming that 19 is from the Dwarf's bonus to CON, I'd put the 17 in INT, you'd still have 15 for CON which is pretty decent for a caster. Your Knowledges would benefit more from it as well.

Ok, you're Daft! Nice to meet ya, Daft! *grin*

Now, with that bit of comedy out of the way...

The thing is, I don't WANT a wizard with a huge intelligence score. There are likely more wizards out there with slightly above average intelligence scores than there are super-geniuses.

I want to make a feasible character and not have him be 'smarter than the average wizard', to paraphrase Yogi Bear.

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Lilith wrote:
Creative players are so awesome. ^_^

Awesomely annoying! LOL

Especially when it comes from a guy who usually is the one who has all the bad ideas.

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Phneri wrote:
Snoopy's not viable. You have to be playing Linus with greater blanket specialization to be optimal.

But Linus can be countered with Lucy who specialized in the Grab and Disarm techniques.

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Well hell, looks like I'm going to have to start buying a Marvel comic again.

I loved the original Thunderstrike comic and was very pissed when they killed him off.

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On Jason's FB page he posted that the playtest starts on Monday!! Woohoo!

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3) You watch Mythbusters and try to figure out stats for whatever explosive device they are using this week so you can surprise your players with it.

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Grand Magus wrote:
Paladins you ask? Nice guys finish last.

The only reason a male Paladin finishes last is cause it's good manners to make your partner finish first. *grin*

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Now I just need stats for these for a Halloween game. LOL

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Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

poledancing ninja

NSFW (I guess)

Is that Acrobatics or Perform - Pole Dancing?


Now I have an idea for the next assassin my players run into. Thanks!

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KaeYoss wrote:
Manatee is only one of the critters that really, really needs the dire treatment. Others include squirrel, badger, chihuahua and rhea.

Wouldn't a dire chihuauhua be a Great Dane?

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azhrei_fje wrote:
Heh, drop bear made me think of Care Bears(tm). They obviously couldn't be called that, though. :)

Care Bears are mutated Ewoks.

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I actually had a similar idea one time, but the group threatened to kill me if I made and played the character. LOL

An anthro-horse bard with a masterwork lute that is also a Club +1.

His name?

El Kabong!

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Lyrax wrote:
Harry Potter - wizard 5 / Protagonist 5 (Protagonist is a prestige class with maxed saves, hp, and BAB with a class power: everything goes your way)

Everything goes his way?

Have you READ the books?

That poor kid gets so much crap dumped on him that it's not funny.

Perhaps the prestige class should be:
Subject of Murphy - things either go your way or they go into the toilet.

Max saves, d8 HD, 1/2 BAB, +1 spellcaster level

Class Ability: Twice per day you may change any roll made to your benefit.

Drawback: Twice per day, the DM may change any roll made to his benefit.

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roguerouge wrote:

Remember that Hermione knocks down Draco with one blow. Either Draco should have a terrible Con or she should have surprising strength.

Also, Hermione should have the same point-buy as Harry. She is, after all, the "most talented witch of her generation." Ron should have a 15 point buy, as Hermione's definitely marrying beneath her.

I kind of like the idea of Ron multi-classing, myself, since he's so bad at magic.

Ron Weasley Wizard 2 / Commoner 18
