
Pytho-7's page

81 posts. Organized Play character for Deevor.


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1 person marked this as a favorite.
SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 reports back to VC Vex, but cannot stop showing his annoyance that they failed to crack the alien technology and get into the control system. "It may be ancient, but is in advance of our knowledge. We'd best be careful if we meet whoever created it in the first place. Especially now they know their experiment has had visitors. I should have hacked into it."

He thanks the rest of the team sent into the experiment, "If we are chosen to work together again, it increases our chance of success." he pauses, "By at least 6.8%."

He then returns to Absolom Station where he lies low and seeking more quiet jobs.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Mmany thanks for the game, was a lot of fun.

Pytho-7 will take the Unicorn boon please.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Having no success with hacking into the computers, Pytho-7 helps Pangea offering him the items from his engineering kit as they work to get greater understanding of the workings.

Auto aid Pangea, has +11 mod on engineering.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7, his veins shining brightly surrounding his head in a soft green luminescence continues to scan and find logs that would allow him to penetrate the computer system further and take control of the whole system. "If I use the elastic scanner there is an increased chance of success, 5.7%"

Computers 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

An aid will get this to 30 which would be nice, so gonna claim Pangea's aid.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 mutters, "Sterilisation procedures my diodes!!" and starts the process of hacking into the computer.

Use computer roll, next time round, we can pick one character to be the main, and the other two can aid and thus add 4 for aids... So in alphabetical order, Pangea, Pytho, Seven .. as a suggestion.

Typical ... best skill , worst roll.....


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Following quietly behind the others, Pytho-7 is at last relieved to see the power source and his green veins pulse as he sees the various instruments. "It is time, 60% chance that the systems will succumb." he announces in his usual manner.

Engineering: 1d20 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12 to make sense of the power surges and identify the correct access point to the systems.
Computer: 1d20 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 22 to get access/control to the power system from the instruments.

Aids always helpful....


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 watches on and uses his datapad to map the area and show the areas controlled by each of the species. He creates an electronic treaty that describes the agreement that is to be reached, starting with Donovan's words. "Now if we get the two leaders together with Silvermane, then they can ratify this treaty, though we should add, that if any want to follow us out when we leave, then we should allow them that option. It might increase our success threshold, if we also agree to be arbiters in any disputes that occur, when we make visits to this world, if we can find a consistent method of communication." the android concludes.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 nods at the gnolls, when introduced but stays silent. He looks around for any technological items, anything that he can use to maybe send a report back via the infosphere. He doubts there is anything, it seems much like his previous experience of this place, a world within a world, quite like a zoo.

He turns to scan the nearby gnolls, gauging their reaction to the conversation between their leaders and his party.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 + 0 + 0 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 0 + 0 + 0 - 1 = 16


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7, never one to expect friendship, holds his weapon loosely in his hand, behind the rest of the party. He watches the gnolls carefully as they react or ignore Baroleg's friendly advances. The Lashunta obviously thinks he can talk these creatures round.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"I hope they speak our language, or it's gonna be tough getting anywhere with these guys." Pytho-7 says as he stops to survey the scene in front of him.

Perception: 1d20 + 2 + 3 + 0 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 3 + 0 + 1 = 14


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 joins Pangea on the roof.

Pytho-7 auto assists Pangea engineering

Athletics: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 + 3 + 0 + 1 = 15 to climb


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"Pangea, just because we can't see doors doesn't mean there isn't a way in, Perhaps there's a way in from the top, or we can get through where the concrete crumbles. If there is a spot I can connect, then I might strike it lucky and be able to open the source up."

Pytho-7 starts to methodically scan the power source, identifying the depth of cracks from which the mushrooms grow. He hopes to spot either an opening or a place he can connect his computer.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 shakes his datapad, and under his breath mumbles, "Damn thing, this place is disrupting it's memory core." Despite that he retains the information they collected adding to the entry of the unicorn.

Pytho-7 listens to Seven of Eleven and awaits the unicorn's reply, before he continues, "Sparklemane, if you could lead us to the power source, so that we don't disturb your garden, it will increase our chances of a successful mission by 2.3%. My friends and I would be grateful."


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Whilst the discussion went on, Pytho-7 brings his computer to life and seeks information about the creature they encountered. Taking a holographic picture of the horse he sets his computer to work.

His green conduits of life flash on his head as his processors thinks There must be a connection to be made with the power source to gain access, must look for it. He concludes by saying, "We are 32% closer to completing our main objective, now to discover the power source and the experiment."

Life Science to know about the horse creature: 1d20 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 = 23


1 person marked this as a favorite.
SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Thanks, I'm better now and after getting the OK from GM, I'll join in again.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Following after the group, as they search for the smoke-holes, Pytho-7 watches Inix unsure whether this is some sort of trap or or it really is a strange initiation rite. There is a 0.5% chance that the mission can be accomplished without the aid of the fellow starfinders. his thoughts flash in the continuing green pulses of light.

Sense Motive 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 watches on as his companions jump the ditch, he looks at his equipment, 87% chance that if I failed the jump my equipment would be adversely effected. Although there is a 85% chance the jump would be successful.

His green veins dim as he sits and waits patiently the friendly games to stop and they can make their way towards the power source.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

From the edge, Pytho-7 adds, "There was a 7.8% chance my friend was taking that action to be aggressive." the android says helpfully. His visual sensors watch, trying to discern the yeti's next move. "Retreat has a 87% chance we can continue on without violence." he suggests to his comrades.

Diplomacy Aid 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8
Sense Motive 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"There is 5% chance that joining the tribe will make our objective to find the power sorce any easier. This is only a secondary mission, I will not join, accept my apologies. However my friends are free." The android shuffles back.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 retreats from the discussions between the two groups and looks for an easy and safe escape route, whilst keeping his longarm ready should things take a nasty turn.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Thought I'd best add some rolls for the actions I described.

Life Science(+5) or Medicine(+9) on the half eaten food: 1d20 ⇒ 4 to identify poisons/drugs.

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 searching the huts/hutted area.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"There is a 34.6% chance that this could be a reaction to something they ate. Search and analyse what we can find in their living quarters and food chain. Otherwise PD, your choice of a kick has a good probably will elicit a response." Pytho-7 goes off to search the huts and analyse the half-eaten food.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Physical Science: 1d20 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 = 11

Pytho-7 moves towards the mist as Baròleg talks to the yeti. The android points his datapad at the gas, hoping his electronic sensors can catch a little and analyse its contents. His veins tickle varying intensities of green light around his head, as he watches the datapad. In his other hand a rifle hangs, ready to be brought to bear at the first signs of trouble.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"Just like the first cavern, containing people and creatures time forgot. This planet's a collection, a zoo. Very strange, probability algorithms need re-calibration, be careful unknown danger threshold." the android states as a matter of fact, uncaring about progress of the first contact. He shifts his weapons to readiness mode.

"Move forward, I will cover you."


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Life Science: 1d20 + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 + 0 + 3 + 1 = 18

Pytho-7 picks up his datapad, takes a video of the scene (not having had the scanner upgrade), zooming in on the furry creatures, "Identify, search ancient furry humanoid records first. Physiology, language and attitude required, for first contact protocol." The android stands and watches the scene as he awaits the datapad's response.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

As the group stop and the sounds fade, "45% chance this could be a trap, those noises attract bees to the honey, or more likely a Venus Fly Ttrap" the android calculates.

He turns his head and looks over the terrain for indications where there might be intelligent life or threats. As his veins glow green again, Pytho-7 suggests "Retrace our steps and head to the power source, that has the greatest chance of success."

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 scanning for signs of life, movements in the grass, leaves that is unusual


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

As they head towards the laughter, Pytho-7 hangs back a bit, protecting the rear. He calls forward after consulting his datapad, "There is a 5.8% chance that we will be able to use our native tongues to communicate with alien life forms. There is a 70.5% chance first contact will lead to unfriendly or hostile behaviour." The andriod removes his needler rifle from his back and readying it for action. "I have a 0.5% chance to create a diversion, with no infosphere to work with." He then is silent and the granite like features of his body loose their green luminescence.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7's green veins dim as he listens to the Steward disclose he has a limited ability to read thought, Best I stop thinking anything that might incriminate me. He quietens down and let's others lead, First it was the b@#@#y ZO! TV lot, now its a mind reading Steward. Last time I visit this B@#@#y moon.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

The android records the hologram with his datapad, before sticking his finger in a slight hollow on the side of his head, that in a human would be his ear, to think about what was said.

Pytho-7 follows Donovan, Rastar and Pangea-Delta, as he moves forward he studies the area for any way to plug his datapad into the system, Handy to control the door, irrespective of the conditions, let's take control.. As the luminescence levels of his green veins change with his thoughts, he suddenly asks in his usual monotone, "There's a 16.8% chance one of you can read the thoughts of another humanoid or species? Do any have that capability?"

Perception 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Engineering 1d20 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 13 studying the airlock and door.

Once inside the enclosed cavern or 'Temple', Pytho-7 remarks, "Mission objective to identify source of power, discover, befriend and come back alive. There is a 94.8% chance that dominance is incompatible with be diplomatic and establish good relations with intelligent creatures. But 88.3% probability that dominance is compatible with returning to VC Kunoris Vex. The mission has a high probability of failure" He stops as his brain tries to reconcile the problem as presented, sticking his finger in his ear once more, which seems to send a stream of green lights towards his neck and presumably his body. Though vision of any progress is obscured by his orange overalls.

After a few minutes of standing still, Pytho-7 looks at his datapad, containing an image of the map, stating, "There's a 63.8% probability the large structure in the centre of the map is the power source. We should head in that direction."

Is there a check Pytho-7 can do here, to determine the direction of the power source?


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 seems to shrink back into the background, when he finds himself in the presence of a Steward. His lights dim slightly, "The dwarves were on an endless quest to find the surface, there was a 0.1% chance they would ever find it, as the simulation reconfigured itself over many generations. Had it not been for the intrusion of space vermin, those goblins, there was an 96% chance the simulation would have continued unhindered."


On arrival Pytho-7 takes out his datapad and take an image of the disk, retreating to let the other members of the team investigate further.

Pytho-7 will cash in the Salvation’s Delver boon for mk 1 synaptic accelerator(dex) - (1200cr). From the stores he retrieves 3 x Mk 1 serum of healing (3x50cr) - want to find out more about autorifle before I try and buy.

Salvation’s Delver:

Salvation’s Delver (Slotless Boon; Limited Use): Salvation’s End has proven an incredible find with untold potential for further exploration, and discovering this would not have been possible without your efforts. You can check the box that precedes this boon when purchasing a mk 1 synaptic accelerator (Starfinder Core Rulebook 212) to buy it at the discounted price of 1,200 credits.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"Not again, I hope those media types aren't around this time!" an android says in a monotone, making it difficult to know whether he is resigned to the inevitable or hiding an anger stemming from previous experiences. The andriod, a grey stony looking character with bright green glowing orbs like eyes and with faint green lines like veins. He, she or it wears an electricians attire, orange overalls that clash very nicely with green glow embedded through his craggy face. He carries a rifle, with his other equipment, wires and small electronic devices peeking out from his overalls and bag.

Taking a datapad out from his pack, his hands deftly move over the surface, "So Venture-Captain Kunoris Vex, there is no intelligence for us about this place. Have you found any control panels regarding it's life support systems? Some of those here might rely on organic matter and oxygen to live? Or have you seen anything to control access to the area? Have you identified the energy type, that has been recorded at an abnormally high level?"

His eyes alternately glow and dim as he looks each of the gathered starfinders up and down.The voice continues, "Who are these others. Is Pytho-7 to work with them? What are their identifiers, that I know their uses?"


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Player Name: Deevor
Character Name: Pytho-7
Character level: Operative Hacker 2 (Outlaw)
SFS #: 12784-702
Faction: Dataphiles
Day job: Prof (Electrician): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2



SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Thanks for putting this on Psyblade.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"This is really hard to compute, the relationship between "little-orcs" and the goblins we encountered earlier. My circuits are heating up just thinking about it!" A confused Pytho-7 says, the lights on his head revolving. "The must be a logical explanation. I hope you can understand their beliefs Lynn."


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Will be away after Tuesday evening for a week, as I work at a local festival.


1st level android operative(hacker), defo like to play this. Have GM'ed it before but never played it.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Once Pytho-7 is 80% sure that there are no hostiles immediately threatening the group, he turns to help with getting the dwarf from under the rubble.

Aid another strength check to move rock 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 follows on, taking out his rifle and a strategic position on the stairs, covering most bases.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Engineering 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26

Pytho-7 shrugs his shoulders, "I might have known, ask a bunch of bystanders and they will choose the dirtiest choice." As he completes his analysis of the liquid, his demeanour doesn't improve, "They're asking for us to trudge through synthetic lubricant, just to make us smell of oil and other carbon based structures, unfortunately it's not even a lubricant that would improve movement efficiency." He says as he clambers into the dark coloured liquid and walks purposefully through. He stretches his hand into the slimy stuff and picks out a bedraggled and mucky ysoki. "Doctor Kemple, I presume!" He pauses as some of the liquid drips off the ysoki, "Drinking this stuff might not be a good idea, fortunately it won't harm you. Unless you drown, but there is only a 18% chance of that happening, even to one of your size. It's quite safe, just rather disgusting to most carbon life forms."

Having set Doc on his feet, the android slips easily through the fissure into the chamber beyond and waits as he scans the area ahead for evidence of life and threats.

Take a 10 on athletics 10 + 5 = 15
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"I don't know how you came to that conclusion Rora, we do not have enough data to compute the probability of success." the android replies "Are the liquid and your dress incompatible?" Pytho-7 asks , his shoulders shake a little at his own words. He roughly calculates the size of the boulder and what he thinks might be required to make a hole in the rocks. "A burrowing creature may be the answer."

Pytho-7's lights shine more brightly than normal, If we go through the fissure, maybe it will slow those damn pesky camera crews and give us a chance to do our work in peace. These thoughts whirl through the androids head. "Without knowing the constitution of the liquid, it is not possible to compute the actions which provide the greatest chance of success." Pytho-7 announces to the starfinders, then translates for the dwarves. The android, moves towards the fissure and takes a sample of the liquid to study, after first ascertaining the liquid will not cause severe injury, by performing simple experiments. Pytho-7 drops a small metal pellet into the liquid.

Assuming Physical Science to determine the liquid and it's effects.1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 shrugs and follows Lynn and Rora as they leap to the rescue. "So this temple, is it far? And who needs rescuing?" the android asks dispassionately in Aklo.

He turns back to see if the camera crews are following. Speaking in common he continues, "See the heroic Lynn and Rora lead us into the unknown once more. I think you should focus on their leadership. They have been 100% successful on this mission so far."


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

With Lynn and Rora going into the booth, Pytho-7 takes the opportunity to digest the information about the Sky Citadels, "The analysis of ancient historical records leads me to the conclusion, made with a 77% chance to be correct, that this is not a dwarfen sky citadel and this is not an asteroid created from the remains of the lost Golarion. No, it is something else, it is however Golarion dwarf home." He continues for a short while to describe the features of Sky Citadels, which do not include a maze of endless underground caverns

Reverting back to Aklo Pytho-7 resumes his interrogation of Ylga Tulgarst, trying to draw out details of the encampment before they get there. He records the answers to the shared storage area, between himself and the computer.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 gather information


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 connects with the infosphere to get information about Sky Citadels in Golarian legends His voice sounds like a quiet passage of an electronic symphony as the information is passed and received. "Grinds that is a very interesting proposition, let me check that against my databanks."

Computers (hack) into TV crews infosphere .. 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30
Culture 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 shakes the computer, as it finds no additional information from the scans. He answers the dwarf and motions to the others to follow Ylga.


Lead on Ylga Tulgarst, daughter of Ulfrodi, we will follow you to your encampment. Why do you call it an encampment, is it not your home?


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

"It is not correct to say this is Salvation's End, that is the name we have given it and is..." the green lines in his head flash as he computes the name's age. "Just a few months old, we ascertained the rock is much older. It could have been part of Golarian, though I very much doubt it." The analytical droid's head moves from side to side as he sizes up these creatures. "If these creatures think it's Golarian, then it is their Golarian, maybe not THE Golarian. Otherwise it is not logical for them to call it so."


Do not worry what we call your Golarian, these structures are not compatible with the analysis of the old Golarian of ancient times.. however, we can help you find the sky, and protect you against the orcs. There is still an uncomputable chance that earthquakes will occur. I have not finished my analysis of these caverns and passageways yet, then I will give you an accurate reading.

He takes his computer and starts to run more analysis programs on the structures and rocks. As he does this, he shields the results from the TV crew. Turning he says:


Don't be so nosey!

His shoulders shakes a little after that, and you hear, "But they don't have noses!!!....."

Culture check to determine the creatures characteristics / identify them 10 + 8 = 18 taking a 10


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Sorry, particularly busy weekend ... including World Cup 1/4 finals involved much booze...

Pytho-7 immediately reassesses Doc, "Now the chances of that were 14.4%, Doc. Glad you can speak to these small hairy folk, Aklo is spoken by 17% of earthy dwellers, more so in the Diaspora."


"So young Ylga Tulgarst, what are you doing here? Are you the keepers of the earth, as you are so discomforted by the explosion? I would like to run some analysis programs on this area, there is a zero% chance it will cause any disruption. So, you will not object?"

Pytho-7 takes out his computer and starts analysis programs to study the geology?

As the lights gather around Doc and the dwarfs, Pytho-7 turns back to the camera crew and as his eyes twirl round in a green light and in a loud voice speaks.


"Lights down a bit, don't blind these hairy children. No wonder they feel more at home with Doc, his height is 105% of the children, mine 195% and Grinds 386%. It computes Doc is best to speak."


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho watches on as Kemple shakes the creatures hand. He looks at Lynn, "This language, its unknown? What language do you know? There's a 5% chance we might speak a common language. Have you tried with your language circuit? I can try?"


"Hello, I am called Pytho-7. What do they call you?"


"Hello, I am called Pytho-7. What do they call you?"


"Hello, I am called Pytho-7. What do they call you?"


"Hello, I am called Pytho-7. What do they call you?"


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

The android's green eyes sparkle and revolve around his head as he sights the cavern, "Interesting, fungi and some mystic or technological finds. Best go in and discover what secrets this holds. Analysis of the rings and fungus is called for." Pytho-7 looks back at the cameras and lights, "Turn off those lights for 10 seconds so we can get on with our work". A scowl in his voice, as he crouches and slowly moves forward looking for the shadows to keep his presence hidden. Pytho-7 looks around and ventures forward, his rifle in his hand.

Stealth 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24 to move and hide crouching behind ring
Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Physical Science 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13 looking at the rings. Engineering 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 looking at the rings.


SP: 12/12, HP 16/16; KAC:16 EAC:15; Saves F:0, R:7, W:3; Init +5; Perc +6
Android Operative/1 (Hacker/Outlaw) - lvl 2

Pytho-7 makes his way back to the group, his lines returning to the normal green activity. On hearing Lynn's welcome, he waves and replies, "How terrible, they weren't at all interested in these tools I use as an electrician. No all they really wanted to hear was my analysis of the mission so far. Even so, I don't think they were really bothered by my analysis. It's a bit pointless that booth, but given your activities so far, both you and Rora have an 80% chance of really enjoying it."

He climbs up distractedly, his android mind still confused by the encounter with Wazasha and the 'Booth'. He almost bumps into Rora as she climbs up in front, and is just about to push her up and over the last little bit, when she is suddenly is whisked upwards by Grinds out of Pytho-7's helping hand. His green lines start to moves quickly round his head as he computes Grinds statement, "There is only a 2.6% chance Pyhto-7 is a dead weight, Grinds." His eyes shine up towards the Haan, almost as though he was happy to see him.

He can't fail the climb check, using acrobatics.

Pytho-7 is becoming Marvin the paranoid android ... quick find a hitchhiker ..;-)

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