Pung's page

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Thank you. Yes, the link you posted is the same thing as what we have in PDF form but there is no price listed for items outside of weapons, ammo, and armor. The date listed in the PDF version is dated as I think either August or September 2017. Maybe the finalized version of the CRB came out right afterward and they included the prices? The only thing we have to go on as far as prices for non weapon items is "Purchase DC", which is in the version of the Starfinder CRB we have. I think maybe we were looking in the wrong section.

The Barnes and Nobles in our area does sell the Starfinder CRB and associated books. The gaming stores do too, as our GM tried to stop by and get one but the manager said they'd already sold out.

We played our first Starfinder game this week and had a blast. However, we did have a problem with equipment pricing. We simply could not find them. None of us had the physical CRB in our possession so we were all using the PDF/Zip file to create our characters and equip them (The barnes and noble stores claimed to have the physical books at their locations but they lied, lol).

We were able to find pricing for the weapons, armor, batteries, and ammo easy enough but we could not find the prices for other things like comm units, hygiene kits, backpacks, etc. We found the items listed easy enough, but instead of an actual price listed there was only "Purchase DC". Is that Piazo's needless way of saying pricing in some kind of bid to be different or is there two separate equipment sections for some reason?

If anyone has an easy link to go to to find out prices for non weapon type things please post it here. Thank you.

It's up to the DM. Some would stick to the rules while others would love the idea especially when there's a lack of heals in the game. The point of the needler pistol is to cause both damage and poison, however if you were to get your engineer buddy or soldier buddy to retro fit it so the darts do less DMG or even non lethal DMG whilst still allowing heal serum to activate, then I'd say go for it.