
'Puck'ml's page

3 posts. Alias of Retech.


A Frenchman, eh? This is turning out to be a dangerous situation. It seems that you are capable of dealing with them, so perhaps you wouldn't mind leading the way?

I would plan this myself, but you seem to be rather expert in the local area, and that would be more useful than my prodigious talent at hunting witches.

It seems that he is trying to say in a face-saving way that he is scared. He leads the party to within sight of the town bridge, where with careful observation, it is clear that someone or something is living beneath it.

The Carriage:

Perhaps you have loftier goals than we do, but our job is to go in and kill these witches. The houses will likely be looted either way, but the king's soldiers or by passing bandits. The war is a much greater concern, and unlike the witches, the enemy camp only targets one side.

I can shoot a gun and my partner can make them. That is the range of our skills.

At the Castle:

The carriage seems rather worn down and many of the ornaments have been removed or filed off, but it feels quite sturdy. The glass windows have been removed and replaced with metal bars resembling a prison, and a menacing siege weapon graces its roof.

A thin and wiry hand reaches out to help you up into the carriage. Much obliged to meeting you. Name's Puckml and this is my associate, Hmph. I've forgotten his real name. So tell me about this event of yours?