Psycoris's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I have completed Hellknight Hill and the Cult of Cinders maps with a few bonus maps tossed in. They are available here:Psycoris Deviantart

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I have finally completed book one maps Hellknight Hill. From the Age of Ashes AP. There is a good amount of Cult of Cinders maps as well I work ahead of my PCs.

Hellknight Hill AP maps

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I have been working on my own versions of the maps. I figured I could share them here for everyone to use.

Citadel Altaerein, and some other maps in my devientart gallery

I will probably leave the big spoiler maps up for a week or so and then move them to a watcher only. I don't get enough traffic to worry spoiling too many people.

I think you need to distinguish between it being used as a weapon or a shield. If the shield was equipped as a shield (strapped to the arm) you would follow shield bash rules. I would allow a shield to be used as an "improvised weapon" wielded with 2 hands to get the 1 1/2 str bonus but at that point it couldn't be equipped as a shield and if they wanted to use it again I would make the have to utilize the time it takes to re-equip it for the shield bonus.