ProofreadPlague's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


It would be an interesting build using a warpriest. The damage of the object at higher levels wouldn't matter as you take weapon focus on improvised weapons.
However you cant enchant a beer mug or chair or whatever random object you may grasp.

ArmoredGoldfish wrote:
Got in touch with my local lodge, thanks for the help!

Im looking for a new group to game with, let me know if you need another player.

Gorbacz wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:

The way I look at it is:

If you know something, it's Knowledge (X),

If you do something, it's Profession (X),

If you make something, it's Craft (X),

Knowledge (armors): It's a very fine Chelaxian full plate. No, I have no idea how to make one, I'm an expert on armor design history !

Profession (owner of a smithy): This Chelaxian full plate will sell for 2000 gp, which should cover the landlord and supplies for the next month ... no, I have no idea how to make one, I'm a businessman !

Craft (armorsmith): OK, Chelaxian full plate. 2 weeks, maybe a bit faster if I work on weekends.

going by that example you could choose profession armour smith as it implies that you have hands on knowledge and prowess to construct armour. That is your profession. Its like a carpenter that cant build but its his profession. Using your example of Profession owner of a smithy he would have no working knowledge to make the goods but to run the business to sell them which would also encompass a knowledge of appraise specifically relating to armours. The way I personally see it is the craft skills could be used like a weapon specialization in order to craft better than normal items ie masterwork. This is purely my interpretation.

I recently started gaming myself if you are still into it let me know.