
ProjektMyra's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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As a Ulisses Pathfinder person, who moved from the Pathfinder 2e translation team to the Ulisses Marketing team, I would like to congratulate Jim both on the new job and on the excellent choice of decoration for this picture.

While we currently have the Absalom & Edgewatch crowdfunding on GoT, we're looking forward to continue to bring all the future Lost Omens boooks as well and seeing the Pathfinder community grow on both sides of the Atlantic.

The stuff I'm finding out only ten years later, following information breadcrumbs from Belimarius in "Lost Omens:Legends" via the Ulisses Glossary to the PF Wiki, from there to Kaer Maga and then to the Shadow Lodge and suddenly a newish character roams my theatre of mind. I like it. :-)

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Paladinosaur wrote:

Thats the real cover.

Sorry, my bad. For some reason 0:-) my pdf starts with the internal cover and my mind had that idea of Baba Yaga and Jatembe (and the chicken) on the external cover. No idea how. But given that my brain first made me write "infernal copy" instead of "internal cover", it doesn't seem to be a reliable witness. ;-)

Katina Davis wrote:
Announced for July! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

Could you do us and Paizo a favor and update the "Legends" cover to the real one? It would make everyone's job to promote the book even easier.

This is one additional manual that I'd like to see re-done for Pathfinder 2e, and not just because it is currently missing (in the 1e form) from our PF repository. Artokus Kirran has been redone for Lost Omens:Legends (and very nicely - hat tip to Hilary Moon Murphy for her contribution)... now it is time for the alchemy around him to be redone as well.

Will apply for the compatibility license (for our "outside of Golarion worldbuilding material", i.e. our mostly noncommercial campaign world) as soon as that works again. Currently the button doesn't do anything for me.

In the meantime, I'll continue as a contracted freelancer working on one of the official 2e license translations for one of the companies listed. :-)