Lantern Bearer

Prof. Dr. Zadrol Taladia's page

29 posts. Alias of Alex Mack.


No problem. Zadrol won't work with good alignment so best of luck on your recruitment. I'm sure you'll find plenty good submissions seeing that we had a great roster in the last recruitment drive.

Zadrol Taladia was recently selected into another Carrion Crown game that died down again after a week. I'd love to try him out. Note however that he is of LE alignment which doesn't make him a crazy maniac but a rather ruthless academic...

I will adjust his stats to reflect a 25 point buy shortly.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Gotta love Valentine's Day!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Best of luck with everything. I'll be around!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol nods to the oddly speaking inquisitor.

Good then let us be of. I'm sure we will not be gone for an extended period of time. So where do we find the courthouse my lady?

Zadrol adresses Kendra.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Take 10 on knowledge Arcana is enough here. No ranks in Kn. Religion so can't make the other check.

Zadrol knows of the tome of verified madness but had never found the study of aberations overly apealing he also leathes through the other tomes but they are more religious in nature and don't overly spark his interests.

Zadrol looks to Vigilance I could join you in the courthouse. I am all too familiar with the inherent logic of bureaucracy...

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol joins Alderly at the other chest and examines some books.

Well from what your father writes here an important question to us would be whether he visited this crypt of Pharsma. Did he say anything of the sorts or was he perhaps 'gone' for the night?

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Guys I'm moving and it's way more work than anticipated. Definetly no post from me before tuesday. Sorry!

Please NPC as needed!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol shakes his head immediately and vehemently at Vigilanc's words.

The doctor is correct. We must look into this immediately in order to assess what danger they might pose. Might I suggest that an educated gentleman as myself could be of great help in the quest for understanding their meaning.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Hmm very interesting. These tomes will be a very good reason to stay in this s&&+ hole for longer than needed Zadrol muses as he nods willingly at the Councilman.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol nods empathically at Alderly's words. Clearly this is a man Zadrol could associate with. If he'd get lucky they might share a coach back to Leipstedt.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol likewise speaks up a bit at aloss for words the otherwise so eloquent Elf stammers a bit before he gets going.

The Professor...Professor Lorimor was a great academic, a keen mind and a open minded... and free spirit who knew very well that the prgogress of science, the progress of civilization, could not always pay heed to the common man's fears or the moral objections of wrinkled old pri ... pr...pretenders. Thus he was a true inspiration to many and I have him to thank for much of my academic career to date!

Diplomacy1d20 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1

Resting assured that his words have suitably offended most people in attendance Zadrol decides it might be better to take a seat and remain silent for now.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

They're not average commoners they're angry commoners!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

The Professor stands there bearing the considerable weight of the coffin and would prefer to move on. He considers this disruption of the procession rather distasteful and hopes that it can be handled diplomatically.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

I am a physician of considerable renown!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Perhaps you should see a doctor my lady?

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol had made his way to Ravengo in a coach as was appropriate to his station. The trip he had made with rather mixed feelings. The death of Lorrimor of course was an unfortunate one, the Professor had not been the youngest but still in good health and spirit.
For Zadrol the message had come at somewhat of a relief. Zadrol knew he owed the Professor but had escaped this predicament by this event. However the fact that hge had been invited to this festivity was somewhat unnerving to Zadrol afterall perhaps the Prefessor had devised a plan for Zadrol to pay his debt afterall.

Now here at the ceremony meeting Kendra who had suffered such a loss the Elven Academic kept his calm.

After a short and formal instruction Taladia had stepped back into the crowd, but now that there had been the request to carry the cask and no one had stepped forward a pang of guilt attacked Zadrol and against his own habits he stepped forward.

My Lady I will gladly do your father this honor I owe owe himthis much!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)


male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Keen to get going!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Miss Through the Snow,

First let me congratulate your good judgment in realizing it would be folly not to have such a hard working professional as myself on board. Overall it appears you have good taste and competence when it comes to selecting sophisticated ladies and gentleman for the task at hand.

I am being told by my superiors that while they were having second thoughts about my qualifications, they have full competence in my abilities. While the Tiefling Race appears mechanically superior I have made quite clear that I will not be available for such drastic alterations to my personality.

One minor modification that will be made is replacing the trait "Pragmatic Activator" to "Fast Drinker" to better quench my first. Also we find the current party make up will not necessitate that we spend much time with magical wands or other such oddities.

My first level feat is also currently under review and while I have argued vehemently for the necessity to control the battlefield particularly after enjoying Enlarge Person it seems the board of directors is considering alternative avenues of development for me.

It has also been noted that I did not include my full list of language competencies in my initial application. This will be rectified a.s.a.p.

Furthermore I would propose that my starting equipment include a few potions and admixtures of my own design. While not only are these far more delicate and efficient than those produced by petty Alchemists it will enable me to better stretch my currently rather sparse resources.

In any case my CV will be updated within the next 24 hours and you will be notified once these modifications have been incorporated.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Zadrol Taladia

Professor of Anatomy at the University of Leipstadt

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol rises and nods to Zelda.

Well met my lady. Let us examine the kitchen shall we? with that he draws his rapier and opens the door to the kitchen.

Thank you for the list. While I prefer to keep the company of those equally well educated I must admit that I am far more "Skilled/Hybrid" than a true arcane caster.

In the common man's terminology one would say far more Rogue than Wizard!

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol had hoped to remain anonymous for the remainder of the evening but now he had been noticed. Innerly he smirked but figured the man, whose name he had forgotten long ago, after all students were the greatest nuisance to the life of a true academic, was busy speaking to other guests so he'd be safe for now. None the less he managed a meager smile and raised his glass of wine in a meager greeting.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol remains seated at the bar. Approaching people he doesn't know has never been his cup of tea and anyhow he is hungry and slowly but delicately dissecting his soup. He finds this whole place very amusing with the tale of this place being haunted and all surely entailing a certain attarction to some visitors of Ustlava.

He ponders if such a tavern might actually be a career path for him once he retired from academia, especially as in such a haunted house nobody would notice if someone truly went missing. Zadrol looked to to host and back to his soup pondering the possibilities.

When the mention of Leipstadt University comes up Zadrol looks over to the young man and suddenly notices that he likely remembers the young fellow from a lecture of his, hoping the man won't remeber him or have the guts to approach him about it Zadrol continues to enjoy his wine and soup.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol looks up to the fellow Elf then replies.

It smells quite inviting. However sadly I have not had the opportunity to taste it just yet.

With that he takes his spoon and sips at the soop. After a few moments of silence and a sip of wine he looks at the fellow Elf then atz the barkeep shooting him a grim glance.

Quite nice actually... I taste pepper, a pinch of is it... cinamon, and something else but I can't put my finger on it quite yet... might that be pig's blood?

The Elf inquires of their host.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

Zadrol was about to reply the Half-Bred. But then the man decided to be off. It was not a problem for Zadrol. He didn't mind half Elves in fact the crossing of races was very interesting from an academic perspective, as was the soup and the girl. As she sets the soup before him Zadrol raises an eyebrow than manages a smile at the youg girl.

And whom might he be?

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

The Elf looks up at the man adressing him and shoots him a disrespectful stare but then speaks again his voice meleodic but his speech quick and well pronounced.

Anything else would be rather inappropriate don't you think?

I think I'll stick with Elf but move around some stats. Posted to the discussion thread as a Zadrol.

male Elf Alchemist 1 (Vivisectionist/Internal Archetypes)

The door of the inn opens slowly with a creek. A gust of wind blows in and a few drops of rain spatter onto the wooden floor as dark slender figure steps into the shank room.

The stranger takes of his hat, revealing long black hair as well as the fine facial features and pointed ears of an Elf. He remains standing with the door open and studies the colorful hodgepodge of characters visiting the tavern. Clearly many of these people are not from here but also plan to attend the ceremony.

The Elf slowly approaches the bar his shoes clacking slightly with every step. He stands at the bar and eyes the barkeep with dark orbs as the barkeep finally turns his attention to him. The Elf adresses him.

Good evening fine sir. The soup looks rather delicate I would care for a serving.

Then the man looks up to study the selection of drink. Before going on:

And a glass of red wine. You wouldn't by any chance have a room for the night?