Belfor Vittanis

True Cold's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


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Could'nt agree more.

ciretose wrote:

True Cold wrote:

Now that the gunslinger is it's own class, I don't see why we have to substitute other class features. If a gunslinger can flurry like a monk, gains wisdom ac bonuses like monks why play a gunslinger at all? Give a monk a gun and make it an archetype.
I don't think gunslingers need a flurry. Even a mid level deed that allows a fan the hammer style shot would essentially be dead shot that wastes ammo.

Because a gunslinger isn't a monk. A gunslinger can't dimension door, run at double movement, or stun...ok he can stun...but the two classes are very, very different.
Just because you use the mechanics of another class doesn't mean it is the other class.

I understand they're very different classes but the flurry is the monk's shtick. Just like rage is the barbarian's thing and sneak attack is the rogue's, smite is the paladin's and so on.

I just dont think the gunslinger needs a flurry. Pepperboxes and TWF there's your flurry. They dont need to be firing off loads of rounds. If you want a dual wielding gunslinger, take the feat.

A stern faced gunman striding confidently forth blasting away with a single pistol for deliberate shots is just as cool as Captain Swashbuckle unloading a wall of lead.

Also why should gunslingers be allowed to enchant weapons without the required feat? No other class can do it without taking Craft Magic Arms and Armour. Guns cost just as much to enchant than any other weapon so if a gunslinger can do it why not other classes?

Dont get me wrong, I really like the gunslinger class. Massive nerdgasm when I found out it would be included in Ultimate Combat. I just think that trying to fit it to the iconic isnt the way to go. As has been said before, not all fighters are Valeros, not all gunslingers are dual wielders.


Now that the gunslinger is it's own class, I don't see why we have to substitute other class features. If a gunslinger can flurry like a monk, gains wisdom ac bonuses like monks why play a gunslinger at all? Give a monk a gun and make it an archetype.

I don't think gunslingers need a flurry. Even a mid level deed that allows a fan the hammer style shot would essentially be dead shot that wastes ammo.

I have been playing a gunslinger in a savage tide campaign and have just hit level 5. Gunslingers dont "need" quick draw. I have been playing a TWF gunslinger and havent had to take quick draw.

First thing that happens in a combat is i move into range drawing my pistols as part of my move. I dont need the feat.

Also if rapid reload reduces a standard action reload to a move action and then you use paper cartridges it's not a free action, it would be a swift action.

I do like the idea of giving gunslingers Trick Shot from the archer fighter archetype. Allowing them to disarm or sunder at range but not grappling. Grappling with an arrow or bullet doesnt really make any sense to be honest.

I tried playing a gunslinger and quite enjoyed it. Why may I ask did you give Dex 7 to a ranged class!?