
Princess Jamalla the Wise's page

11 posts. Alias of brvheart.


Jamala reappears with a woman fighter, "Here be Jhenn daughter of Mitra. Make her welcome and abide her wisdom."

Jhenn is a tall and well-muscled with a stern countenance. The statuesque woman wears her yellow, sun colored, hair short and her face appears to be chiseled from stone, with her thin lips set in a perpetual frown, and eyes like frozen pools, sitting beneath her furrowed brow. She is usually adorned in heavy armor with a sword and shield close at hand. The warrior wears a copper and white checkered tabard with the flamed scales embroidered over the right breast marking her as a follower of Mitra.

"The dwarf here is Thoron, priest of Freya. He is of good heart. The others are Ciri, Jim, Fralk (aka No Mi Name) and Ffafner."

On the other side of Jhenn is George. know also George, Prince of the High Peaks and Champion of the Faith. He will watch over you and be there when you are of need. "

You see a leonid faced human fighter in golden platemail.

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"Paladin, get it up here. You are supposed to be a Knight Errant but you act as a coward. You will lead from the front or lose your paladin powers.
Cleric, that mace of yours is not a pretty decoration. You were given tools to aid you in battle, not to stand back and watch others do your figthing for you! Do so or I will remove them from you.

She heals the partys wounds before leaving with a scowl.

A woman appears on the otherside of the creature. She appears as a vibrant and beautiful young fighting woman with flowing masses of red/gold hair. Her armor looks a lot like George's.

"Well this is a sight. Men standing around and letting their woman doing their fighting for them. " She scowls. "Try using that mace that decorates your belt!

While she draws her own mace and attacks the blob

greatsword: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35 damage: 2d6 + 11 ⇒ (6, 5) + 11 = 22 plus

"She lives in the Mire so even finding her is no easy trick. Not a place for dwarves in heavy mail. We have had some run ins with her in the past but they have all stalemated. We searched the the inner sanctum and the Homage to Fire shrine but found nothing."

"Our ranger Master Guard Gizzard Bumgut can show you the trails, but so far he has found nothing. I suspect that half-orc druidess Trawla, but cannot prove it. She has been taunting us for quite awhile now."

"It disappeared sometime in the last week. Our divination magic reaches to the edge of the temple and a few hundred feet beyond."

"If you able to retrieve it, yes I believe we could reforge it but without the Flame of Dargath, the forge in the Homage to Fire shrine may cease to burn so we need to get it back soon. Even Gizzard Bumgut’s vaunted tracking skills uncovered little. Divination magic revealed that the relic was stolen and is no longer close by."

A dwarven woman brings in nine liter steins of dwarven ale and serves you and the high priest one each. "This is my own special brew I make for visitors," says Dilgetta with a warm smile.

"You must be weary from your journey." He tells the guard, "Have Dilgetta bring refreshments for our guests."

"The scepter was forged here long ago so with both halves we could use it as a model to forge another. The temple’s most sacred ritual, the Ceremony of Forging, involves the four elements: earth to yield; air to bellow; fire to shape; and water to temper. Dargath deems each step important to the complete forging process. For that reason, the shrines to the deity’s four elemental aspects encircle a large ancient anvil within a central chamber. These temples to the elements sit at the cardinal points of a compass around the central anvil shrine, with fire opposing water, and earth opposite air. Of the four, the earth temple is the most lavish.
The elemental shrines each hold a sacred relic that the dwarves believe was a gift from Dargath himself. The fire shrine holds the Flame of Dargath, while the earth shrine contains the Soul of Dargath. The water shrine is the resting place of the Tear of Dargath, and the air shrine was built to house the Breath of Dargath. Unfortunately, the Breath of Dargath, a small bronze nozzle, vanished many years ago during a gnoll invasion before Anvil Plunge had constructed its outer wall. Dargath’s followers to this day seek any information about this most holy of relics. Fortunately, the Breath of Dargath is not needed to complete the Blessing of Joining Flame and restore the Scepter of Faiths. Most of the work is done in the fire shrine using the Flame of Dargath.
Herein lies the problem. the Flame of Dargath recently vanished from the guarded temple. Searches of the grounds and the surrounding land have yielded no clues."

"Fix it? By Dargoth that would be impossible, but perhaps if we had the whole scepter we might forge a new one, if only...." The old priest's voice trails off.

Finally, he gains enough composure to speak, "Woe is on the world if the scepter is among us again. Why do you bring it to us?"