Leaf Leshy

PrinceOfPurple's page

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I saw that there where many thread talking about the argument but none tried to thinker with causes for what I’ve seen.
What I’d like to do is a blueprint on how the tenets and causes of neutrality / balance could be like.
I tried as hard as possible to maintain the ways and wording Paizo uses to design their products. I post it here because I’d like some help to better this first “batch” especially on how the already existing feat would work with the material below.
So feel free to correct, disagree or express your opinions, I plan to upgrade the post with popular decision or ideas.
Also I still did not design any particular feat, so you are all free to propose some of your invention.
[also correct my English if something is incomprehensible]

The tenets and causes of balance follow the rules provided in the Core Rulebook.
Neutral characters in general can range from firm supporter of balance restoring it whenever is needed and by any means necessary to placid hermit that preach about neutrality.
This means they can be extremely disruptive to a typical game and should be accessible player character options only in appropriate adventures or campaigns where the group collectively decides to embrace them.
While the feats and actions suitable for neutral champions don't separately list access entries, your GM could grant you access to evil and good tenets, you also gain access to champion actions and feats that require those tenets.

•You must never perform acts anathema to your deity
•You must never willingly commit a purely good act that would alter the natural balance of a plane, such as willingly overthrow a tyrannical monarch if he is not himself overthrowing the balance.
•You must never willingly commit an act of incredible cruelty, (such as purging of a), if It’s not for the sake of maintaining the higher balance.
•You must strive to maintain a neutral view and behavior. Though you can perform acts others might consider helpful or evil, it must be done with the expectation that it ultimately furthers your own goals or those of balance.
IMPOSE BALANCE 1action focus spell
Range touch; Targets 1 creature
You IMPOSE BALANCE to the mind of the target. If the target is neutral aligned (LN,TN, CN) this restore 1dX Hit Points the target also gains a +X status BONUS to AC for 1 round.
If the target is non neutral creature, this deals 1dX mental damage, the target also takes a –X status penalty to AC for 1 round.
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage dealt by 1dX or increase the Hit Points regained by X.


You think that laws are absolute and reasons with the “categorical imperative”. You gain the “Lawbringer” champion’s reaction and the “IMPOSE BALANCE” devotion spell. Above the tenets of balance, but after your god anathema add these:
•You must always respect and enforce the law of a ruling legislation, (even if its evil) and accept judgment and punishment on you. Respect hierarchies and government. Even if the laws or the decision are wrong. If following what said above would result in a DIRECT cause of great unbalance you can decide to act against this tenet
example: the ruler of the land is going destroy the world as you know it (kefka palazzo style) you can disobey order and act against it while a chaotic evil may find it agreeable you don’t.
•Every oath feat you take that gives you circumstance bonus to saves damage or checks have a +1 added to the respective bonuses, but these oaths are more absolute and doesn’t care about good or evil.
Example dragonslayer oaths gives you bonus against any type of dragon, but you must respect the jurisdiction of evil or good dragons if they have a legitimate claim to rule a country or similar and maintain balance of it.
( this one could be complicated but it could also lead to nice player-GM interaction)

Lawbringer /reaction

Trigger : An enemy attempt to strike, steal, feint or demoralize you or your ally, or try to lie/withhold information during a social encounter and both are within 15 feet of you.

FLUFF : You impose your authority over the enemy. The foe must choose one of the following options:
•The triggering action is disrupted or the creature expose any concealed information.
•If the trigger was met during a combat encounter you gain resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level, or a bonus save against the triggering effect equal to 2 + half your level. After the harmful effect is applied, the enemy becomes stupefied 2 until the end of its next turn.

•If the trigger was met during a social encounter you gain a bonus to a check against the triggering effect equal to 2 + half your level and the creature becomes stupefied 2 until the social encounter end. If a fight breaks out the creature stays stupefied until the end of its next turn.

•You punish those who disobey you. If the triggering enemy was using any action to steal, feint or demoralize you or your ally when you used “Lawbringer” the triggering creature takes persistent good or evil damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
•When you use “Lawbringer” every foe or creature associated with the triggering creature within 15 feet of you also become stupefied 2

Laws and oaths are useful only until you and your friend freedom is not impaired. You gain the “Lawbreaker” champion’s reaction and the “IMPOSE BALANCE” devotion spell. Above the tenets of balance, but after your god anathema add these:

•You may follow laws or oaths beyond those of your code only until they impair your freedom in which case you must not follow them.
•You must destroy that which offends you and your allies and never follow the forces of law if they would impair your course of action. This tenet does not force you to take action immediately if it could mean your destruction.
•You do not gain new tenets from the oaths you take but every oath feat you take that gives you circumstance bonuses have a -2 subtracted to the respective bonuses.(to a minimum of 1)

Lawbreaker /reaction
Trigger : an enemy attempt to “charm” (make helpful or friendly through something), control or fascinate your ally and both are within 15 feet of you.
FLUFF : You attempt to free the target mind from the foe control. The foe must choose one of the following options:
•The triggering action/effect is disrupted or the creature must stop sustaining a spell causing the effect
•The target gains a bonus save against the triggering effect equal to 2 + half your level. After the harmful effect is applied, the enemy becomes stupefied 2 until the end of its next turn.

You punish those would control you or your ally. The triggering creature takes persistent good or evil damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
You can help your whole group sustain a mental assault, with a single reaction all allies within 15 feet benefits from from “lawbreaker”.

You see Laws and morality disputes as what they truly are fleeting and trivial matters in the face of the neutrality of the universe. You gain the “Awake” champion’s reaction and the “IMPOSE BALANCE” devotion spell. You lose all the tenets except the one to your deity and add these tenets below it:
•You may follow laws or oaths as you see fit but you must never get swayed by those or by a morality choice and follow your or your god vision on higher balance.
•Every time you disobey a tenet given to you by an oath you only lose the effects given by that oath until you conduct an atone ritual.

Awake /reaction
Trigger: you or an ally within 15 feet are getting damaged by good, evil, chaotic or lawful damage.
FLUFF : The body and mind of the harmed becomes calm sanctuary against the impervious attacks bringing him succor.
The target gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level for 1 minute.

You bring succor to the awakened creature. If the creature subject to the triggering action was subject to a save check it treats the save result as one degree better.

You can help your whole group to resist the assault, with a single reaction all allies within 15 feet benefits from“Awake”