Mayor and Rajah Lord Akashar

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Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

If your gaming group is dangerously preoccupied with centaur player characters, please do not read this:

So, I am to run a little adventure, for level ~10 characters, set along a frozen lake shore during deepest winter. The PCs are tasked with finding/rescuing a group of trailblazers, who disappeared while establishing a trade route from Port Ice to Chesed. More details here.

The players might be traveling on dog sleds, instead of magical travel, due to the region being rather uncharted and the mission including checking the the whole length of the route in addition to finding the lost pioneers.

I am looking to build an array of possible encounters - combat or otherwise. The environment is a frozen lake shore with large stretches of dense but low arctic shrub land. The region is largely inaccessible wilderness in winter, though in summer there might be some hunting camps etc.

Feel free to suggest anything, but I do have a preference for encounters playing with the theme of freezing temperatures, darkness, and utterly hostile weather conditions.

Thanks in advance!

Kingmaker spoilers ahead, plus if you played in a campaign with two characters nicknamed Vaska, please do not read this.

The actual post:

So, our group finished a 2 year Kingmaker AP campaign a while back and changed Northeastern Avistan quite a bit. A Surtova-funded nascent River Kingdom called Vertlant quickly grew to encompass the Stolen Lands, eventually assimilating Pitax in a defensive war. After successfully dealing with a threat from the First World, the player characters ignited a civil war in Brevoy. The Surtovas were deposed from power, and the realm was split into two semi-autonomous states: Rostland & Issia. Both of these, as well as Pitax, swore loyalty to the ruler of Vertlant - together these states now form the Czardom of Rogarvion.

Rogarvion is Lawful Neutral with a sizable experienced military, a promintn clergy of Abadar and a Lawful Good ruler with an interest towards helping the crusade in Mendev.

I am planning a short follow up game, that would be centered around establishing a land trade route between Port Ice and Chesed. The thing is, that I've found very little info on this stretch of land, but have made a couple assumptions - if I've overlooked something, please let me know:

1) The Surtovas favored water-bound trade on the lake and thus didn't maintain land based trade routes along the shores. When the lake froze over they just accepted that the trade would halt for a few months. After a huge war and changes in rulership, there might be an interest in trailblazing a trade route along the lake shore. Business in Chesed would stand to benefit from the post-war influx of war veterans and mercenaries turned pilgrims. At the same time, creating positive trade relations with Numeria would solidify both Rogarvion's credibility and security. Rogarvion also has ongoing trade agreements with the Mendevian crusade as well, and the new route would definitely see traffic for this reason as well.

2) The southern shore of the lake is not forested, but a mix of tundra and hard-to-traverse arctic shrubland. There can be several feet of snow during the winter, but this might actually make light travel easier - a dog sled could get from Port Ice to Chesed in 3-4 days, in clear weather. Harsh weather however, might be a deadly hazard.

3) The stretch of land is rather deserted, after the first 20 miles from the end point cities. Maybe an abandoned fishing settlement with a ruin of a lighthouse, or a remote hunting camp occasionally used by a barbarian tribe in summer.

Based on the above, I've started writing a quick adventure, built around finding about what happened to party of trailblazers that disappeared out there during a sudden late autumn blizzard. The adventure would be two or three sessions long, with characters of level ~12. The matter is of notable importance to Rogarvion, but not the most acute problem of the young czardom, thus meaning that the rulers would send an experienced force of adventurers to investigate instead of taking the matter to their own hands. Also, I'm thinking about a final face-off with a wendigo, and that alone isn't possible with low level characters. But considering the recent events in Brevoy and the adjacency of the River Kingdoms and Mendev, finding a couple level 12 hirelings isn't much of stretch.

Not sure if this should be in the Advice subforum, but I decided to post here, being interested in the correctness of lore in this scenario. Feel free to comment on any aspect of this!

Tl;dr: Is there only wilderness between Port Ice and Chesed, or are there settlements/an existing trade route? Also, what's the biogeography like?

Now, first of all, I have not played the Jade Regent AP, and do not know if there is something relevant in there.

But yes, as the situation is Minkai is described as flammable, perhaps even skirting civil war, how do you think the clergy of Shizuru is situated in this political environment.

Worshipers of Shizuru (and most minkaians, I guess) consider the Imperial family direct descendants of the goddess herself, and the concept of honorably serving your liege figures into the religion rather heavily. But with there being such internal strife inside the imperial family, do you think the clergy is divided on the topic of placing the rightful ruler in house arrest and replacing him with a regent?

It should also be considered that followers of Shizuru generally seek out peaceful approaches. Even if there would be political divisions inside the clergy, I think it's safe to say they'd still want to stand united against the warmongering by General Susumu's followers, which definitely has to be happening in times like these...

I only know a scrap of the Dragon Empires lore, but this stood out as an interesting corundum.