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Organized Play Member. 5 posts (1,079 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 18 aliases.
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Sofia does not detect any evil.
"I roll to seduce the tree!" It wasn't even a treant, or a magical tree. Courtesy of Joba Bett, 1st level bard.
OK, I'm making a Nagaji cleric for this. For ability scores, what is the point buy, or do we use classic?
Wait... Would this be a play-by-post, or getting together via skype/discord/something else? I'm just asking because I find it a lot easier to play by post.
I was thinking a Nagaji, they're on the D20PFSRD, and maybe a brawler? If you have any objections to this, I'm open to pretty much anything.