PopesixtusII's page

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Greetings! I am new here on the boards, coming over from board gaming. I am a content creator with a YouTube channel called Shelf Stories where I do interviews and think pieces about important topics in gaming - youtube.com/shelfstories

I was blessed to be joined by Design Manager Mark Seifter and freelancer Carlos Cabrera on my show to talk all about United Paizo Workers. We get into some of the reasons why it was necessary, focusing on pay, workplace culture, and a few other issues. No flame or scandal, just education. Then we get into the union itself, articulating that it's goal is not to introduce any antagonism, but to show love and to improve the overall experience for everyone. There's lots more in this really fun, almost 90 minute interview. Please come check it out!

I would love to hear what you learned, what you found interesting, and your general reactions to the show.
