Plotty Fingers's page
189 posts. Alias of tamlaeyn.
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Congrats sir! Looking forward to sharing soon!
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Running this today for our VC and other lodge players who did not get to play it a GenCon. This thread is very helpful, thank you!
(And yeah, I forsee the freedom of movement for PCs being an issue that will end the first fight quick.)
I will share feedback and results!
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Mike Bramnik wrote: One of my local 4-Star GMs uses this image (from a Final Fantasy game, I believe?) to represent the Pathfinder Society's "Second Grand Lodge" in Quantium, Nex:
He used it as a launching point for a pre-mission briefing before running Wardens of the Reborn Forge - so the PCs knew what they were getting into before heading down from Absalom to Nex to Alkenstar.
Indeed. The Warden's Module is HIGHLY recommended, but only if you use the Primal Magic rules in the adventure.
And How have we not had ANY adventures (PFS or AP or Module), set in Quantium? The Nexus House and the city sounds amazingly rich for history and story!
Nexus House
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Returning to running the Spire in PFS at level 8 (after a TPK on level 7, then re-running it for a retrieval squad to clear the level.
Level 8 has a few traps that seem OP or vague (Golden Doors at H7 specifically). If you perceive the trap, do you have to disarm it while being attacked?
Mostly, are there errata/clarification docs/links somewhere that someone can point me to?
Starting the Seeker Mode tomorrow with a table heavy on RP.
i anticipate longer sessions, but sounds about right from the content reviewed.
Plotty Fingers wrote: So...where is the next update on the reporting for PFS?
I ran game #4 of the Emerald Spire tonight and reported it using the default choice. AND i seem to have lost 4 game table points and a GM star i just earned.
I should have 62 not 58 game tables of credit.
please let me (us) know?
In the reporting document on session, it looks like session #3 and #4 are not being counted for prestige or anything for the players or myself.
So...where is the next update on the reporting for PFS?
I ran game #4 of the Emerald Spire tonight and reported it using the default choice. AND i seem to have lost 4 game table points and a GM star i just earned.
I should have 62 not 58 game tables of credit.
please let me (us) know?
Any time frame on fixing this? thanks.
Fantastic work Brian.
I am beginning a PFS run on the Emerald Spire this coming Thursday. Definitely a great resource.
Joseph Wilson wrote: bignate013 wrote: How many players is it for? All of Paizo's adventures, with the exception of PFS scenarios, are written for the standard 4 players. Is the 4 player number correct? Looking to start it for PFS this week, but with 5-6 players.

I have reviewed the past posts & questions on this subject but did not come across an 'official' ruling on what action, if any, needed to engage or change the Adaptation ability in combat rounds.
"Adaptation (Ex): At 3rd level, an infiltrator learns how to copy the unusual abilities of his prey He chooses one type of creature he has selected as a favored enemy, such as “aberrations. The Ranger selects one ability or feat from the adaptation list for that type (see below). A Ranger can use adaptations for 10 minutes per day per Ranger level he possesses. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. If the adaptation requires the Ranger to make a more specific choice (such as what skill to use with Skill Focus), this choice is permanent and cannot be changed."
and this definition of an Ex ability via PRD/Core rules:
"Extraordinary Abilities (Ex): Using an extraordinary ability is usually not an action because most extraordinary abilities automatically happen in a reactive fashion. Those extraordinary abilities that are actions are usually standard actions that cannot be disrupted, do not require concentration, and do not provoke attacks of opportunity."
I read this as there is NO action other than reaction to activate this ability. But it does say 'most'... Is the CHOICE to active Adaption an action? If so, then activating an Adaption would require a standard action?
Just looking of clarification as this comes up in PFS games with my 10 lvl ranger quite a bit and with no definite ruling it has come down to a discussion and ruling by the GM, which can vary game to game.
Official ruling please? Would be grand if the next errata of the Archetype rules included the ruling as well.
Thank you.
Playing similar build in Iron Gods, but with one level of Gunslinger.
Just completed book 2 and hit 7th.
Was thinking of taking Battle Cry, but he is a Half Orc with a +1 Great Axe and Bladed Dash. hmmm...Power Attack.
Current Feats:
Arcane Strike
Lingering Performance
Toughness (GM added extra feat...Iron Gods is TOUGH! but so fun)
Role in the party is a Jack of all Trade / Rogue. His attacks are all over the place. Pistols, Bow, and Great Axe for melee. Is there a rogue trick to gain sneak attack? Tactically with Vanish and/or bladed dash he can set up flanking.
Congratulations indeed!
Well deserved!
Indiana is QUITE busy with PFS this year. whew.
Running this twice on Saturday.
Signups are looking to stay in 3-4 tier. but man, this looks mean.
I played it at GenCon, but had my Gunslinger who had 2 adamantine bullets. whew.
The Endure Elements Lotion kept us safe!
Daniel Here! I really should post more!
Sadly, this is what i thought.
As a usability and information designer, i found the linked site confusing.
all good. thanks.
So, I got all excited when this came up in my online search for Fame and Prestige spending:
Ultimate Campaign - Reputation & Fame
Especially since the Pathfinder Society logo is RIGHT THERE on the left for the menu. But after reading over again i am inclined to deduce that these options are NOT PFS legal.
Can anyone please clarify? I found nothing stated yes or no on the page or in my searches.
Yeah. finding it hard to find ANY table top RPG stores in Xiamen.
ordering online may be the only way.
gonna start running a game soon. need a blank map!
forgot to mention.
Xiamen, China. :)
Been off the grid for a bit, and here is why:
I have accepted a new position as Lead Narrative Designer for a video game company starting this month, and with the production timeline for the alpha release butted up against GenCon I will not be able to attend.
Actually, the timing is not the real reason as is the location. I am moving to China.
New FTP web3D MMO called City of Steam. Think Jules Verne's Lord of the Rings. (SO much Pulp!!! yeah, i am a bit excited.)
Alpha release is in mid July! Sign up!
FYI: one of the reasons i got the gig was that i have been running Paizo/Pathfinder and Pathfinder Society games since your Alpha release 4+ years back. And i will be running Pathfinder games for the company on sundays!
All the best,
Hope to see you all again in GenCon, PAX, or PaizoCon in the future!
Expect me when you see me,
well. there goes my weekend.
So, opinions welcome.
i am looking to get my Noqual in Second Darkness made into a "+1 Guided Morningstar" for my 7th lvl cleric of Calistria. But i am not sure what the benefits would be?
+1 to constructs and undead, ok.
+4 to saving throws vs magic sources, ok.
but i have a +1 Mithral morningstar already. i can just get that guided too.
why bother? thoughts?
hogarth wrote: Plotty Fingers wrote: JP Chapleau wrote: Plotty Fingers wrote: Tonight i am going to start running the GodsMouth Heresy at our Game Preserve night for PFS characters.
I have been searching for information on what xp and pa rewards go for the modules, and especially chronicle sheets? where can i find this?
and what if the players don't make all three sessions planned?
It's all here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/scenarios/sanctioned
JP that link just lists the modules usable.
i need information on how to chronicle, cp, and pa awards.
have no seen it i the module on my first read through.
Try here:
http://paizo.com/download/pathfinder/PZO9528-PFSRules.zip Thanks JP and Hogarth!
after reading the finer print , i found the link. excellent!
Tonight i am going to start running the GodsMouth Heresy at our Game Preserve night for PFS characters.
I have been searching for information on what xp and pa rewards go for the modules, and especially chronicle sheets? where can i find this?
and what if the players don't make all three sessions planned?
James Jacobs wrote: Twigs wrote: Hey, James, you mentioned creating a playlist for RotR a couple of years back.
Did that ever see the light of day? Nope. We never got around to that. Turns out... we blissfully underestimated how much more work a 96 page book was to produce than a 96 page magazine that's 1/3 advertisements. BTW James. Did you enjoyed the RotR soundtrack for Burnt Offerings i presented to you at GenCon?
James Jacobs wrote: Wes and I keep talking about building an iTunes playlist for Rise of the Runelords, like we did for Savage Tide. It wouldn't be free music (unless you already own the music in question, of course), but it's a handy way to do campaign soundtracks.
Would folks be interested in an iTunes playlist for Runelords?
Hope you got to listen to our RUnelords book 1 soundtrack!
So, i want to use the Harrow in Carrion Crown like Crimson Throne.
How do you determine which adventure is WHich Attribute?
( strength, dex, etc.)
or am i missing something?
So, i want to use the Harrow in Carrion Crown like Crimson Throne.
How do you determine which adventure is WHich Attribute?
( strength, dex, etc.)
or am i missing something?
James Jacobs wrote: It's true that our APs generally assume 15 point buy 4-person groups—something that the core game, I feel, more or less makes pretty clear. So when you do 25 point buy with 6 person groups, the APs DO get particularly easy, especially when you play with experienced gamers.
on the fly indeed. Our Jade Regent group has 5 players with 25 point buy in. I do up the HP or number of or both on most encounters, and so far it has been challenging.
i OVERDID it on the Smuggler's Shiv though. killed off 5 PCs even before they gotto the end game. Monitor Lizards. 5 of them. oops.
Lessons learned.
one day. PAX sounds awesome.
Shisumo wrote: I'm taking a chainsaw to Burnt Offerings and using it as a prologue for Jade Regent. Assuming I don't kill anybody on their way through Thistletop, we'll pick up with the Brinestump Marsh at level 2... sounds fun. i like that option.
let us know how it goes!
Anyone else running using past games as cannon?
We just finished session #1 of new Jade Regent Campaign.
I love how our previous Runelord campaign helped set the stage.
(one of the characters is actually Shayliss Vinder, now a cleric of Desna.)
got me reminiscing.
Epic Conclusion of Rise of the Runelord campaign from 01/2010
(yes, Santa was standing in for a Rune Giant.)
group art portrait
We just finished session #1 of new Jade Regent Campaign. I love how our previous Runelord campaign helped set the stage.
(one of the character is actually Shayliss Vinder, now a cleric of Desna.)
got me reminiscing.
Epic Conclusion of Rise of the Runelord campaign from 01/2010
(yes, Santa was standing in for a Rune Giant.)
group art portrait
James Jacobs wrote: Plotty Fingers wrote: The state block for the lovely Advanced half-fiend decapus mentions 10 tentacles, 2 with claws. so should the OFFENSE state blaco have 8 tentacle attacks?
A low CR monster with that many attacks is overkill. That's why we generally lump low CR monsters with lots of tentacles into the "It uses all of its tentacles to attack at once" category.
So yup; the decapus stat block is correct. cool. thought it might be. :)
The state block for the lovely Advanced half-fiend decapus mentions 10 tentacles, 2 with claws. so should the OFFENSE state blaco have 8 tentacle attacks?
Kabump wrote: What?!? There aren't any Steak 'n' Shakes out West? That's unfortunate! Good food and AWESOME shakes, plus 24 hours for those late nite milkshake cravings. But Seattle has Dick's Hamburgers. they make a mean shake as i recall.
Plotty Fingers wrote: Mark Garringer wrote: Plotty Fingers wrote: Jason S wrote: When you search, use the keyword "paizo", and it will list only the Paizo events.
Seperated those.
i want to register for one of the PFS games open, but the level says 7-11 and my character is one game from 6th. can the tiers move about? Those limits are fixed. You need to have a level 7 pregen or level 7 character to sit down at that table. so for a 5-6 level, only option is the Pathfinder Society Classic option? well, i have generics, but always a crapshoot. ah. i see some other sold out 1-5 levels. hmm. tricksy.
Mark Garringer wrote: Plotty Fingers wrote: Jason S wrote: When you search, use the keyword "paizo", and it will list only the Paizo events.
Seperated those.
i want to register for one of the PFS games open, but the level says 7-11 and my character is one game from 6th. can the tiers move about? Those limits are fixed. You need to have a level 7 pregen or level 7 character to sit down at that table. so for a 5-6 level, only option is the Pathfinder Society Classic option? well, i have generics, but always a crapshoot.
Jason S wrote: When you search, use the keyword "paizo", and it will list only the Paizo events.
Seperated those.
i want to register for one of the PFS games open, but the level says 7-11 and my character is one game from 6th. can the tiers move about?
Will be there all weekend. See you all soon.
Have not run PFS at GenCon since 2008.
Who does one contact about being an alternate GM?
list of which Pathfinder Events are the PFS. the GenCon search descriptions are not very telling.
Any secret recipes of quality snacks for Game nights?
Guacamole, dip, suggestions, etc?