
Playtest Pregen's page

155 posts. Alias of Lysle.


Acrobt +4, Arcan +5, Athlet -3 , Craft +5, Decpt +2, Diplo -2, Intim -2, Lore (Underworld, Path Society) +5, Lore (Other) +1, Med -3, Nature +1, Occlt+1, Perfrm -2, , Relig -3, Society +5, , Surv +1, Theivery +4


|HP 15/15 |AC 15, TAC 14 | F:+3 R:+5 W:+1 | Perc +1 (darkvision), Stealth +4 | Speed 25 ft. | Resonance 1/5



About Playtest Pregen


Perception, skill checks, and
the like all increase by at least 1.

Ancestry Inflammable Goblin
Background Pathfinder Hopeful
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin,
Perception +2 (EXPERT); Darkvision; Stealth +4

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 12

Speed 25 feet
Melee dogslicer +4 (1d6+1 slashing, backstabber, finesse, goblin)
Ranged bomb +4 touch (varies); thrown 30 feet
Ranged dart +4 (1d4 piercing); agile, thrown 20 feet
Hit Points 24 HP
AC 16 TAC 15
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +2
Acrobt +4, Arcan +5, Athlet -3 , Craft +5, Decpt +2, Diplo -2, Intim -2, Lore (Underworld, Path Society) +5, Lore (Other) +1, Med -3, Nature +1, Occlt+1, Perfrm -2, , Relig -3, Society +5, Surv +1, Theivery +4
Feats and Abilities

ANCESTRY FEATS: Goblin Weapon Familiarity

CLASS FEATS: Far Lobber, Quick Bomber

SKILL FEATS: Additional Lore*, Alchemical Crafter

CLASS ABILITIES: Advanced alchemy, formula book, mutagen crafting, studied resonance*

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BULK: 4, 5L

backpack, leather armor, ordinary clothing

dogslicer, darts (5), alchemist’s fire (4), bottled lightning (2)

bedroll, caltrops, crowbar (expert), flint and steel, formula book, minor elixir's of life (2, minor healing potions] (2), rations (3 days), sheath, thieves’ tools, torches (10), waterskin

WEALTH: 30 silver, 7 copper

Resonance Points: 5 (1 remaining)

The following rules apply to Fumbus’s equipment. Fumbus is assumed to have spent resonance on equipment marked with an asterisk (*) above. Any item with a superscript A (A) after its name was created using advanced alchemy, as explained in Fumbus's Feats and Abilities section.

Acid FlaskA (bomb) A thrown acid flask targets touch AC, dealing 1d4 points of persistent acid damage and 1 point of acid splash damage.

Agile (trait): The multiple attack penalty you take on the second attack each round with this weapon is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of –10 on the third and any further attacks in the round.

4x Alchemist's FireA(bomb) A thrown flask of alchemist’s fire
targets touch AC, dealing 1d8 fire damage, 1 persistent fire damage, and 1 fire splash damage. You, or a creature adjacent to you, can end the persistent damage with an Interact action. The persistent damage ends if you are submerged in water or otherwise enter an area deprived of air.

AntiplagueA: The drinker of an antiplague gains a +2 item bonus on Fortitude saving throws against diseases for 24 hours; this applies to his daily save against the disease’s progression.

Backstabber (trait): When you hit a flat-footed creature, this weapon deals 1 additional precision damage.

2x Bottled LightingA (bomb): A thrown bottled lightning targets touch AC, dealing 1d6 points of electricity damage and 1 electricity splash damage, and causing the target to be flat-footed to all creatures until the start of your next turn.

Caltrops: You can scatter caltrops in an empty square adjacent to you with an Interact action. The first creature that moves into that square must succeed at a DC 14 Acrobatics check or take 1d4 piercing damage and 1 persistent bleed damage. A creature taking bleed damage from caltrops is hampered 5. Spending an Interact action to pluck the caltrops free reduces the DC to stop the bleeding to 15. Once a creature takes damage from caltrops, enough caltrops are ruined that other creatures moving into the square are safe.
Deployed caltrops can be salvaged to be used again only if no creatures took damage from them.

Cheetah’s ElixirA: When the drinker of this elixir takes the Stride basic action, his land Speed is accelerated 5 feet. This lasts for 1 minute.

Eagle Eye ElixirA: The drinker of this elixir gains a +1 item bonus on Perception checks, and a +2 item bonus on Perception checks to find secret doors and traps. This lasts for 1 hour.

2x Elixir of Life, MinorA: The drinker of this elixir gain 1d6 Hit Points. If the drinker is at maximum Hit Points when he drinks this elixir, he gains a +1 item bonus to Fortitude saving throws against toxins, including diseases, poisons, and venoms, for 1 hour instead.

Finesse (trait): You can choose to use Dexterity instead of Strength on attack rolls with this melee weapon. You still use Strength on damage rolls.

Goblin (trait): People of the goblin ancestry craft and use these weapons.

2x Healing Potion, Minor: This potion restores 1d8 Hit Points.

SmokestickA: With a sharp twist, this item emits thick smoke. The smoke issues forth as a 5-foot radius, creating an area of concealment. The smoke lasts for 1 minute or until dispersed by a sufficiently strong wind.

Thieves’ Tools: You need these tools to Pick Locks or Disable Devices.

Thrown (trait): You can throw this weapon as a ranged attack.

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Fumbus’s feats and abilities are described below. His Additional Lore feat and Studied Resonance ability are already applied in his character statistics.
Infused Reagents: Fumbus infuses reagents with his own alchemical essence, allowing him to create alchemical items for free. Each day during his preparations, he gains a number of batches of infused reagents equal to his level + his Intelligence modifier [2+4=6]. He can use these reagents for either Advanced Alchemy or Quick Alchemy. If he has 1–10 batches of reagents, they total up to light Bulk, 11–20 are two light Bulk loads, and so on. As soon as he prepares again, his infused reagents from the previous preparation are instantly destroyed. While infused reagents are physical objects, they can’t be duplicated, preserved, or created in any way other than his daily preparations. Any such artificial reagents would lack the infusion and be useless for Advanced Alchemy or Quick Alchemy.

You gain the Alchemical Crafting feat (see page 162), even if you don’t meet that feat’s prerequisites, and you gain the four common 1st-level alchemical formulas that feat grants. The catalog of alchemical items begins on page 360. You can use this feat to create alchemical items as long as you have their formulas in your formula book.
During your daily preparation, after producing a new batch of infused reagents, you can spend batches of infused reagents to create infused alchemical items. You don’t need to attempt a Crafting check to do this, and you ignore the number of days typically required to create the items and any requirements of alchemical reagents. For each batch of infused reagents you spend in this way, choose an alchemical item that’s in your formula book and has a level equal to or lower than your level (also indicated on the Alchemist Advancement table), and make a batch of two of the item. These items have the infused trait, remaining potent for only 24 hours or until your next daily preparations.
Advanced Alchemy: Fumbus gains the Alchemical Crafting feat (see page 162) and he gains the four common 1st-level alchemical formulas that feat grants. The catalog of alchemical items begins on page 360. Fumbus use this feat to create alchemical items as long as he has their formulas in his formula book. During Fumbus’ daily preparation, after producing a new batch of infused reagents, he can spend batches of infused reagents to create infused alchemical items. Fumbus doesn’t need to attempt a Crafting check to do this, and he ignores the number of days typically required to create the items and any requirements of alchemical reagents. For each batch of infused reagents he spends in this way, he may choose an alchemical item that’s in his formula book and has a level equal to or lower than his level (also indicated on the Alchemist Advancement table), and make a batch of two of the item. These items have the infused trait, remaining potent for only 24 hours or until his next daily preparations.

Quick Alchemy [A]: During the day, if he needs a specific item on the fly, Fumbus can use his infused reagents to create an item very quickly with the Quick Alchemy action. Fumbus must have alchemist’s tools (see page 184), the formula of the alchemical item he’s creating, and a free hand. Fumbus creates a single alchemical item of his level or lower that’s in his formula book without having to spend the normal monetary cost in alchemical reagents or needing to attempt a Crafting check. This item has the infused trait, but it remains potent only until the start of his next turn. Cost: 1 batch of infused reagents
Quick Identification: Fumbus takes only 5 minutes when using Identify Magic to determine the properties of an item, ongoing effect, or location, rather than 1 hour.
Darkvision: You can see in darkness and dim light as well as you can see in bright light, though your vision is in black and white.

Formula Book: Fumbus begins with a standard formula book worth 10 sp or less (as detailed on page 186) for free. The formula book contains the formulas for two common 1st-level alchemical items [IDENTIFY], in addition to those you gained from Alchemical Crafting. The catalog of alchemical items begins on page 360. Each time Fumbus gains a new level, he can add formulas for two alchemical items to his formula book. These can be of any level of item he can create. Fumbus learns these formulas automatically, but it’s also possible to find or buy other formulas, or to invent them with the Inventor feat (see page 167).

Research Field: Fumbus specializes as a bomber, which is a particular field of alchemical research much like any academic. Fumbus’ field of research emphasizes explosions and other violent alchemical reactions. Fumbus starts with the formulas for two additional 1st-level alchemical bombs in his formula book. When throwing an alchemical bomb with the splash trait, the splash damage does not affect Fumbus’ allies. Fumbus must be able to perceive an ally to exclude that ally from his bomb’s splash damage.

Goblin Weapon Familiarity: Fumbus is trained with the dogslicer and horsechopper.

Quick Bomber: When he draws an alchemical item with the bomb trait with the Interact action, Fumbus can draw two bombs instead. When using the Quick Alchemy action to create a bomb, Fumbus can draw one bomb as part of the Quick Alchemy action.