Pinocchio's page
210 posts. Alias of Choon.
Hey, if you're willing, we're willing.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I open a second, new thread to see if I can get a bite.
Our RotRL campaign has lost it's GM. Is there anyone out there who is willing to take up the reigns for this group of stranded adventurers?
Here is the campaign link.
So, this world weary band of adventurers is in need of another DM. We gave Hunger a shot, but he's up and disappeared on us. So, is there anyone out there willing to lead us upward and onward? I would, but I have a full plate at the moment.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I can put one up this evening if noone else beats me to it.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Aaand the busy looks like it's gong to be a bit more permanent than anticipated. Sorry, all, but I guess it just want meant to be. To recruitment!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I have PM'd him. I guess I'll give it a couple days to see if he comes back? If not then I'll get us rolling again this coming week and read up as much as I can this weekend.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Ok, still no word from Hunger. Impromptu poll time: Who would mind me taking this over and making Pinocchio a supporting NPC?
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Sorry, forgot to post my update:
HP: 4
Skills: +1 to all
Bloodline Feat: Spell Focus: Illusion
Bloodline Spell: Dispell Magic
Standard Feat: Craft Arms and Armor
+1 2nd level: Umbral Weapon
+1 3rd level: Displacement
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Pinocchio quickly notices the behavior and bounces up to him like a five year old who's had too much sugar. HEY! What's that! Can I see! Can I see? Pleeeeeeeeeeese!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I'm advancing in sorceror.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Pinocchio is delighted to see that it isn't a monster.
Perception take 10 for 20.
Hey! That's exciting! Humans! More of you! That's great!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
"Sure! But I will, however, if you don't mind!" he winks.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
There's always the chance of encountering a statistical outlier, grumpy pants! the doll boy rebuts.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
But maybe we can be friends! Pinocchio cheers. He skips off toward the barn.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Good Lard! Foe falls to the ground in filets.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Gorum has a spiked codpiece? Metal... pinocchio comments. He skips toward the door to see if he can locate the screamer.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Pinocchio starts rocking back and forth on his feet while patiently waiting for the mean things to die.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Kill the right one! Pinocchio calls as he casts something on the left one.
Casting Murderous command via shadow enchantment. 20%failure: 1d100 ⇒ 65 - pass. DC 19 will negates. If failed, the target attacks it's nearest ally to the best of it's ability for one round.
The arcane words are insidious, yet they feel deeply insulting. The magic worms its way forward toward the left ogrekin.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Pinocchio stands in the middle of the room and waits.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
from my perspective just about everyone is a talking butt.
I wonder what Vidar would say right now. Probably something to dispel the enlargement of that big guy's head.
Pinocchio takes out some rope and starts tying.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Not children? OH! Ok then. Time to play, freaks!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Pinicchio face-palms. There just had to be Kids!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Pinocchio enters behind Kithian and gasps, Whoa! What an incredible smell you've discovered!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
ranged touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
ranged touch confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
force damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
force critical damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Pinocchio sends yet another wonderfully aimed bolt of force directly into the face of the same giant as Vidar.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
arcane bolt, ranged touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
force: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
arcane bolt, ranged touch, crit confirm: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
crit damage force: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Pinocchio cats a ray of force and strikes an ogre in the eye!
2/9 used
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I'm not sure what I can see now that the smoke is up.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Roll20 from a phone is awful. I do my posting from a phone as well most of the time. I hear it's better if you pay them money, but I'm not about to do that.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
arcane bolt, ranged touch: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Force: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Pinocchio also fires a bolt of force, but his takes the form of a ray that streaks out and smacks the ogre between the eyes.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I know illusions. Any of these options can be done. Just don't ask me to make them talk. I haven't figured that bit out yet.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
*Posted to all my games*
I am going on vacation this Friday until Monday the 16th. Posting may be sporadic, but since I do 90% of my posting from my phone anyway I won't be completely radio silent. If I disappear for a while, just know I'm not dead.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I can cast something a little stronger than sleep, but it tends to make things laugh uncontrollably, so it won't be the quietest method.
I can cast any enchantment spell of 2nd level or lower using Shadow Enchantment which includes Hideous Laughter. Unfortunately, none of them make the target helpless.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
aid sayniek auto succeed: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Pinocchio taps Sayniek's thigh. What's that? I think I saw something...
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
And mage armor takes my AC to 17, but I will not cast it until we actually think we'll get into trouble.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
If there's any warning I should already have Mage Armor up, but that's all. If it's an ambush then I may not.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Just point me in the direction and I'll be off! We can burn the blanket later.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Alrighty. Just keep the fire away from me. We don't get along.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Pinocchio shrugs. Sound good to me. Your the one who knows.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
And, of course, the innocent boy-puppet skips over. Why wouldn't he?
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
No I don't... *Impish grin*
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I could probably help with that too.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I could probably make him *think* he has more mouths. That might be funny!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I got no strings to hold me down! Give me a few more months with you lot and soon I won't have any morals either! It's so liberating!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
They're fascinating! Absolutely the most interesting herd of meatbags I've ever traveled with!
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Madhouse? Can't be. I'm immune to such shenanigans. :P
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I have no idea what she's talking about. But I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. :)
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
I'm Pinocchio! Really, like the Disney character. I say "like" and not "is" on purpose. This wooden puppet boy enjoys mind tricks and using his ability to stare unendingly at someone without so much as blinking or breathing to render even the most hardened bad men into shivering basket cases.
He is also learning what a "bad man" is and will sometimes stare at party members for entirely too long.
He is also not prone to breaking out into musical interludes.
AC 13/11/11 | 2/5/6 | HP 44 | Init +2, Percep. +10 CMD 13 Slots: | 1st-8 2nd-7 3rd-4 | Arcane Bolt 9/day
Huzzah! Let shenanigans abound!
Varrick of Varrick Industries has not created a profile.