Scrapwall Fanatic

Pig the Runt's page

407 posts. Organized Play character for Blake's Tiger.


HP 69/69 | AC 27 (30) T 14 FF 24 (27) | F +12 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs mind-affecting, +2 vs. hex/fey/hag) | CMD 24 (28 vs. Trip & Grapple) | Init +6 | Perc +1 SM -1 |


| Armored Sacrifice (1/1): Armor Hardness 14, HP 65 | Active Conditions: Combat Reflexes, Barkskin (70 min), haste (AC 31/15/27), STR 1 damage (-0), Cha -1


CN Male Half-Orc | Fighter (Unbreakable) 7 |


20 years


Chaotic Neutral



Strength 20
Dexterity 14
Constitution 17
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 7

About Pig the Runt

PFS Information:

PFS Number: 230524-2
Experience: 18
Prestige: 17
Fame: 27
Faction: Liberty’s Edge

Pig the Runt
Male half-orc fighter (unbreakable) 7
CN Medium humanoid (human, orc) (affiliations: Gorum, Liberty’s Edge)
Init +6; dark vision, perception +1
AC 27, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (armor +12, dexterity +2, deflection +1, dodge +1, natural +1)
HP 69 (7d10+18) (FCB +2)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +5
+2 vs. mind-affecting
+2 vs. hexes and spells/spell-like/supernatural abilities of fey, hags, and witches
Speed 30 ft. (30 ft. base; armor training 2)
Melee +2 greataxe +14/+9 (1d12+9, x3, S)
[dice=+2 greataxe]1d20+14[/dice]
[dice=Magic, Slashing]1d12+9[/dice]
[dice=+2 greataxe, power attack]1d20+14-2[/dice]
[dice=Magic, Slashing, Power Attack]1d12+9+6[/dice]
or cold iron greataxe +12/+7 (1d12+7, x3, S)
or dagger +12/+7 (1d4+5, 19x3, P/S)
or club +12/+7 (1d6+5, x2, B)
Ranged javelin +9/+4 (1d6+5, x2,30 ft, P)
+1 composite shortbow (+5 draw) +10/+5 (1d6+5, x3, 70 ft, P)
>> (10) durable adamantine, (10) durable cold iron, (20) arrows
[dice=+1 composite shortbow]1d20+11[/dice]
Str 20 (18), Dex 14, Con 17, Int10, Wis8, Cha 7
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +12; CMD 24 (28 vs Grapple & Trip) (FCB+4)


Blood Vengeance (5th)
Combat Reflexes (4th Bonus)
Deathless Initiate (6th Bonus)
Diehard (Class Bonus)
Dodge (1st)
Endurance (Class Bonus)
Heroic Recovery (Class Bonus)
Improved Initiative (7th)
Ironhide (3rd)
Power Attack (2nd Bonus) (-2/+4)

FCB +1
Acrobatics +11*’@ (=+8)
Charisma -2
Climb +11’’’ (+2 = +13 with climber’s kit) @ (=+10)
Constitution +3
Dexterity +2
Intelligence +0
Intimidate +3’’ (+3 vs. goblinoids = +6)
Knowledge (arcana) (+2 vs. constructs, can do untrained = +2)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4’
Perception +0’ (+1 ioun stone = +1)
Strength +5
Swim +11’’’ @ (= +8)
Wisdom -1
‘ = ranks
@ = ACP -4 (armor training 1)


Defender of the Society
Fate’s Favored

Languages Taldane (common), Orc
SQ armor training 2, chain fighter, rock climber, sacred tattoo, unflinching
Combat Gear +2 full plate, +2 greataxe, ring of protection +1, cloak of resistance +2, belt of giant strength +2, cold iron greataxe, dagger, club, javelin, +1 composite shortbow (+5 draw), (10) durable adamantine arrows, (10 durable cold iron arrows, (20) arrows, wand of cure light wounds[i] CL1, (2) [i]potions of cure light wounds CL 1, oil of lesser restoration CL 3, greater talisman of beneficial winds (1/day feather fall), (1) alchemist’s fire, (2) holy water, incandescent blue sphere (cracked)
Other Gear masterwork backpack, bedroll, crowbar, grappling hook, silk rope (50 ft), trail rations (5), hex nail, smelling salts, climber’s kit, pack saddle, mule
114 lbs/ 153 lbs Light Load
Coins: 10 gp

Blood Vengeance (Ex): Whenever one of your allies is reduced to negative hit points or killed, you may enter a state similar to but less powerful than a barbarian’s rage as a free action on your next turn. This weaker rage gives you all the benefits and penalties of a barbarian’s rage, except your morale bonus to Strength and Constitution is only +2. In either case, this state lasts for 4 rounds. As with a barbarian’s rage, when this weaker rage ends, you are fatigued; if another ally falls before this duration ends, the weaker rage lasts for an additional 4 rounds. This feat does not allow you to enter a rage if you are fatigued. You may only use this feat if the fallen ally had at least as many Hit Dice as you (excluding conjured or summoned allies).
Deathless Initiate (Ex): You are not staggered while using the Diehard feat, but if you take a move and a standard action or a full-round action while you are at 0 or fewer hit points you take 1 point of damage. Further, while using the Diehard feat, you gain a +2 bonus on melee attacks and damage rolls.
Heroic Recovery (Ex): Once per day as a standard action you may attempt a new saving throw against a harmful condition or affliction requiring a Fortitude save that is affecting you. If this save against the affliction fails, there is no additional effect, but a successful save counts toward curing an affliction such as poison or disease. You cannot use this feat to recover from instantaneous effects, effects that do not allow a saving throw, or effects that do not require a Fortitude save.
Armor Mastery (Armor Training 2): Armored Sacrifice - (1/day) When damage would cause the fighter or an adjacent ally to be knocked unconscious or killed, the fighter can instead direct the damage to a suit of armor that he is wearing or a shield he is using as an immediate action. The original target takes no damage, but the armor or shield is treated as if it had only half its normal hardness.

Expense Tracking Sheet & Consumables:

Alchemist’s Fire 1/1 --- 20 gp
Cold iron greataxe --- 40 gp
breastplate +1 --- 1350 gp sell back for 675 gp
wand of cure light wounds 50/50 --- 2 PP
Hex nail 1/1 --- 20 gp
Smelling salts --- 25 gp
potions of cure light wounds 2/2 --- 100 gp (50 gp each)
oil of lesser restoration --- 300 gp
greater talisman of beneficial winds --- 500 gp
climber’s kit --- 80 gp
Holy water 2/2 --- 50 gp (25 gp each)
+1 greataxe --- 2320 gp
+1 full plate --- 2650 gp
ring of protection +1 --- 2000 gp
cloak of resistance +1 --- 1000 gp
MW Backpack --- 50 gp
belt of giant strength +2 --- 4000
upgrade +2 greataxe --- 6000 gp
upgrade +2 full plate --- 3000 gp
incandescent blue (cracked) sphere --- 200 gp
upgrade +2 cloak of resistance --- 3000 gp
+1 composite shortbow (+5 draw) --- 2750 gp
(10) durable adamantine arrows --- 610 gp
(10) durable cold iron arrows --- 20 gp
(20) arrows --- 1 gp
potion of protection from evil


1. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: The Tower Ruins:

River Kingdom Notoriety: Hex A, Benefit None, Date 10/8/2016 (cost 2 PP)
Goblin Bane: You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against humanoids with the goblinoid subtype.

2. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: Land Rush:

River Kingdom Land Rush: Hex A, Hex B2, Hex D2
[spoiler=3. 4-01: Rise of the Goblin Guild]
Subtier 4-5, out of tier rewards

4. 8-22: Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen:

Runewarden’s Teachings: All of your Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Runeguard prestige class from Pathfinder Player’s Companion: Paths of the Righteous as if it appeared on the Additional Resources page.
[_][_][_] Thassilonian Archivist: Before you attempt a Knowledge check, you can check a box before this boon to add 1d4 to the result. If the Knowledge check is related to Thassilon, sin magic, fleshwarping, or similar topics (at the GM’s discretion), add 1d8 instead.

5. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: The Cellars:

River Kingdom Notoriety: Hex B2, Benefit +1 PP/Fame, Date 3/1/2018 (cost 2 PP)
[_] Trap Intuition: Re-roll a Reflex save to avoid a trap with a bonus equal to one-half Pig’s character level (rounded down). Must use the re-roll result, even if worse.

6. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: Splinterden:

River Kingdom Notoriety: Hex D2, Benefit recover 2 spent PPP, Date 4/19/18 (cost 2 PP)
Splinter Slayer: When a sneak attack is scored against you, you can use this boon to negate up to 2 dice of sneak attack damage from the attack. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.

6. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: Godhome:

River Kingdom Notoriety: Hex B6, Benefit +1 PP/Fame, Date 8/29/18 (cost 2 PP)
Troglodyte Friend: +1 on all saving throws against extraordinary abilities of humanoids with the reptilian subtype, and you gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks against such creatures. You may cross this boon off of your chronicle sheet to double these bonuses for 5 minutes.

7. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: The Drowned Level:

River Kingdom Notoriety: Hex G, Benefit (+1 initiative/8 parcels), Date 12/5/18 (cost 2 PP)
Touch of Planar Water: As a swift action, you may use this boon to receive the benefits of touch of the sea (CL 6th). When you use this boon, cross it off this chronicle sheet.

8. The Emerald Spire Superdungeon: The Clockwork Maze:

River Kingdom Notoriety: Hex F, Benefit 1050 gp, Date 6/24/2019 (cost 2 PP)
Clockwork Engineer: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (arcana) checks made to identify construct type and may make checks untrained. Cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet before rolling such a check to treat the die’s result as though it were a 20.
+6756 gp
+1050 gp

Liberty’s Edge Faction Card: Season 8:

Freedom Fighter: +1 bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage against known slavers (a slaver is a creature that owns at least 5 slaves, is maintaining a compulsion spell or effect to control a creature for at least one day, or is explicitly cited as trafficking slaves).
[X][X] Forgo your Downtime to nonviolently fight for the cause of liberty by spending time organizing protests, freeing slaves, or distributing revolutionary material. Doing so requires a successful Disable Device, Knowledge (local), or Stealth check (DC = 15 + your character level).
[X] Possess a CMD against grapple of at least 25.