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Sorry to use True Resurrection on this thread, but I had an addendum to the question posed by Umbranus: "1) Does everything that deals damage to undead via positive energy do full damage or is channel the exception?".
The consensus here seems to be that channel is the exception, but it only states 'channel energy' in the info about incorporeality. The quirk is that it doesn't specify 'except for the channel energy ability', it just specifies 'except for channel energy', which is really just a mechanism: tap into positive or negative energy plane and let some energy through.
Lay on hands specifies nothing about the source of the energy, so I shaln't deal with it further... however, cure spells such as cure light wounds specifies 'you channel positive energy' and inflict light wounds specifies 'you channel negative energy'. Since they specify that the mechanism of action involves channeling energy, should these not also deal full damage to incorporeal creatures?