Picaboo32's page

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My biggest concern was the value of the LVL 10-14 feats for the summoner. The auto success trip, push, grab was worth a LVL 10-12-14 feat before the remaster. But now, with the need to roll to succeed, is it really worth a LVL 10-14 feat?

The fighter feats are LVL 2-4 and provide almost the same benefits (except for the differences pointed out by Hamerjack. I agree you don't need to commit a second action to the task which is by itself a good improvement)

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With the remaster rules changing the Grab, Knockdown and Push monster actions to now require a skill roll, how will this affect the Summoner LVL 10-14 feats?

For example, the LVL 10 feat Weighty Impact grants the Knockdown action on your eidolon unarmed attacks. with the remaster rules, it now requires a skill roll to successfully trip an enemy. However, the LVL 4 fighter feat Slam down effectively does the same thing.

Without an official errata, I would house rule that the summoner feats automatically push, trip or grab the enemy with an action as it was before the remaster.

What do you guys think?