Phyxius Stygianlotus |

Name: Viorec Ghalmont
Race: Human
Class: Bard 4
Adventure: Trial of the Beast
Location: Vorkstag and Grine’s Chymic Works
Catalyst: Bad timing and overly helpful player
The Gory Details:
Gory Details:
The group was mostly done exploring V&G when Vorkstag returned via the Secret Distribution Room. Since the group was already batteredd and bloody Vorkstag was holding them back with just his mace attack. I (being evil)wanted to mix things up by having him drink the Fire Breath Extract. The problem was I couldn't find the details in the core book. The player running Viorec knows the rules better than anyone in the group and helped me locate the details. Unfortunately for him Viorec was standing the closest when Vorkstag unleashed the Fire Breath and was instantly killed. So we refer to Viorec's death as GM assisted suicide. Later Viorec was reincarnated as a Bugbear and might make a return in the future.