
Phyxius Stygianlotus's page

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Name: Viorec Ghalmont
Race: Human
Class: Bard 4
Adventure: Trial of the Beast
Location: Vorkstag and Grine’s Chymic Works
Catalyst: Bad timing and overly helpful player
The Gory Details:

Gory Details:
The group was mostly done exploring V&G when Vorkstag returned via the Secret Distribution Room. Since the group was already batteredd and bloody Vorkstag was holding them back with just his mace attack. I (being evil)wanted to mix things up by having him drink the Fire Breath Extract. The problem was I couldn't find the details in the core book. The player running Viorec knows the rules better than anyone in the group and helped me locate the details. Unfortunately for him Viorec was standing the closest when Vorkstag unleashed the Fire Breath and was instantly killed. So we refer to Viorec's death as GM assisted suicide. Later Viorec was reincarnated as a Bugbear and might make a return in the future.

So my group helped find the Beast innocent. Now that V&G are know to be trafficking in bodies the Chymic Works have been confiscated by the courts. My group is proposing that the works be sold and the proceeds be used to reimburse the victims for their loss (those that can be identified through the papers found in the works).

My question is how do I calculate the coin value of the works (looking largely at the building since most items have been looted or confiscated as evidence)?

Thank you,


When my group encountered him he killed one player and the rest ran away. I did not have him pursue them and instead had him disappear from the scene. I really like the idea of him encountering the group as Kendra.

Thanks for the great idea of how to bring him back into their lives.

I have done this like the above suggestions covered for replacement characters. I had one character show up late for the funeral. Another joined before the group encountered the Crooked Kin. The most recent new character was working with the Barrister and joined the group to help with the research into the Beast's crimes.

When adding a new player I give them a overview of what happened so they are treated like they have been with the party from the start.

wraithstrike wrote:

When the players kill Auren the note basically congratulates the PC's, but then tells them their job is done.

In later chapters they will get more info, and maybe messages will be left again, but I have not decided that yet.

** spoiler omitted **...

Love this idea! Will definitely be using this when they kill Auren.

King of Vrock wrote:
The lightning rod has a value of 100gp (top of page 35), the alchemical elixers are valuless unless you're an alchemical zombie, the black smear doesn't have a price listed in the bestiary under Dark Creeper but I'd put at 175gp a dose. It sits between large scorpion venom and medium spider venom in effect and DC so I split the difference in price. The Tusk I'd say would be worth 500gp at 20lbs.

Awesome! Thank you for the info. Not sure how I missed the lightning rod price...

My group is running with 5-7 members. I always max out the hit points for the creatures, and add a couple grunts if needed. For example when they were going through V&G's factory I added 3 mongrel men to the vat room because they were dying too fast.

Like Windspirit said I also find some fudging is needed. The fighter was going through the mongrel men too fast so I doubled the hit points on one to slow him down.

The Golem Hound (at max HP and a party of 5) was the hardest part of the encounter so far. Almost lost a bard. It didn't help the party that the caster used shocking grasp and healed the hound...

Preston27 wrote:
Chris Kenney wrote:
Ice Titan wrote:
Preston27 wrote:
So, after speaking with Gustav, my players have decided they want to take on the entire defense of the beast, removing Gustav entirely due to the fact that he has been unsuccessful in his last 6 trials. I don't see this as being a major issue, but could there be anything that could make this a major hindrance to my game?

They're not real lawyers. None of them have license.

They quite honestly need Gustav Kaple to be there just so they can puppeteer him around.

Unless one of them has Profession (Barrister) or the like, of course. Or possibly a noble title. Either would probably give them enough standing that the judge would allow it.

He actually does have that as a trained skill. The moment they found out about the beast being on trial he wanted to defend him, and that was even before speaking with the judge. He guaranteed me that he did not read the AP and didn't even know the title of it when he took the skill, and his character was from Ustalav.

I didn't want to railroad the group too hardcore so I am allowing it, and I will be re-reading everything a couple times trying to make sure nothing major gets messed up by the situation.

I also have a player who is a Bard with Barrister trained. We made his back story that he is helping with the trial for the possible fame of being part of the defense. The group has not tried to take over the defense, but I could see them trying that angle.

Possible spoilers so if playing the module please do not read.

There were a few items found at V&G that do not have values listed:

The vials of Necromantic Alchemical Elixir

The vials of Black Smear Poison

The Copper lightning rod of a raven consuming a wolf

The Mammoth Tusk Scrimshawed with spells (I can calculate the values of the spells, but how much would the tusk be worth?)

Does anyone have values for these items?


Windspirit wrote:
Helaman wrote:
Windspirit wrote:
Version Number introduce. Minor changes

Huh? You've updated what form?

Incidently, the sheet for the third ep still coming out?

I update TotB_GM_Material. I missed a check in the Hergseg Table.

Yes BM Material is still comming but not as fast as I wanted, work is a bit mental ATM.

Thank you for putting this together. Definitely will be using it at the next session.

I had a character in the Rifts setting that was name Hilton Folgers since his patents met at a legendary rest area with a refreshing beverage...

In Paranoia I had a character named Phyx-R-Upp.

I haven't made any phunny names for Pathfinder yet.

Erik Freund wrote:

Assigning GP values to buildings is a dangerous game to play, because of the exponential WBL curve that PF uses as you level. The moment you assign it a GP value, you invent a level under which the building is impossible to reach, and above which you could have dozens of it and not think twice.

Put another way: if you put a GP value to the Prison that the PCs are able to afford at this level, then once they get the amount of GP they are expected to have by the time they reach book 4, they'll be able to buy the whole city of Illmarsh.

Therefore, its safest to not use the GP system here. Historically, land could not be traded for money. Land was only traded in things like war, marriage, or vassalge. To do otherwise sets a weird precedent for future games (and even for just further along in this game).

However, this is missing the larger point: Carrion Crown in a travelog, touring around Ustalav. You never go back to a place after you leave it. By letting them buy Harrowstone, you are tying them to a place, and they will want to go back. This is at odds with the main thrust of the AP. I would discourage "land locking" the PCs.

Very good points. I didn't think of the issue of tying the character to a specific place.


My players have finished the Haunting of Harrowstone AP. One of the players wants to buy/rent the Harrowstone building and turn it into a brewery. He has suggested two possible options:

1. Buy the build out right from the town.

2. Rent the building by paying the taxes/giving the town a cut of the profit.

I am willing to work with him on either option, but my question is related to calculating cost. Since I am relatively new to the Pathfinder world I wanted to see what more experienced GMs thought about what to charge the player.

Thank you,


Windspirit wrote:

Hi all,

just wanted to tell you guy I had a ball yesterday night with teh animated straitjacket. No so sure if the rules can do it but it WAS fun.

So the enter the Laundary and the Wiz is rather eager to find stuff and searches EVERYTHINK. So...while he searches the rotten cloth the StraitJacked had a surprice round and did a Grable and put itself on, onto the Wizard. In the next round the strait jacked uses one attack to constrict and one to slam some random PC tying to help the Wiz out of the Jacket. The Wiz was unconsious in 2 rounds (no surprice there) and people took nicly damge from the slam. Also they where REALY carefull NOT to harm the Wiz in the Jacket -4 to attack. (I ruled, cause I needed my PC's to sewat a bit more; 6players, 20buy) Miss by more then 5 -> reroll to hit the Wiz, miss by more then 10 automaticly hit the Wiz.

Soould have seen the Wiz after that in the next fight....scared and in the corner...wonderfull.

Cool to hear that you had fun with the encounter!

My group also has fun with the jacket. The alchemist set it on fire so we had a flaming jacket grabbing the sorcerer. A fun encounter in an otherwise bleak setting.

Ullapool wrote:
Jonathan Ridgeway wrote:
The gnome in my group broke in and stole the flesh golem manual. He plans to return it to Montagnie Crowl of Lepidstadt for the full reward value.

How does your gnome there's a reward to be had? I didn't see anywhere in the adventure where this was revealed, except to DMs. How did you reveal it to him, I guess I mean?

I've also set the price as half off. The store owner offered it to the PCs very much under the table. All the PCs completely freaked at the notion of a FLESH golem manual. I'm in the position where I see no reason why the PCs would even want to buy the manual.

Thoughts on how to encourage them?

To generate interest in the book I had is referenced is the note from the professor. It was suggested that they haggle over the price with the owner of the Unfurling Scroll, this lead to the stealing of the book...

The gnome in my group broke in and stole the flesh golem manual. He plans to return it to Montagnie Crowl of Lepidstadt for the full reward value.