
Phyxius Stygianlotus's page

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So my group helped find the Beast innocent. Now that V&G are know to be trafficking in bodies the Chymic Works have been confiscated by the courts. My group is proposing that the works be sold and the proceeds be used to reimburse the victims for their loss (those that can be identified through the papers found in the works).

My question is how do I calculate the coin value of the works (looking largely at the building since most items have been looted or confiscated as evidence)?

Thank you,


Possible spoilers so if playing the module please do not read.

There were a few items found at V&G that do not have values listed:

The vials of Necromantic Alchemical Elixir

The vials of Black Smear Poison

The Copper lightning rod of a raven consuming a wolf

The Mammoth Tusk Scrimshawed with spells (I can calculate the values of the spells, but how much would the tusk be worth?)

Does anyone have values for these items?


My players have finished the Haunting of Harrowstone AP. One of the players wants to buy/rent the Harrowstone building and turn it into a brewery. He has suggested two possible options:

1. Buy the build out right from the town.

2. Rent the building by paying the taxes/giving the town a cut of the profit.

I am willing to work with him on either option, but my question is related to calculating cost. Since I am relatively new to the Pathfinder world I wanted to see what more experienced GMs thought about what to charge the player.

Thank you,
