I think the module is written to make realistic sense. The items adventurers find typically won't fit with what weapons and armor they specifically use. Further, if there's a ton of recovered gear flooding the market, it makes sense that the selling price would decrease based on simple economics. Now if you'd rather pursue fun over realism, then I think you make alterations. Personally, I upped the value of the loot and threw extra in (because 5 player party, and resale issues). I also hand selected items they can acquire at the auction, for a below market value cost if they do some successful information gathering and diplomacy/intimidating.
I found the multiple encounters listed sequentially (by necessity) but playing out in a non-sequential manner to be a bit confusing. Add to this the red herrings, and I began to lose track of what the paths the PCs could take. To make things a bit easier for myself, I created a visual map of the encounters. It's not super accurate and not always clear, but I know it's helping me understand connections between sites and encounters at a glance, rather than flipping around through the book, or scrolling through the pdf. I've published the google docs Wati First Events, and Wati Second Events, in case others would like to use them or are interested in making something similar (since deciphering my own map could be tough if you didn't build it). For me, it allows the PCs to have a non-linear approach to the problem, while allowing me to have a connected sequence of events quickly at hand!
Casual here. I'll be honest, I kinda feel the same way at OP. It's these forums specifically that I find generate some anxiety about the game. I come around here, casually, and find so many people planning and theorizing and building. The Land Rush has been a frenzy. There's been all this activity here and I have the sinking feeling of, "if I don't have enough time to keep up with the forum boards, how will I ever have enough time to contribute meaningful in the actual game?!" My only solace is that when the game does launch I won't see everything that everybody is doing. I'll have my own little corner of the world, where I can - with the help of a few close people I already know and hopefully a few that I'll meet along the way - carve out my own niche. And as a casual, that's all I'm really asking for: to be able to carve out a little piece for myself, while experiencing being a part of a living, breathing world around me.
Jim Groves wrote:
Your description of the intent behind how this is laid out make me want to run this even more. I was thinking it would be nice to run a more "sandboxy" campaign, and I think starting things this way sets up that atmosphere nicely!
We sat our "Mr.x" down and told him that it was important to the group that he be able to commit. Everyone else commits to coming regularly for game night, and if he can't do that, then that's okay, but he's not a good fit for out group. I use the analogy of being a part of a team. If one member of the team is routinely gone, or is flaky, it affects everyone. There's been lots of nights I don't really feel like going to my game, but I do, because I know that there's 4 other people counting on me being there.
Liz Courts wrote:
An untyped bonus to discount?!
Question about the flood scene...it doesn't make a lot of sense to me how its laid out with the maps. The first encounter is supposed to take place with the ferry jammed up against the general store by the flood waters...but the map appears to show the floodline well back from the store. Furthermore the encounter text says "floodwaters poured in the front door of the river front building" in reference to the Schoolhouse, when the map for Turtleback Ferry seems to indicate that the Schoolhouse is nowhere near the river itself. Based on the map the church appears to be flooded. Did others have the PCs fight Black Magga in the water? How'd they fair trying to make the DC25 swim check while trying to fight the thing at the same time? I'll work something out, but I'm interested in seeing how others played this scene out, and if I'm way off in how I'm reading the maps/encounter description.
I kinda feel like this whole thing misses the point. Instead of, "why are women portayed in video games as weak, vulnerable, sexual objects?" the question should really be, "why do heterosexual males between the ages of 13 and 35 (be flexible with me here) find weak, vulnerable women to be sexual?" Historically (and to a large extent currently) these games/media have been developed and consumed larely by this demographic. Therefore, it seems to follow that the content of this media is speaking to some shared aspect of the psychology of this group. Many, if not most, of the stories we're referring to involve the Hero's Journey. A story that has been told over and over since the oral tradition of storytelling began about a young man leaving his tribe on an important and dangerous journey, guided along the way by an elder male. The Hero's Journey inspires bravery and confidence. Played out in virtual reality it allows this demographic to live out a fantasy in which they are strong and capable and sure of themselves. It instills feelings of power The weak, vulnerable, highly sexualized female seems, to me, to fit this. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology women hold the power over reproduction. Being much more invested biologically in the reproductive process women have more invested the selection of a mate. For a 'young warrior' a weak, vulnerable, attractive female further enhances a sense of power, of being the type of male that a woman would select as a sexual partner. This is played out in the "white knight" or "daring protector" scenario. The warrior swoops in, saves the damsel, and is rewarded for being the brave hero. The desire and affection given provide a sense of assurance, of being okay. Those are my two (very long) bits. If things are going to change either other demographics need to produce and purchase media to alter the market or we need to raise healthier boys who don't need the warrior fantasy and the attractions of a sexualized female to make them feel like they're worthwhile. /rant
KestlerGunner wrote: I am really hoping the Absalom Menagerie has employed a grizzled 'big game hunter' gunslinger named Mul-Doon that walks around the pens constantly worrying about systematic attacks on the fences. He could be swaggering around with a rifle muttering things like 'They should all be destroyed...' "Shoot her!"
Really? Posting to try and get votes in the thread advising you to keep quiet and get to work? Unless I'm missing some humorous tone not explicit in the text, all that does is very much make me NOT want to vote for you. Despite the glaring flaws in my item design, I'd still very much love to be where the top 32 are, and every time I see post after post after post from a competitor all I can think is, "why aren't you using this time to work on your submission rather than beg for votes!?" I'm voting for the well written and creative submissions. The kind of stuff I'd want to see in a module that I'd actually want to play. The desperate cries for votes are really only a distraction from the work itself, and since that's how I place my votes, you should probably stop distracting me! Then again...I'm just one guy...
There's a map at the beginning of "Lands of the Linnorm Kings" To help you out, the Caravan seems to pass through the following: Tomgruv - town between Kopperbergt and Jol - 6ish days from Brinewall
I peg the journey as roughly 14-15 days depending on the speed of the caravan. I haven't checked, but I imagine pathfinderwiki.com has info on each of those places.
Kicking jade Regent off tonight, starting things with an intro scenario that involves goblins attacking the caravan the PCs are with. I'm going to make it a little bit different than a straight fight in the hopes that it will help build teamwork and unity. So, it will involve some chasing down and killing goblins, some putting out fires from goblin fireworks hitting the caravan (stolen from CC - town hall event) and some calming panicking horses before they take off/kick the wagon to pieces. My problem is, I can't settle on a DC for calming the animals. I'm assuming I'll use Handle Animal, but the skill description isn't helping me out any.
Any thoughts...would 20 be too high at this level?
If it helps, when I hexed out the map, it looked like it took about 2-3 days to Galduria, about a days travel from there to Wolf's Ear, then about another 2-3 to Roderic's Cove. Riddleport is probably only a day or two, maybe three from Rod's Cove. From Roderic's Cove to Brinewall was the long leg of the journey, if I recall correctly about 9-10 days...bringing you up to the 16 day estimate in the book. This is, of course, if you use the overland travel speed as stated in the AP, not by RAW for a wagon.
In the past most groups I've gamed with have somewhat glossed over the overland travel portion of an adventure/campaign, pausing typically only if a "random encounter" occured. Now I suppose that this could be done with Jade Regent, but I really feel that doing so would result in a loss of the 'epic journey' feel of the AP. I'm fairly green when it comes to GMing (I've done it a couple times in the past, and our regular GM is really excited to play a character in this AP) so any thoughts or ideas on what more experienced GMs have done in the past or are doing for Jade Regent to flesh out the caravan travel portion would be a huge help! Thanks!
I'm interested in what the policy might be about whatever needs to be done pulling apart-wise in order for me to copy these as images? We game using D20Pro, a projector, and a mirror to reflect the image onto the gaming table. (the fog of war makes exploration of dungeons very easy to do!) Trouble is I need to pull the images off the pdf in order to put them into d20Pro, and I'm finding this is no easy task. Thanks. |