Phaye |
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

We find out in book 2 that Aroden took the Aeon Orbs from the Xulgath. That is one of their primary motivations for revenge. In Book 6, under the entry for the NPC Kirosthrek is says the following.
Book 6: The Apocalypse Prophet wrote:
The heroes may feel they owe the xulgaths some form of reparations for Aroden’s theft millennia ago, and Kirosthrek is willing to entertain reasonable offers to benefit her people, in lieu of the aeon orbs. The details and repercussions of such an arrangement are beyond the scope of this adventure
I wanted to see what ideas you all had. I know my players are going to want to do something. They may even want to give one of the orbs away. What ideas could I (as the GM) propose?