Short dark drown hair frames Peter's somewhat heavy features. Skin tan from the road shows pale once out of his armor.
His clothes are normally scruffy from heavy wear but He today his dress armor is clean and freshly polished.
Peter's new cold iron flail jangles at his hip. He is not yet used to the weapon having won it dicing last night with a newly arrived Chelaxian armiger. It was a fair game, Peter lost his bow.
Friendly but a bit distant. Easy to befriend but hard to really know. Quite happy working with Paladins of Iomedae, Hellknights, or whatever low templar dregs end up in the watch. Knows the difference between soft (the odd free drink from a shopkeeper happy to have the watch show a face in his/her establishment) and real (real money for services rendered) corruption.
He does not talk about the ritual. It is not a secret that he was kidnapped along with three other children by a demon cult but he does not talk about it. If you get him drinking, and it is near the anniversary date he will sometimes open his sleeve and show the three names tattooed there; Galeea, Ezera, and Harsk. Peter was the only survivor.
Is only really happy when running. Either chasing a pickpocket or just "chasing the morning" as he refers to his near daily pre dawn runs through the city. The greatest, though secret joy, is reserved for when some early rising or late straying mugger as a go. He has been mugged twice, but he has run more than a dozen would-be attackers to exhaustion and the local lock-up.
Peter is a bit of a feature in Kenabres. Most folks will at least know him by sight from his participation in various temple, civic, and festival games, or from his daily early morning runs through the city.
Born in the city to crusader parents Peter was groomed for a military career however his innate questioning nature and constant flirting with becoming a professional athlete have blocked any major advancement. His recent promotion to corporal in the venerable Kenabres city watch may signal a turning point for the young man.