PepticBurrito's page

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Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
And what's more is that while the Skald may use other spellcasters for scroll creation, they still have to follow the rules of anyone else who isn't that class for the purposes of using spell-completion/spell-trigger items; they must have levels in a class that has whatever spell on that scroll on their spell list in order to cast. Otherwise it's back to UMD, and while the Skald (a type of Bard) is...

The spell "Read Magic" performs the same exact thing that UMD does for the purpose of deciphering a scroll.

The Spell read magic is on the Skald's spell list. Get a hold of a copy of a scroll, cast read magic on it, put it in your bag. Now you can use the scroll when ever you want without having to pass an UMD check. You can even use that deciphered scroll to create other magic items (see magic item creation in the Corerule book)

I've played a Bard that did this. Scribe scroll at Level 1, Craft Wand at level 5. I just collected scrolls every time the GM put them in the game, bought them, or asked the Wizard in the party to write one for me. By Level 10 he had a Haversack side pocket devoted to them.

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:

A couple of comments:

If you don't see the utility of having Scribe Scroll for a class with a small list of Spells Known, remember that the skald can use that feat in tandem with another spellcaster to create useful scrolls—scrolls that other caster can cast

For those of you how have no idea what he's talking about, it's in the magic item creation section of the book. Page 549 in my printing. Also found in the PRD (

"Note that all items have prerequisites in their descriptions. These prerequisites must be met for the item to be created. Most of the time, they take the form of spells that must be known by the item's creator (although access through another magic item or spellcaster is allowed)."

This means, if the Bard has scribe scroll and there's another caster available to help, that bard can scribe the scroll of a spell the other caster knows.

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
, or scrolls the skald can cast with Use Magic Device

If you have a scroll available of a spell, with Use Magical Device you can decipher the scroll. Once deciphered, it's a spell known (for the purposes of Item Creation) as long as you have possession of the scroll. The spell Read Magic should also be able perform the same function as UMD for this purpose. (At least that's how I run it).

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
or without UMD, if they're on the skald's spell list but not something he'd use so often as to want to actually learn it as a spell known).

This, on the other hand, is complete news to me. I presume it's because of the two following statements "The DC to create a magic item is 5 + the caster level for the item" and "The DC to create a magic item increases by +5 for each prerequisite the caster does not meet.".

The second statement presumes a caster can create a magic item when he doesn't meet the prerequisites. In other words, Scribe Scroll's requirement of "spell that you know." is not absolute. Not knowing the spell increases the DC by 5, if the spell is on your spell list.