Cydrius |
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I'm running into a bit of a crisis of faith, so to speak:
Context: I play a character whose background involves a family weapon inherited from his father.
The DM was starting us off with a significant chunk of money, but the character is, by background, broke. To make these two facts meet, I gave the character extremely meager beginning equipment, save for a masterwork weapon made of an exotic material.
The problem I'm meeting now is that following the game's first major boss fight, the party has come into possession of a magical weapon of the same type. (My character is the only party member who uses this type of weapon.)
The best option for me would be to use this new weapon. However, this severely breaks roleplay and immersion, as the character has a significant attachment to his current weapon.
I asked my DM what he feels would be an appropriate price for transfering the new weapon's magic to his family's axe, though the price given feels rather excessive to me. The GM justified this price (1200 gp) as being cheaper than enchanting this axe from scratch. However, this does not account for the lost magic on the magical weapon obtained, driving the price beyond the original.
I'm hoping to suggest an alternative solution, though I'm having issue finding one.
Has anyone run into this? What was your solution?