Winter-Touched Sprite

Peacock's page

361 posts. Alias of Cydrius.

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I'm running into a bit of a crisis of faith, so to speak:

Context: I play a character whose background involves a family weapon inherited from his father.

The DM was starting us off with a significant chunk of money, but the character is, by background, broke. To make these two facts meet, I gave the character extremely meager beginning equipment, save for a masterwork weapon made of an exotic material.

The problem I'm meeting now is that following the game's first major boss fight, the party has come into possession of a magical weapon of the same type. (My character is the only party member who uses this type of weapon.)

The best option for me would be to use this new weapon. However, this severely breaks roleplay and immersion, as the character has a significant attachment to his current weapon.

I asked my DM what he feels would be an appropriate price for transfering the new weapon's magic to his family's axe, though the price given feels rather excessive to me. The GM justified this price (1200 gp) as being cheaper than enchanting this axe from scratch. However, this does not account for the lost magic on the magical weapon obtained, driving the price beyond the original.

I'm hoping to suggest an alternative solution, though I'm having issue finding one.

Has anyone run into this? What was your solution?

My group is currently playing a gestalt take on Skull & Shackles, and I'm hitting a bit of a knot with my build.

My character is a Ratfolk Unchained Rogue/Shaman 4 and uses the Sharpclaw feat and a Tailblade to deliver three attacks per turn, often pumping a touch spell such as Frostbite into the claws.

It's ambiguous whether or not the tailblade could be used for delivering a touch spell as well, because the item's wording is rather unclear about it being a natural attack or not. My group has opted to rule against this, as it is technically a weapon.

Currently, the build holds up fine, but a fellow player has alerted me to a potential issue at higher level:

A rogue's bread and butter is using multiple attacks to deliver multiple sneak attack damage each turn. However, my current build more or less caps out at two claws and a tail attack, which will be rather underwhelming at higher level.

Can anyone recommend feats or other abilities my character could take to make up for this? Is there some way to get iterative with claw attacks, or more attacks in general with my current setup?

The 'obvious' solution here would be to instead use weapons, but I've grown quite fond of the idea of delivering multiple touches of Frostbite per turn.

Dot away!

Welcome aboard, everyone!

Korvosa has long stood as the first bastion of civilization on the wild frontier of Varisia. Yet tragedy seems to haunt the city’s royal bloodline.

Few of her rulers rule for long, and none have lived to a ripe old age, dying instead well before their time. Heirs to the throne are few and far between—in its 300-year history, no king of Korvosa has directly inherited the Crimson Throne from his father. This is the source of much gossip and tale-spinning among the city’s citizens, who speak in hushed tones of what they have come to call the Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Adventurer to be, living in this city on the brink, the time has come to rise to your true potential. Your fate beckons you.

Before anything, a warning : This will be my first experience DMing in a formal setting. I have done some Dungeon Mastering, but only at the kitchen table, in a very casual group. If you are coming with the expectation of a flawless, experienced DM, this is not the game for you. If you are willing to accept a neophyte DM, and are willing to help me learn as I try and entertain you, then I welcome you with open arms. If at any point you have an issue with my decisions, I request that you PM me with your grievances or suggestions. I will make a point of honor of listening to what my players have to say.

Character Creation Guidelines :

  • Point Buy, 20 points.
  • Max HP at first level, roll for subsequent levels. If you roll under the average, take the average, rounded up. (4 for d6, 5 for d8, 6 for d10 and 7 for d12)
  • Two traits per character, one of which must be a trait from the campaign.
  • Starting gold of 150 for all characters.
  • Offer up some backstory; the campaign’s story revolves around the city of Korvosa much, therefore characters with strong local ties would be recommended.
  • All Paizo material are accepted. However, please point out sources for non-core materials.
  • Creativity in character creation is encouraged, but party cohesion will be a major influence on selection.

House Rules :

  • Rather than account for XP, the party will level up at appropriate moments in the adventure.
  • Roleplay bonuses on rolls will be awarded at my discretion.

I will be recruiting until Sunday, August 25th. Depending on the volume of applications, that date may be extended. I will be choosing characters according to the effort shown in their creation, the potential for interesting roleplay, and in order to create a balanced party.

Feel free to ask any questions, I will be more than happy to respond.