Holy Vindicator

Pax Ponix's page

Goblin Squad Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

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TEO ArchAnjel wrote:
Pax Ponix wrote:

He Who Shall Not Be Named,

Sir, if we all lived in the same country. We probably wouldn't live in the same province or state. Each province or state has its own individual needs and wants. Pax is a Country of gamers that is comprised of different states and provinces with their own leaders. We just choose to do it under one roof (much like a country)because we feel safe with our wive's and children playing with the people that apply and successfully get thru their app period. That being said, Golgotha is its own state Sir.

Sincerely, Ponix

And every other country in the game gets to start with one state. Except Pax who has split their vote so they get to start with two states. That's why people are crying foul.

All due respect Sir Aeternum and Golgotha were known as separate entities on these forums before they were an alliance <- 2 separate entities working together. That is what part of this game is about. Making alliances and enemies.


Goblin Squad Member

He Who Shall Not Be Named,

Sir, if we all lived in the same country. We probably wouldn't live in the same province or state. Each province or state has its own individual needs and wants. Pax is a Country of gamers that is comprised of different states and provinces with their own leaders. We just choose to do it under one roof (much like a country)because we feel safe with our wive's and children playing with the people that apply and successfully get thru their app period. That being said, Golgotha is its own state Sir.

Sincerely, Ponix

Goblin Squad Member

If the game is going to have a criminal system. Then make it after so many kills on the same player. The offender automatically teleports to jail immediately and awaits trial. A system could be created to curb the ganking :)


Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Pax Ponix wrote:

Just a thought but once mechanics have been tested and to a more final stage. An alignment/rep reset could be done for EE players.Other games can do talent point and soul point resets server wide.

This is a possibility to be considered. Go!! lol

That is a good suggestion, but "Some People" would cry! pick up their ball and go home. They would declare that EE amounted to nothing more than a murder simulator, and that they had been duped into thinking PFO would be that "special little snow flake" they hoped for.

I personally would rather have people understand that PFO is a harsh place, where if you don't travel its environment smartly, you will die and die often. My view us more in line with what the Devs have stated, in my opinion.

The River Kingdoms = Soft in morals, not soft in will, body or skills.

I agree with you. However, to most I think it would be considered a "fair shake". Also it would make good publicity for those who prefer a player friendly organizations. In my opinion that is what keeps gamer's coming back. That being said, I think they would double what they lose.

Thanks, Ponix

Goblin Squad Member

Just a thought but once mechanics have been tested and to a more final stage. An alignment/rep reset could be done for EE players.Other games can do talent point and soul point resets server wide.
This is a possibility to be considered. Go!! lol

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bluddwolf wrote:
Woah..... This is going to be a big one!!!!

This should be interesting for mixed settlements to keep there alignment straight.The plot thickens :)

Goblin Squad Member

Ponix of Pax Aeternum @ Pax gaming