1. You are out hunting for a much needed meal. You enter a small clearing and spy a deer. The deer is a female and this is the season for birthing fawns, but you cannot tell from this distance if she is a nursing mother or not. What would your character do?
This depends on the situation. I have spent a lot of time in the wilds, and often your chances at obtaining food come only sparsely. I would have to make a judgment call. How scarce is food in the region. What is the deer population in the region. Am I likely to run across other sources of food. In the end, if I'm hungry then it's likely food is sparse so I would follow the deer for a time quietly. If there was no sign of a baby then I would be finding myself eating a fine meal.
2. You are in a busy town intersection and stumble across a coin purse. Upon inspection, it has not only coins, but cut gems inside. What would your character do?
I don't like towns so much, at least not those that aren't filled with good honorable folk. I would look for any distinct markings on the purse. Perhaps I recognize the purse. If the town constable was an honorable man, then I would turn the purse in. Within a period of time if no one comes looking for it I would come and collect it and put the coins to good use.
3. You spy one of your settlement associates (someone you know well but less than a good friend) speaking in the shadows of his shop to another person. As you watch, the second person quickly makes for the settlement wall, climbs it, and disappears into the neighboring forest. You recognize the man as someone who has been banned from your settlement. This associate is of good standing in the settlement and has a wife and two children. What would your character do?
Someone with a wife and child should not be putting them at risk with such behavior. However, perhaps there is a good reason for why they are conversing. I would approach the person and ask them why they were associating with such a person. It might depend upon the nature of the other individual's banishment. In the end I would hope they would come clean as to the reasoning. Let us hope he doesn't become violent, for his sake. Any community I would associate with would help out the wife and child regardless of the outcome; and I'd make sure they were seen to.
4. Your settlement leader has approached you in secret with concerns about another settlement member who he believes may be a spy. The person in question turns out to be a close friend of yours. The settlement leader asks you to keep an eye on him, report anything suspicious, and not to mention any of this conversation to your friend. What would your character do?
A close friend of mine that is under suspicion would be a large concern. I would keep to myself for a time and watch my friend. However, depending on what I find I may or may not divulge the information. True and loyal friends are hard to come by. Those that can watch your back in battle or times of duress are rare. If they are a traitor or a danger to others then perhaps I was wrong in naming them friend and I would relay the information.
5. On a recent escalation raid, you recovered a small crystal sphere. Thinking it to be harmless but attractive, you take it home and leave it on the small table beside your bed. As you begin to drift off to sleep, you hear a voice in your head. "You and yours were not as thorough as you think," it says. "I endure and I will reward you handsomely if you return that crystal to me." When you open your eyes, you see a fading light emanating from the crystal. What would your character do?
I would take the crystal to someone that is well versed in the arcane that I trust. I would relay the information I saw in my dream and come up with a plan of action depending on the result.
6. You and a fellow settlement member were out patrolling. A party of Orcs ambushed the two of you. You managed to kill several and flee into the woods, but your companion is badly wounded. The settlement is a decent distance away, your friend is at least your size, and the Orcs are closing in. What would your character do?
I'll never leave a comrade in arms behind. Depending on my condition I would carry the friend to safety or find an adequate hiding place. They are, after all, only orcs and poor trackers in general. I could be surprised, in which case I would fight to defend the both of us.
7. You have spent twenty minutes single handedly clearing the monsters out of an area with the intention of setting up a harvesting camp. After killing the last monster, you return to the spot where the harvesting camp can be erected, only to find someone else has planted their harvesting camp in the same spot. What would your character do?
I would calmly explain to this other person what has happened. Hopefully they are honorable enough to recognize my legitimate claim based upon my hard work. If this is not the case I am well prepared to defend what I have fought for.
8. You are searching the settlement market for a new item that you need. You see the item for sale by several merchants. One is a member of your settlement and one is a guest with permission to use the settlement market. The settlement member's price is double that of the guest. What would your character do?
I would purchase the item with the fairer price. I would perhaps investigate the cheaper merchant to see if everything was as it seems. I might also approach the settlement's merchant and explain that his price is twice what I could get the item for. Perhaps he would match the other price and benefit the settlement. Resources should be conserved, however. It's best to always be prepared.
9. You are on patrol and see a man being accosted by bandits. He is still alive, but it is clear he has been beaten into submission and is lying prone and helpless on the ground. The bandits are picking through his pack. You are certain you can handle the bandits, but as you look closer, you can tell that their victim is a member of a settlement that you are at war with currently. What would your character do?
Bandits are a bane. The next victim could well be a friend or fellow settlement member. I would take out the bandits and then take the merchant captive. I would bring him and his goods back to the settlement if I am able and figure out what the settlement wished to do with him.
10. It's time to begin training a new skill. Your settlement is short on < enter a skill you normally wouldn't think of training >, but you could also start the next tier of your favorite skill. What would your character do?
I would carefully weigh the options. Which skill truly makes me the most effective. While the other skill may very well be needed by the settlement perhaps it does not play to my strengths. In the end, while I would wish to aid the settlement, that skill may well not mesh well with my own strengths. That would drive my decision. I would seek the advice of others and see what they would think as well. A group made decision for the betterment of all is the wisest course.