Paul_Maplesden's page
Organized Play Member. 16 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.
Yolande d'Bar wrote: I attended Gen Con with my girlfriend and a couple friends, and we played in Caedmon Tracey's Sunday morning Between the Lines game. We all agreed that he was not only the best GM any of us had at the convention, but the best GM any of us had ever had at ANY convention.
—His rules knowledge was exemplary.
—He'd extensively prepped the scenario..
—He kept track of time and was conscious of pacing.
However, none of that was what made him great. Tracey's role-playing choices were right on and consistently interesting. The energy and creativity of his portrayals really set him apart: the screeching semi-sanity of his gnolls; the smack-talking Div; the extravagant self-involvement of our patron; the quiet intensity of the seance. It was clear he'd given a lot of deep thought to portraying the people and creatures of his world, and he made that world real.
If you ever get a chance to play in a Caedmon Tracey game, jump at it. He's that good.
I'm a member of the Asheville Pathfinder Lodge, and Caedmon is a regular GM for us there, and he is *always* that good. Three or four of my more memorable PFS moments have been on Caedmon's tables, including a 90 minute philosophical debate during "the Stolen Heir".
If you're ever in AVL, we'd love it if you dropped in - We've got lots of great GMs.
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Avatar-1 wrote: This flowchart doesn't include what you need to do if you're killed, then brought back to life as an undead creature by a demon, and then subsequently killed again. I tried to keep it simple ;)
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Death comes to all characters eventually, hopefully as a result of old age, but sometimes when a frank exchange of views with a nasty NPC leaves you on the wrong side of this mortal veil.
There are a few options when it comes to dealing with death in PFS, but they all have different restrictions, conditions and costs. This handy flow chart brings everything together in one place so you can quickly work out how much it's going to cost you to cheerfully mock the reaper!
You and Death - Know Your Options!
More PF Resources here: More Pathfinder Resources, Courtesy of Asheville Pathfinder Lodge
Just a quick question: If a player gets a raise dead and then does not have a restoration, how does this work?
I am aware of the impact of negative levels - http://www.pathfinder-srd.nl/wiki/Energy_drain_and_negative_levels
But, here's my question:
If a player chooses not to get a restoration for whatever reason, could they play through three scenarios as normal to remove one or both of the negative level(s), i.e. level out of the negative level via standard PFS play?
If they were to do that and then had a Restoration cast, would they get the negative level(s) back and then effectively have achieved a level (or more) due to the scenarios they have played?
nosig wrote: thistledown wrote: Not bad. I do find it ironic though that you have the same avatar as BigNorseWolf, while he is a major opponent of such tracking sheets. Actually, I think BNW is just against the ITS - partly because it doesn't track everything, and mostly because it seems to be double work (extra paperwork).
I can understand that. Just to clarify, this isn't meant to be anything to do with the ITS, this is purely for a player's convenience so they can track what their character has and hasn't used in a session.
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I can change it to gender and leave it empty, no problem! New version here.
thistledown wrote: Not bad. I do find it ironic though that you have the same avatar as BigNorseWolf, while he is a major opponent of such tracking sheets. Why would one oppose tracking sheets? In PFS, where one has to pay for and track everything, it should hopefully make things easier.
Keeping track of everything whilst roleplaying can be a challenge - Exactly how many arrows did you fire or charges of that CLW wand did you burn?
That's why I've created this character tracking sheet that you can use to track the various different resources your character will go through, including health, spell casting, ammo, conditions, charges, uses per day and more.
Please do share onwards, let me know what you think and make any suggestions for amendments and improvements.
Character Tracking Sheet
More Pathfinder Resources
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Keeping track of everything whilst roleplaying can be a challenge - Exactly how many arrows did you fire or charges of that CLW wand did you burn?
That's why I've created this character tracking sheet that you can use to track the various different resources your character will go through, including health, spell casting, ammo, conditions, charges, uses per day and more.
Please do share onwards, let me know what you think and make any suggestions for amendments and improvements.
Character Tracking Sheet
More Pathfinder Resources
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Keeping track of everything whilst roleplaying can be a challenge - Exactly how many arrows did you fire or charges of that CLW wand did you burn?
That's why I've created this character tracking sheet that you can use to track the various different resources your character will go through, including health, spell casting, ammo, conditions, charges, uses per day and more.
Please do share onwards, let me know what you think and make any suggestions for amendments and improvements.
Character Tracking Sheet
More Pathfinder Resources
Petty Alchemy wrote: A nifty little document, though somewhat bare. I generally use the 10 minute background, which expands a little more on the points you make. That's a great resource, I may well add a second optional page that incorporates some of those elements.
One of the hardest things, especially for new players (and often in PFS Organized Play) is being able to create and roleplay characters that are distinctive and have an interesting appearance, personality and approach.
Creating unique characters is a great way to create better roleplaying experiences and help characters stick in player's and GM's minds, and helps us to avoid the 'I'm just a barbarian with a big axe' generic approach!
Coming up with a unique character concept can be overwhelming though. That's why I made this easy to use one page sheet that will allow a player to quickly capture the key aspects of their character's appearance, upbringing, approach and attitude and will help create distinctive, unique, vibrant, one of a kind characters.
I have deliberately kept the sheet and details captured 'light weight' as this is mainly intended for organized play, although you are of course free to adapt and amend it to the needs of your players and groups.
Character Background Development PDF
More PFS resources here
3 people marked this as a favorite.
One of the hardest things, especially for new players (and often in PFS Organized Play) is being able to create and roleplay characters that are distinctive and have an interesting appearance, personality and approach.
Creating unique characters is a great way to create better roleplaying experiences and help characters stick in player's and GM's minds, and helps us to avoid the 'I'm just a barbarian with a big axe' generic approach!
Coming up with a unique character concept can be overwhelming though. That's why I made this easy to use one page sheet that will allow a player to quickly capture the key aspects of their character's appearance, upbringing, approach and attitude and will help create distinctive, unique, vibrant, one of a kind characters.
I have deliberately kept the sheet and details captured 'light weight' as this is mainly intended for organized play, although you are of course free to adapt and amend it to the needs of your players and groups.
Character Background Development PDF
More PFS resources here
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Hi folks,
I have created a resource that is a series of condition and effect counters and spell templates that anyone (players and GMs) can download, print out onto card stock, cut out and use in games. (Pathfinder Society or Home Brew).
It is intended to make it easier for players and GMs to keep track of what is going on during play, by placing counters on the map in appropriate squares to show spell effects, conditions and the like (either on individuals or areas).
My suggestion would be to make players responsible for downloading and printing out the relevant ones according to their character's abilities / spells (So that GMs don't have to sort through them in play, although GMs could certainly have some generic ones on hand). I am not sure how they will work in practice, but I wanted to complete this as a creative exercise.
Grateful for any comments that you might have.
Condition, Effect and Spell Counters
Hi folks,
I have created a resource that is a series of condition and effect counters and spell templates that anyone (players and GMs) can download, print out onto card stock, cut out and use in games. (Pathfinder Society or Home Brew).
It is intended to make it easier for players and GMs to keep track of what is going on during play, by placing counters on the map in appropriate squares to show spell effects, conditions and the like (either on individuals or areas).
My suggestion would be to make players responsible for downloading and printing out the relevant ones according to their character's abilities / spells (So that GMs don't have to sort through them in play, although GMs could certainly have some generic ones on hand). I am not sure how they will work in practice, but I wanted to complete this as a creative exercise.
Grateful for any comments that you might have.
Condition, Effect and Spell Counters
Hi folks,
I have created a resource that is a series of condition and effect counters and spell templates that anyone (players and GMs) can download, print out onto card stock, cut out and use in games. (Pathfinder Society or Home Brew).
It is intended to make it easier for players and GMs to keep track of what is going on during play, by placing counters on the map in appropriate squares to show spell effects, conditions and the like (either on individuals or areas).
My suggestion would be to make players responsible for downloading and printing out the relevant ones according to their character's abilities / spells (So that GMs don't have to sort through them in play, although GMs could certainly have some generic ones on hand). I am not sure how they will work in practice, but I wanted to complete this as a creative exercise.
Grateful for any comments that you might have.
Condition, Effect and Spell Counters