Frost Giant

Paul Hedges's page

Organized Play Member. 202 posts. 8 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge

I just got the Cthulhu role playing game by chaosism. i love it and want more more more. What role playing books would be considered essential by this community. I cannot believe I missed this for 20 years!

Liberty's Edge

I think this book feels more like a grab bag ala unearthed arcana. Dunno I don't mind anything by itself maybe it just a grouping thing. I LOVE the cover.

Liberty's Edge

This map pack is a lot more useful then the first few for me. I can use the maps as generic or to fill in details of the world. Thanks for experimenting with the format!

Liberty's Edge

Saw Mona,s post about reasoning behind inclusion of Sam and ninja
. Understood.

Liberty's Edge

This ,by the description,sounds like the first book I am not looking forward to. I love melee more than anything else and this seems off for some reason. Wouldn't ninja and samurai go better in the oriental book? I guess I thought of the combat book more like the opposite of ultimate magic with fighters and her magic lacking piers receiving the lions share. I admit this is gut reaction and the product isn't out exc. I just , the description seemed offputting. This opinion can totally be swayed and the book will be bought because paizo is BFF with my money.

Liberty's Edge

Something that should be avoided is making new players think of the box set as a board game. This happened with the 3e set and my daughter and it took a lot to get the notion out of her mind. As for preassigned stats I disagree. Rolling dice is fun and a group rolling a bunch of dice is a good lead in to playing. It can encourage talking about the characters and development. If the starter box simplifies the best parts of the game I worry about not really representing the game.

Liberty's Edge

The basic sets tend to focus on combat which is good but I would like to see a booklet that focuses on non combat. Perhaps Sandpoint could be used as a base for the new heroes. It is developed and as an added bonus has goblins lurking. The role playing stuff could be game mastery style advice or maybe some mini plots designed to get the new players to explore the town. When my daughters played the original 3e set it was too much like a board game. The item cards, tokens, flip mats all sound great. Maybe a paper doll style character sheet to put equipment and treasure on.

Liberty's Edge

I have not seen it in a thread so I thought i would get the ball rollin. If i am mistaken please move to appropriate thread. I was wondering how far in the development the product was. Would a "what we would like to see" style thread help? I have a daughter who wants to start playing and look forward to this.

Liberty's Edge

exopc should be a good slate for tabletop gaming

Liberty's Edge

Just finished it and I loved it.

Liberty's Edge

Jared Ouimette wrote:
Aubrey the Malformed wrote:
Jared Ouimette wrote:

Cool. So much for personal accountability, then. I'm sure those people got their money back, but he took something a bit more intagible from them when he took their money.

His word. That he would provide a service to them. And not only did he not keep it, he like, not kept it for, what is it, 4 YEARS now?

Yeah, sure, plus f~!~ing one.

Oh, get over it, Jared. There is already a thread for this. Yes, he has failed to deliver and to manage expectations effectively, and has pissed people off. But Nick is not a malicious fraudster, he is a guy suffering from tragic over-optimism. He feels badly about it, very badly. So badly, in fact, he may not write anything RPG-related again, if his words on the subject are anything to go by. And that is probably because of the huge amount of negative rep and stress he is getting over Sinister and Razor Coast. Stuff like the boorish crap you are spewing out.

Personally, I don't think Nick never writing for Paizo, Sinister or anyone else is a good thing. He is a great writer if he is also a lousy businessman. Let's just get off his case and let him finish what he is doing, and let him do what is good for him as a person going forward. He doesn't need to be morally judged by you, or anyone. So stop acting like he shot your dog. I mean, have you even ordered Razor Coast? If not, what the hell is your problem? If you are just trolling, please don't bother.

Don't worry, you'll forgive me. I am a great writer, after all.

Jared did you run any events at Paizocon? I thought i saw your name next to a game.

Liberty's Edge

Is anything holding it up? If anything is put it is sidecart and ship er out. If not can I get a estimate on shipping, I have some anxious players wanting to get their hands on some stuff. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I love the APG, it is easily my favorite book in the last few years. That is why I asked how many obvious horrible errors there are.(spelling, mistype, grammatical, I do not consider corner case rules errors) I enjoyed the book but maybe I shouldn't have with the countless pages of errors (sarcasm). As for the other books I cannot speak to them as this thread is about the APG. Any improvement to the process is good, and this has been acknowledged. The thing that nobody is doing is what was asked, point out the errors so they can be fixed. (i realize that errors are pointed out in other threads, but in this one?)

Liberty's Edge

Out of curiosity, how many errors does the book contain?

Liberty's Edge

It is really weird how some of the books go pretty much normal speed and the core book goes dirt slow. I also noticed that if you flip through a few pages of any book but the core, it seems to cache the pages and flip faster.

Liberty's Edge

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
Paul Hedges wrote:
the core book seems to go real slow :( The bestiary does not do too bad, it varies 1 ta 3. I will check on the bookmarks. I am gonna try to figure out a way to speed up the corebook by changing its format.
What is your satisfaction overall? how good is this thing purely as a gaming aid? (i.e. to carry all your Paizo PDFs...) Any problem memory-limit-wise?

I am satisfied with it as an e reader, very much so. As a pure gaming aid I am still figuring it out. As a dm if you need to flip fast, the pdf's are too variable to be reliable. You can do bookmarks, and that does seem to go faster. Also the basic web browser would give you access to the PRD or any site you wanted to bookmark. The 9.7 is 3g so it is always connected for free. As for the Ipad i do not like LCD screens for reading as they are difficult for me to retain and hurt my eyes. School just started this week so i hope to get some time with it this weekend. Our game is on monday nights I will try to use it and see how it goes.

Liberty's Edge

the core book seems to go real slow :( The bestiary does not do too bad, it varies 1 ta 3. I will check on the bookmarks. I am gonna try to figure out a way to speed up the corebook by changing its format.

Liberty's Edge

sorry if i double post but the boards seem to have eaten my post. I am no longer a board virgin. I have the graphite kindle dx 9.7. I am still loading several books onto it. The books look really good to me at least, crisp although the text might be to small for some eyeballs. There is a zoom, go to page and search. The page turn speed seems to be dependent on size and images, the faction guide varies between 1 and 3 seconds. Prince of Wolves, pretty much instant. I will try to get up a video in the next week after i learn the UI and get some free time(school starts) and a variety of books onto the device.

Liberty's Edge

I have a 9.7 graphite coming on Monday. I will use it and report back when i get some time with it. I plan on putting the corebook, the core book by single file, and an adventure path to test things out.

Liberty's Edge

Do they make pathfinder Cialis?

Liberty's Edge

I have been looking for a slate that i can put herolab on and will have a small footprint at the table. I have been searching for this for awhile. The ipad is out because it does not allow installation of herolab, which i want to use for my game. Rumors of various slates keep popping up, I think this one fits the bill.

Does anybody have any others that they know of other slates or small tablets? The hp slate looked promising but it is up in the air. Does android OS allow the installation of herolab? How much of a walled garden is Android? One prerequisite to any slate that I use would be the ability to put normal software on it.I think the ideal would have both touch and pen input for editing character sheets.

Liberty's Edge

thanks, for some reason i had the tech and video games forum minimized.

Can I get this thread deleted?

Liberty's Edge

Cool thanks Incoming email from

Liberty's Edge

I have been looking with anticipation for a slate that i can put herolab on and will have a small footprint at the table. I have been searching for this for awhile. The ipad is out because it does not allow installation of herolab, which i want to use for my game. I think this one fits the bill

Does anybody have any others that they know of other slates or small tablets? The hp slate looked promising but it is up in the air. Does android OS allow the installation of herolab? I think the ideal would have both touch and pen input for editing character sheets.

Liberty's Edge

My pc's just finished up and saved the demiplane. I provided them with a way to access it so they could continue to explore. Does anybody know of any web extras or articles that contain more information about the various islands? Another question, the strange material at the top of the spire is located in 2d4 locations. How much is located in each spot?
I was thinking, since Kingmaker is next, that I might let the pc's have the crystal for their kingdom as a bonus since they most likely will not get to use it in this AP. Kakishon might be fun to HEX up as well. Thanks for any help!

Liberty's Edge

How different will the rules be? How many new subsets of rules that are not compatible with the old rules will we have. Will wizard type one set 1 use different mechanics than wizards classic? Different mechanics for core classes sounds more like a change than an upgrade. It might be a positive change because the product sounds intriguing, but not knowing how many differences there are in gameplay mechanics makes it hard to argue. How will the sets interact with living realms play? Thanks for helping with my questions.

Liberty's Edge

My service at the bar and grill was exceptional both years. I would like the con to stay about the same size if at all possible its the main reason i choose it over gen con

Liberty's Edge

By observing itself does it change the outcome?

Liberty's Edge

I agree with Sebastian it was a lot of fun. The dreams were intriguing and well done. I am eager to try the mapping technique you used monday in our game.

Liberty's Edge

It was fun and it was really nice to work with ya! I think next year we should both get laptops with extension cords and play a networked game.

Liberty's Edge

here is the man who did the song you liked. the site is pretty flash heavy but toward the bottom is a link that takes you into the world of the record

the concept record also has Stephen King as a DJ playing his last show before the government shuts him down.

Liberty's Edge

i think with the music we also might just listen to the first minute if we have alot of people, unless of course the song kicks so much sonic ass that we have to complete it!

Liberty's Edge

This makes me happy

Liberty's Edge

Ozymandias 6th level cleric of Sarenrae, head severed by the Carrion King.

Liberty's Edge

What is going on with this order? I had an email on the 12th saying there was a week delay but nothing since. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

The crunch and new stuff in the monthly releases keeps me coming back. It is the main reason. Our group uses the Core rules. If I find something in the companions, chron, or AP's I can print them off from my handy PDF. I also keep a Onenote book of all the various rules my players might be interested in. The new content currently sits at 77 pages, counting prestige, spells, traits, feats and magic items. The mix in the AP is my ideal, half adventure, half new shit. This makes me happy and it would fill my heart with sadness and make my eyes rain if you changed it.

Liberty's Edge

Scott Betts wrote:
joela wrote:

Issue on Game Balance.

Interesting thoughts. I'm definitely in the "I'm suppose to care about game balance?" team. (Team Jacob? Team Edward?)

Team Conan.

I agree with this!

Liberty's Edge

I think a balance of the balancing is probably the best road. Too much one way leads to blank slate sameness, too much the other way leads to the dark side.

Liberty's Edge

How is an Alchemist like a MMO class specifically WOW. I have never played WOW so I am curious. One of my players said the same thing but could not articulate why. Is it a fluff thing or a mechanics thing?

Liberty's Edge

Do we have a paizo wave yet?

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Paul Hedges wrote:
I just wish Fort Rannick was closer to Sandpoint. That would have made it work better i think
I believe the original outline DID have Fort Rannick pretty close to Sandpoint, actually, but for various reasons we ended up moving it elsewhere, the main one of which was a desire to get more of Varisia out there for folks to check out rather than spend the first 3 months stuck in the same area. Which would have probably made a better experience in the end... but at the time, when we were launching a brand new game world, it didn't make as much sense. We wanted to get out and stretch our legs a little.

it was not a dealbreaker by any means, I had a lot of fun running it. I do like to build a small area up adn I think Kingmaker sounds like it will be right up our alley. In LoF i am using the support article in episode 2, the one with the areas around the main town detailed, to create a area that has vibrancy, so please keep doing those.

Liberty's Edge

I just wish Fort Rannick was closer to Sandpoint. That would have made it work better i think

Liberty's Edge

The druid requires 24 hours of uninterrupted prayer, the summoner requires one minute the next day anytime. it does not say 24 hours, the assumption could be made that it takes 24 hours in between but things like this it is best to specify. I like the class, the concept kicks ass. I just think it needs reeled in a bit.

Liberty's Edge

I will finalize findings later but initial feelings is the ED for the summoner still has balance issues. He outshines everybody and makes the rest of the party secondary characters. A party of summoners would be a nightmare to balance an encounter against in its current form. I think the ability to buff the pet may have something to do with it. ,Maybe a buff limit? Having an ED fully buffed that is super strong with feats was a bit much. The strength stacking of the large to huge plus a magic item gave the 12th level characters a pet with a 39 strength and a 40 AC. Fully buffed it was a nightmare. The summoner had no incentive to protect the ED since he suffered no penalties if the ED died unlike every other class with a pet. The witch played fine and had fun until he became aware that he really was not that useful with the ED around.

Liberty's Edge

Zurai wrote:
Paul Hedges wrote:
Does the Huge evolution physical ability scores really stack with the large. So a +16 to Strength? That seems a little high and I am not sure why it would stack. Another thing are there any penalties for the ED dying beyond it just disappearing for a day?

Yes, they stack. Check the Bestiary (or the PRD) for size increases in monsters: the evolutions mirror them exactly, as far as stats are concerned.

No, there are no penalties for the Eidolon's "death" -- remember, they're summoned creatures, so "death" just means they're returned to their plane of origin for 24 hours.

Thanks Zurai!

Liberty's Edge

Does the Huge evolution physical ability scores really stack with the large. So a +16 to Strength? That seems a little high and I am not sure why it would stack. Another thing are there any penalties for the ED dying beyond it just disappearing for a day?

Liberty's Edge

Thanks guys!

Liberty's Edge

Hey does anybody know if the hotel has any rooms that are handicap friendly, wheelchairs, exct. What about the buses in Seattle?

Liberty's Edge

My account is set to never hold anything. I had order number 1272572 set to ship last week i think but it just sits in my sidecart looking at me with tempting sidelong gazes saying "waiting on monthly shipment." I would like it to ship something fierce.

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