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It is known that permanent effects, such as making greater magic fang permanent on a familiar are allowed. Since permanent effects, such as those listed under the permanency guidelines can make alter/buff your familiar then why not use spells that have a permanent effect on your familiar?

I am asking this because Core states that only normal, unmodified animals can become familiars, but does that mean that once your familiar is chosen, it remains such and can be affected by spells? After all, we know that familiars share spells, but if a spell is permanent in duration does this alter the familiar, or simply mean that your familiar remains, it is just under a spell effect as per the familiar guidelines?

I am asking this because of the spell - Polymorph Any Object. Yes, I am aware that this spell requires high level, but, think about all the amazing things you can do by making your cat into a permanent Tiger. If you are high level and prepare this spell at least once a day then you can alter your familiar to suit the task at hand.

It is also fun to do beast shape II or any other shaping effect and have it also affect your familiar. Shaping spells progress as you level, so at low level you can use this idea as well, however, it is not permanent until you get Polymorph Any Object.

PS: I have played a wizard for many years and appreciate the use of the familiar in many ways. It is true that I do not get feats to buff my familiar but find things like mage armor, haste, heroism, PC bards, and other effects make a familiar a valued party member.