Patweb's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I had the original DND adventurer set. The wizard never stood up well. The Halfling we played with, in the end he looked like a sling stone. Being I guess 100% lead they didn't hold form well.

The dice that came with the set eventually broke to pieces due to poor construction. But at least I got dice.

I started playing 1977, technically basic DND first edition, blue cover. I may still have it somewhere.


Metamorphosis Alpha, Fringeworthy, Traveler, Tunnels & Trolls, Chivalry & Sorcery, Runequest (of course).

I played a lot.

I knew about War Torn.

Hi all, I live in Tracy. Does anyone (here) game out there?


I am a 2nd edition DND guy that just registered with Pathfinder society to check it out.

I'm wondering which convention I should attend this Labor Day to get the best mix of pathfinder games?

Pacificon has been around longer
Celesticon has a lot of younger people

That's all I know, I'm old school.

Any suggestions?