Patito's page

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Calthaer wrote:
Patito wrote:
Oh man, any chance of seeing a skills card? Really interested in this character's powers. I like the flavor of a pirate goblin with a spell casting parrot.

Well, it says magic parrot, not magic-user parrot. I'm not sure the parrot casts spells - he might just be enchanted. Not sure what it means when it says the little bird "squawks true." Could mean anything!

I definitely want to know more about that parrot...but I'm not at all sure that the parrot will be reflected in Ranzak's skills / powers / card feats, as such. Maybe...who knows? It would be cool to know if one power is the "squawk true" power, or whatever.

The parrot power could be something like: for all your divine or arcane checks, first roll a d4, on a 1 roll a d6 for the check, on a 2 roll a d8, on a 3 roll a d10 and on a 4 roll a d12. Fun, and frustrating... maybe the parrot helps out a lot, maybe the parrot helps out a little.

Oh man, any chance of seeing a skills card? Really interested in this character's powers. I like the flavor of a pirate goblin with a spell casting parrot.