
Pathfinder Dada's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 5 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

Anyone know if they make the Swaithe or Yaenit demons in any of the pawn sets? Got a big battle with a fortified chapel of Lamashtu and need some of her demon crew present for the fun.

Liberty's Edge

Biztak wrote:

Would anyone else be interested in a Gargantuan Box? so far all the boxes have been missing gargantuan pawns so it got me thinking, am i the only one willing to pay for a gargantuan set with all the gargantuan pawns that are missing from the other boxes?

P.S it wold also be nice if it included all the missing dinosaurs

I would throw down my cash for a box set of such pawns!!!!

Liberty's Edge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Nothing will be released for 2E until GenCon 2019.

Thanks for the heads up.

Liberty's Edge

Is it written for 1st edition or 2nd edition?

Liberty's Edge

In the Merchant Manifest Player's Companion it mentions the new material Blackwood. I was wondering if you were to build a ship with it how would its properties modify the ship construction rules from Skulls & Shackles? It would make the overall ship lighter and stronger and expensive so what is your take on this? How and what should be modified to a ships stats?

Liberty's Edge

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Brian,

I have set up a replacement order for you which should be on its way soon. You will be receiving an email confirmation.

Thanks a lot!!


Liberty's Edge

I just purchased the Bestiary 6 pawn set and when I opened it it didn't have the number of bases within that says on the box. There was a packet of 11 medium sized bases (1 being blue) a packet of 5 large and a packet of 2 Huge bases. I'd like to get the missing bases to satisfy the number indicated on the box if possible.


Liberty's Edge

Looks like there are a couple from the Heroes and Villains set. If anyone come across any, let me know.


Liberty's Edge

We are about to do a campaign within the borders of Andoran and I am looking for pawns of the various Eagle Knights and any Andoran-specific pawns not in the Inner Sea Pawn Set. Any help would be appreciated!


Liberty's Edge 4/5

Looking through some old notes I had discovered the following titled books in a scenario, "Practical Thaumaturgy In Accordance with Creation,  Geographic Anomalies of the Inner Sea, Under Kaer Maga: A Trial and Travel, Physiology of Dragons: An Illustrated Reference, Lost Sarusan". Anyone know if these titles have worked there way into the game rules at all? If not, what do you think they might behold to the reader?
I believe they were discovered in the "Service to Lore" intro scenario so long ago.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Thanks for the great resource!!!


Liberty's Edge

A great introduction to the Pathfinder world and game.

Great stuff,