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The new operative exploit Disrupting Shot (COM 83) is listed as being available at 6th level. However, it mentions that you must have deactivating shot to choose this exploit. As far as I'm aware, deactivating shot is set as requiring 10th level in the Core Rulebook (page 96). Is there some errata that reduced that to 6th level, or is this a case of a logic error?

In Alien Archive 3, one of the new 'starmetal' dragons is called the Noqual Dragon, with an aura effect that suppresses magic using a caster check. According to the book:

AA3 p23 wrote:
The DC of this check is determined by the noqual dragon's spell resistance

However, earlier, the page mentions:

AA3 p23 wrote:
If a starmetal dragon's CR is 11 or higher, it has the crush universal creature rule (see page 151) and spell resistance equal to 11 + its CR.

So, Noqual Dragons that are under CR 10 don't have spell resistance. The rules don't have an explicit CR limitation on the dampening field aura, and the other starmetal dragons' auras function from wyrmling age onward.

Should Noqual Dragons under CR 10 just be assumed to not have this aura? Or should the implied scale of spell resistance for dragons be applied to determine the DC (with it being basically 11 + CR), even when the dragon doesn't actually have spell resistance?

On Page 111 of the Armory, the list of magical items lists an item called a Clearsight Trinket, with an Item Level of 5, cost of 2,750 credits, and light bulk.

On Page 99, there is an entry for Clearsight Goggles on the list of technological items with the same item level and cost, negligible bulk, and a usage rate of 1 charge per hour, max 40.

The Clearsight Trinket doesn't have a description under Magical Items, but the description for Clearsight Goggles does mention a "trinket".

Clearsight Goggles wrote:
Those who explore environments obscured by fog, foliage, smoke, and other vision-impairing elements value clearsight goggles, a set of tight-fitting eyewear that can be worn under a helmet or even other eyewear. While you wear the goggles, fog, smoke, and similar gases don’t grant targets concealment from you, and vegetation doesn’t either. [u]The trinket provides no benefit against a target with total concealment.[/u]

Can the Clearsight Trinket just be considered to be a magical version of the Clearsight Goggles? Is there an entry for the Clearsight Trinket that I've missed?

The new White Noise Generator item raises the DC for sound-based Perception checks within a certain distance of it while active. The basic amount is that it raises the DC by 4 within 100 feet. Then, it lists two modifications. First, that the increase is reduced by 1 for each additional 100 feet. And second, that the increase doubles for technological means of listening in.

So, should we decrease it first, and then double it? Or double it first, then decrease it?

Using the former gets the following DC alterations by range:

+8 for 100 feet, +6 for 200 feet, +4 for 300 feet, +2 for 400 feet.

Using the second method gets this:

+8 for 100 feet, +7 for 200 feet, +6 for 300 feet, +5 for 400 feet, +4 for 500 feet, +3 for 600 feet, +2 for 700 feet, and +1 for 800 feet.

I believe method number 1 is correct, but I'm unsure if there is already an established order to whether you multiply and divide before adding and subtracting multipliers or not.

The Phrenic Scrambler item in Armory disrupts telepathic communication within 30 feet of the device. It only mentions specifically telepathic communication being scrambled, so I'm wondering. Does it / should it have any effect on some of the Mystic Connection Powers that utilize the telepathic bond (such as Healer's Channel Bond ability letting them heal at a distance)?

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In the Armory, there is an item called a Flash Shield Generator that lets you create a pretty flimsy barrier to partially block attacks. Part of the description reads "If you create a new flash shield within 100 feet of an existing shield, the old shield disappears, its material evaporated and transformed to create the new shield."

My question is: If both I and my enemy have flash shield generators, can I disintegrate her barrier by making my own within 100 feet of hers? Relatedly, will I disintegrate an ally's barrier if we both make them within 100 feet of each other?

In the Core Rulebook, it states that a Regeneration Table becomes inert and useless once it is used. However, unlike some other items, such as the mnemonic editor, it doesn't say that it becomes valueless.

So, my question is, could you use a variation on the crafting rules to repair the table, by using 90% of the tables value in UPBs (or, in other words, recycling the table as per the crafting rules to make a new one at a 10% discount)? It would still end up costing 40,500 credits, but that is 4,500 credits saved.

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The Polarize Weapon Special Property states:

Polarize wrote:
When striking a target multiple times with a weapon with the polarize special property in the same round, damage from each such strike after the first is increased by the listed amount. This resets at the beginning of your next turn.

A) Does this mean that you can have two weapons with the Polarize weapon property (such as a kasatha with two sets of polarity gauntlets) and gain the boost from the first when making an attack with the second?

B) Does this effect extend to out-of-turn attacks of opportunity, such as if I hit someone with a set of polarity gauntlets, and then hit them again as a reaction when they tried to leave my reach?

C) Does the effect stack with attacks made by other with Polarized weapons against the same target? For example, if I shot an aurora polarity rifle at a target, and my ally shot the same target with an aurora polarity rifle right afterwards, would they gain the 1d10 bonus damage from my shot?

Can you stack the effects of the Soldier's Flash Freeze Gear Boost, if you were to, say, use Soldier's Onslaught to hit a single creature three times with a cryo weapon?

So, I have a question about the interaction between a Null-Space Chamber and the Akashic Mystic's Memory Palace. The description for the Null-Space Chamber states that:

Core Rulebook p.227 wrote:
Spells and items that contain or create extradimensional spaces, such as other null-space chambers, do not function within a null-space chamber's pocket dimension.

Does this apply in reverse? Can I open up a null-space chamber within the Memory Palace, or does it likewise fail to function?

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So, quick question in regards to the Mechanic's Overcharge ability. When using it, it notes that

This attack uses three times as many charges from the battery or power cell as normal

However, the Powered Melee Weapon property notes that

Unlike with a ranged weapon, the usage is for 1 minute of operation rather than per attack, though using a powered weapon for less than 1 full minute still expends 1 full usage.

So, how do these two actually go together? Does using Overcharge just increase the consumption on the powered melee weapon for the minute while giving you the boost for the one attack? Do you get the boost for the full minute? Is it a 1-time cost at point of casting?

I'm guessing it is the later, but if there is errata indicating otherwise, that'd be great.

In the Core Rulebook, in the Cache Capacitor class feature description for Technomancers, the wording says:

CR 120 wrote:
As part of regaining your spells each day, you can cast a single spell into your spell cache... When you cast the spell into your cache capacitor, you expend the spell slot normally

My question is: Do you expend the spell slot before or after regaining spell slots? Does using this require that I have an extra spell slot left over at the end of the day to use with this feature, or does it mean that I will be down a spell slot during the following day? Or do I get to pick?

So, the Micromissile Battery light weapon for the Starship has both the "array" and "limited fire 5" properties. The "array" property allows it to fire at all targets within a single firing arc, while the "limited fire" property means that it can only fire a limited number of times (in this case, 5) before it is depleted for that combat.

So, my question is: Does this mean that I can only attack five specific targets in the firing arc before my micromissile battery is depleted, or does it mean that I can only fire it for five rounds, while attacking all targets in the given arc each round?

Personally, I think the later reading makes the most sense, given the nature of micromissile batteries in fiction. I think the "limited fire 5" property, in this case, should be taken to mean that there are five "reloads" worth of micro-missiles, with multiple missiles per firing which can shoot out to target multiple craft, as per the "array" property.

Does this make sense, or am I off-base?