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![]() My players have decided to whack Kedward bone. It is a sidequest...offered to them from the surviving members of The Portectorate. I am also going to use this encounter to divulge the location of the Wreck to them. I am looking for suggestion on how to beef Kedward up to take on a 5 person PC party (Cleric/Saint, Wizard, Scout, Fighter/Dwarven Defender, Warblade). I think he should probably have allies with him, but I don't really want to use Yuan-ti again as my players have already fought them. His spells should probably also be beefed up somewhat... Any good ideas? Thanks in advance... ![]()
![]() Last session our cleric died horribly at the hands of the BBEG. Now the PC's are thousands of miles away from anyone with the ability to raise dead. They are stationed at a jungle village on an island in the middle of nowhere. I'd like to send them on some kind of side quest that will allow them to somehow raise the fallen cleric. I'm thinking an ancient shrine... A magic fountain of some kind... maybe making a deal with a powerfull outsider... something... anything? can get a concept to gel in my mind... What do you guys think, any ideas? Has anyone ever done this in their campaign? Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() I had a PC get killed during the battle to save farshore. He was the party cleric...thus no more ressurection spells What I'd like to do is stage a sidequest adventure of somekind that will allow the PC's to have the cleric brough back to life. I'd really like to involve the Olman gods (Zotzilaha?)and perhaps tie it into the storyline of the STAP somehow...you guys have any ideas??? Have any of you done anything like this for one of your dead PC's? thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Greetings All, I hope your ST campaigns are all going well. I have a few questions regarding the adventure: Tides of Dread, specifically during the Crimson Fleets attack on farshore. 1. How did you play out the encounters in Chap. 7... did you go round by round, or just skip to the various Fight scenes? 2. Anyone know how deep Farshore Harbor is? 3. My players, through clever use of magic, have devised a way to basically put a grouping of stone columns in the harbors bottleneck, thus preventing the pirates ships from entering ... Any ideas on how to circumvent this? Disentegrate is the only thing I'v ecome up with thus far. 4. How did the final conflict with Vanthus play out... he seems like kind of a weakling... especially since I have 5 PC's in my group. Does he need a boost of some kind? Anyone write up a good "script" for him to say when he finally "reconnects" with the hated heroes? Thanks in advance and keep up the good work guys! ![]()
![]() heres the situation... The druid 5/master of many forms 2 in the party decided to try to "talk" (squak?) it out with the terror birds that were nesting in front of dark mountian pass. After some scouting/spying, he wildshaped into a terror bird, and approached the nesting area. He was immediatly set upon by the nest mother. He said that he shouldnt have to use a "wild Empathy' check becasue he wasn't in human form. He could talk to th birds in their "language" becasue he was one of them, and he thought he could just use a regular diplomacy check... is this true? if a druid is wildshaped into the same animal he is trying to influence can he simply use diplomacy instead of wild empathy??? its really no different than two humans using diplomacy on each other isn't it? they are the same race now... help? This guy has his diplomacy maxed out and has taken two feats that bunp his Diplomacy check LOL He got a 35 on his check!!!! which, I guess, changed the nest mother to friendly from hostile. He then lead the nestmother off into the jungle so the others could sneak by and into the cave... I let him do it... and they succeeded in making it into the cave without any combat... the other birds spotted the PC's, but would not follow them into the caves... Diplomacy or wild empathy? Which one should I have made him use??? Thanks! ![]()
![]() The Huge Black pudding in Here there be monsters has the following ability: Split (Ex): Slashing and piercing weapons deal no damage to a black pudding. Instead the creature splits into two identical puddings, each with half of the original’s current hit points (round down). A pudding with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hit points. The room in the mountian passage where the pudding lurks is only 25' x 15'. My 1st question is this: What happens when this 15'x15' pudding splits? The two huge puddings will not fit in the room... what happens to the poor PC's that are half way into the room... are they now coverd (grappled) by Black pudding #2? maybe a reflex saves to avoid having the 2nd pudding "plop" into exisistance on them?
2nd question: What happened during this encounter for those of you DM's that have ran it??? Death? retreat??? None of the warrior types in my group have bludgeoning weapons... not that they'd survive the acid saves anyway... The Druid, wizard and cleric can dish out some spell damage...hope its enough...and I hope its quick enough while the warriors are being acid-grappled LoL ![]()
![]() Well, my party encountered the first masher last night. The Druid used Dominate animal to actually make the masher help dislodge the boat from the reef by "mashing" the coral. But the spell only laster 5 rounds... then they had an angry masher on their hands again... Heres the delima. The druid tried to argue that the masher might not have an attitude of hostile. He wanted to use wild empathy to adjust the mashers attitude. I looked at the chart under the diplomacy skill and determined that the masher was trying to eat the PC's and , therefore, had an additude of HOSTILE (call me crazy LoL) The druids player then said "okay fine... but if every animal we meet on the isle is hostile that is seriously going to nerf my abilities". Which then turned into a short debate on what makes an animal have the attitude of "hostile" So thats my questions... Do you think the mashers should be Hostile? The T-rex? Terror birds? Heck... All the predators that try to kill the PC's on the isle? Or are they just hungry animals with no "malace" towards the PC's? What would constitute a hostile animal? LoL do they have to actually have rabies or an evil alignment? :) Help... ![]()
![]() Hey guys, During SWW I gave the PC's a foreshadowing of Olangru that directly linked him to a previous shadow pearl attack. basically he used a shadow pearl for the secret masters to tests its capabilities on the coastal fort of green rock. Thus, when they encounter Olangru In-full, in HTBM in the shrine of Demogorgon they will probably say "AHHHHH so the demon lord demogorgon is the main bad guy!" I think I gave a little to much info out too early...or did I? What do you think? Should I change it to a shrine to some other demon lord Daegon perhaps?...or run it as written? What adventure do they actually get confirmation that the BBEG is demogorgon? I dont want the BBEG to be revealed too early...AM I screwed? ![]()
![]() I have a 6 person party and rather than throw more vine horrors at the party each encounter, I thought I'd just up the CR +1. Have any of you guys thought of any cool abilities to give the vine horrors...like a breath weapon...spells...fast healing...etc? Just looking for opinions on what a good way to up them would be. Thanks guys... ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Well my players arrived at Ft. greenrock and found it destroied by the lizardman tribes. They became fairly angry at the savagry (there is a druid and a monk in the party) and decided to investigate further. So, since they were dedicating so much game time to it, I decided to tie this event into the savage tide mega-plot. sort of... Here's where I'm at now. They captured a lizrdman scout that was spying on them and through him arranged a meeting with the Priests (Tiamat) that rule the tribe. They also learned that the tribe is ruled over by a dragon who hasn't been seen in years. They got permission from the Lizardman priest to enter their lands and investigate further. They discovered that someone (unknown badguy)set off a shadow pearl in the jungle...mutating many jungle creatures. The savage fever began to spread and before long the savage mutated creatures were attacking the lizardman tribe en masse. The Lizards managed to repress the attacks and destroy most of the mutated creatures... but this seriously depleted their food sources because there were now almost no creatures to hunt in the surrounding jungle. Thus they were "forced" to attack the fort for resources/"food" (even though that food was mainly human flesh LoL). The PC's discovered the used up cracked Pearl, deep in the jungle at an ancient Lizardman burial ground. This was, presumably, where the pearl was activated. I thought they would take this info, hop back on the sea wyvren, and head back on course...but that is not the case. They are going to ask lavinia to allow them to stay in the area longer so that they may further investigate the incident and uncover anymore clues. My delima? where the hell do I lead them from here... I was thinking a Ghost from Ft. Greenrock could possibly appear to them and give them more info... but I need help adding all this up to make sense, and not give away any inappropriate info at this stage in the AP. Anyone have any Ideas for a cool sidetrek? Thanks in advance for reading all this and helping me out! ![]()
![]() hey guys, I've got a little bit of a problem. One of my characters is playing a magister, a class from Monte Cooks Arcana Evolved, thats simular to a wizard. Anyway, When the PC's made it to Ft. Green Rock I described it a little differently. My re-write made greenrock a testing grounds for a Savage tide pearl prototype. Hence, they used the remote outpost as a testing ground to see the effects of one of the pearls. The Druids and Monks of Ft greenrock devoured each other...then turned on the nearby lizardman tribes and were, luckily, destroyed. AAAAaannnnnyway, Long story short, I allowed my PC's to locte the cracked opened already spent Pearl. The Magister has a spell called Object Loresight. If casted multiple times it gives a LOT of info on a magic item. -Age of object
I've bolded the ones above that I think might give away too much info for upcomming mysteries in the STAP... What do you guys think...should I give this info out this early in the game? We are currently almost done with Sea Wyvrens wake. Thanks in advance guys... ![]()
![]() Greetings dungeoneers! My D&D group is currently running through
A little info about us:
We use a game mat with one
Anyway... If this sounds like something you'd be interested in email me
Hope to hear from you Dan Stegner ![]()
![]() My group is begining Sea wyvrens wake soon and I recently handed out Lariss vanderborens journal for hte PC's to study. One of them told me privatly that he has played through the old X1 1st edition module the Isle of dread. I was wondering if this will hinder the campaign by giving him Out of character knowledge/spoilers about the plot? I havent read X1 so Im not sure... anyone know? ![]()
![]() hey guys, My PC's just completed The Bullywug Gambit. I'm giving them some much deseerved "downtime" in Sasserine before we jump into Sea Wyvrens wake. Anyway...just be cause they aren't in an adventure doesnt mean that we can't run some encounters. I need a few encounters in Sasserine that will further the STAP mega-plot or foreshadow future events in the upcomming adventures. There is the likelyhood that they will split up so the encounters doesn't necessarly need to involve combat...but its okay if they do.
1/2 sea elf cleric of Procan (ocean deity)
Anyone else stage some encounters in Sasserine between adventures? Any ideas? ![]()
![]() I have a bit of a delima. The 1/2 Orc Druid in my party used the character option of taking a small earth elemental instead of an animal companion (I forget which book that option is in). Anyway, when vanthus springs his trap on parrot Isle, the elemental can use earth glide to move up through the trap door and open it...thus freeing the "trapped" PC's, and allowing them to, quite possibly, catch up with vanthus and engauge him... I have changed the trapdoor from stone to metal, and also made the shaft lined with metal, but this will not stop him from just using earth glide to move up through tne non-metal area, move the boulders off the door and allow the PC's to get out. This is such an awesome cenematic encounter, I want it to run as written...Any ideas? ![]()
![]() In the Bullywug Gambit the Pc's are attacked by a "savage Phanaton" while in the smugglers caves. Anyone know if these obscure little creatures will pop up later in the campaign. I know they were featured in the original Isle of dread module, I'm wondering if they are featured more in the STAP. thanks, ![]()
![]() Spoilers............. At the end of the of the Sea Wyverns wake, the Boat crashes... is it totally out of comission for the rest of the campaign, or does the plot include it (repaired) in further adventurers? Just wondering cause I bought a massive cardstock miniature boat...and Im not gonna put it together for just one adventure. ![]()
![]() Greetings D&D'ers, I have not yet purchased the Hardcover ...Im still running the adventures from the Dungeon mags..anyway...I remember reading a post saying that.... SPOILER........................................................ When Alek Tercival Dies at the hands of Nabthataron, after the demon is defeated Alek gives a message to the PC's to seek the sign of the smoking eye. The text says that he speaks in a voice that is "not his own." I remember a thread saying that this voice was never expounded upon, but that it would be in the hardcover. My players are going to finish this adventure next week and I was wondering if anyone can tell me who/what the voice is, and where it comes from. Post here, or you can email me privatly at: paradox22@sbcglobal.net Thanks! D.S. ![]()
![]() Hi I have a couple of quick questions.
My group is just The begining Demonscar legacy and they have just now heard the name: Orbius Vhalantru, and Im wishing I would've introduced him (in non-beholder form) a little ealier.
Thanks! keep up the good work all! Dan ![]()
![]() Hello all, been lurking here for a while, and I must say, you've all helped make cauldron an excellent experience for me and my group. I am just begining to run the Demonscar legacy, but I was wondering, if we knew weither or not the next aventure path: Age of Worms, is going to be set in cauldron as well? I heard about possibly incorporating some of the same NPC's into AoW (celeste for example). Also, any word on when its due out? ( Maybe a lil hint ERIC MONA :D ) and will it also, begin at 1st level. The reason I ask is I am DM'ing shackeled city, but my friend (our co-DM) was wanting to DM Age of Worms. Will this be possible, or will I "know too much" about cauldron to fairly play a PC in AoW. Hope thats clear...it is later here :) Thanks, Dan Sign in to create or edit a product review. |