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Good to see that there are a couple instances out there of a spell specifically allowing a cone or line to originate from another person/location other than the caster. Not very many and the Spell Relay falls prey to the same challenge that Familiar Conduit suffers from with the Range being the restricting wording.

breithauptclan wrote:

Hmm... I guess that technically Familiar Conduit does have that restriction on only spells that have a range.

I always read it as being equivalent to the Sorcerer feat Spell Relay where you can use the other character as the origin point of the spell.

So check with your GM if they actually want to hold you to the letter of the law or not.

I've checked with him before posting here and he is a stickler for the Rules as Written.

I don't blame him, he has a bunch of old gamers he has to contend with and we can get very creative, especially if given the slack to run wild.

It will take official errata, one of the Paizo staff weighing in or some other official ruling on it, not just how I or others might like to interpret it.

Thus my reaching out to the community for any official reference that I haven't been able to yet dig up with all of the searching that I've done so far...

I’ve got a rules question that I need help with. I’m working to make my Witch utilize his familiar as much as possible. He is going down the Familiar Master path and will be taking Familiar Conduit in a couple levels.

My question is this: Familiar Conduit states:

“Under your tutelage, your familiar has grown attuned to the hidden currents of the world and can serve as a conduit for your magic. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a range, the spell uses the familiar as its origin point.”

While this is great for extending the range of many spells, spells that have a Cone or Line area of effect don’t list a range in the spell description. They cover an area but since they originate at the caster they don’t list a range.

Is there some errata or official ruling out there that clarifies this allowing me to originate my cone and line spells from my familiar? I love the idea of doing touch spells (Range of Touch) and other close combat spells from my familiar but without some official ruling it won’t be allowed in my campaign.

One item of note in the description for the Area of Effect for Cones is:

“If you make a cone originate from someone or something else, follow these same rules, with the first square of the cone using an edge or corner of that creature or object’s space instead of your own.”

It seems that there is a way to originate the cone from a point aside from the caster and this would be prefect with Familiar Conduit but I can’t find any official reference to making this happen.

Any help for putting my familiar in harms way of close combat instead of my witch would be greatly appreciated.