Guardians of the Dungeon World

Game Master d'Eon

Some adventures in Dungeon World.

Notable Places

Village, Poor, Steady, Watch, Resource (grain), Oath (Hub), Trade (Mandu), Blight (madmen), Need (adventurers)

The fortress of the Gaol is a dominating stone structure that makes up the epicenter of the small village of Hardwheat, so named because the surrounding farmsteads enjoy the region's year-round mild weather and produce a crop that is good for making hard, durable bread or hard, durable adult beverages.

Notable Goods for Sale:
Hardwheat sourdough (ration, 7 uses, 1 weight), 3 coins
A durable, tasty bread that will keep for weeks, very nutritious as well.

City, Wealthy, Steady, Garrison, Market, Guild (Brewers' Hall), Craft (beer), Oath (Hardwheat, Mebrook, Stoton Keep), Trade (Hardwheat, Mebrook, Stoton Keep), Enmity (Coastead)

Hardwheat is a half a day's ride from the trade center of Mandu, aka the Hub, a meeting place of several different roads, where the thick, heavy beers made by the city's brewers are welcomed by dry throats from far corners. This also allows rumors and bounties from strange, exotic employers to bring in wanderers and adventurers from diverse locals.

Notable Goods for Sale:
Hardwheat sourdough, 3 coins
Keg of hardwheat pale ale (+1 to Carouse, 4 weight), 10 coins
A bitter, potent beer that is much loved by sailors for it's long shelf life.
Mandu vodka (6 uses, +1 to Parley, 0 weight), 5 coins
Hard liquor brewed from local wheat, great for loosening tongues and making introductions.

Town, ???

To be determined

Stoton Keep:
Keep, Poor, Shrinking, Garrison, Need (supplies), Trade (Mandu), Oath (Mandu), Personage (Kas the Bloody), History (the Lance Wars), Blight (restless spirits)

The current headquarters of Kas the Bloody's armies, and the chief fortress of the area around Mandu. Rumors are circulating among the soldiers that Kas means to march towards Coastead in the near future.


Special Moves:
Stay Alert: When you keep an eye out for danger and something approaches, roll+Wis. On a 10+, you alert the party early, everyone takes +1 Forward. On a 7-9, you alert everyone in time.

Order Follower: When you order or expect a follower to do something dangerous, degrading, or contrary to their instinct, roll+Loyalty. On a 10+, they do it, now. On a 7-9, they do it, but the GM chooses one:
• Decrease the followers Loyalty by 1.
• They complain loudly, now or later, and demand something in return.
• Caution, fear, or laziness makes them take their time.

Do Their Thing: When a follower does something chancey within the scope of their tags or moves, Roll+Quality. On a 10+, they do it as well as could be expected. On a 7-9, they do it, but there's a cost, consequence, or limitation.
When a follower does something on their own or outside the scope of their tags or moves, the GM will tell you what happens.

Call For Assistance: When a follower helps you with a move that calls for a roll, take +1 and they are exposed to any negative consequences.
When a follower helps you Hack and Slash or Volley, roll their damage die and yours and use the higher die.
When a follower helps you Defend, you can spend 1 hold to redirect an attack to them.

Pay Up: When you meet a follower's Cost, increase their Loyalty by 1, max +3. This move cannot be triggered until you and the follower Make Camp.

Watch Them Go: When a follower has -3 Loyalty, they betray or abandon you at the next opportunity.

Cramped Quarters: When you sit around comfortably in camp near the end of a long journey, roll+nothing. On a 10+, describe how you and another character have gotten closer and what you're doing together this night. On a 7-9, conversation turns to your history, and you regale the group with a story of your past. On a 6-, describe the bad blood building between you and another character and what that means tonight at the campfire.

Scout Ahead: When you take point and look for anything out of the ordinary, roll +Wis. On a 10+, choose 2 from the list below. On a 7-9, choose 1 from the list below.
• You get the drop on whatever lies ahead.
• You discern a beneficial aspect of the terrain — shortcut, shelter, or tactical advantage (describe it).
• You make a discovery (ask the GM)
• You notice sign of a nearby danger — ask the GM what it is, and what it might signify.

Navigate: When you plot the best course through dangerous or unfamiliar lands, roll +Int, On a 10+, you avoid dangers and distractions and make good time, reaching a point of the GM’s choosing before you need to Make Camp. On a 7-9, the GM chooses 1 from the list below.
• You happen upon a discovery missed by the scout.
• The going is slow, or you wander off course. The GM says which, and where you end up.
• You encounter a danger; whether or not you’re surprised depends on whether the scout has the drop on it.

Manage Provisions: When you prepare and distribute food for the party, roll +Wis. On a 10+, choose 1 from the list below. On a 7-9, the party consumes the expected amount of rations (1 per person if Making Camp, 1 per person per day if making a Journey).
• Careful management reduces the amount of rations consumed (ask the GM by how much).
• The party consumes the expected amount and the food you prepare is excellent — describe it, and everyone takes +1 forward.