
Panguinslayer7's page

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Jade Regent unfortunately came out before the Pathfinder Pawns seemed to really kick off. Last night I did a session long fight between players and ninjas at a hilltop bungalow. Not the first time I've been sad at my lack of Asian themed pawns.
I have both the NPC Codex and the Inner Sea boxes, plus a bunch of the adventure paths. I really would love to see more samurai, ninjas, and other non-monk "Asian" pawns. (Also more of the monsters, but I'd settle for people.) Plus more non-white humans in general.
Anyone else interested in a pawn set like this?

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Ok, so I'm running a homebrew campaign and in the area of the world the PC's are in one of the things on the map is "the Wolf's Prison". The prison has a reputation of being a place from which escape is impossible run by a guild of inquisitors who serve a wolf god.

My PC's have talked a few times about doing a prison-break game and they have finally decided they want to do it. So I'll be starting it on the 3rd of Feb. Up until this point I haven't developed much for the prison as I haven't needed it. I'm looking for suggestions to help put it together.

Here's what I have so far;

-The prison itself is a fortress among spires of volcanic rock. A violent storm (hurricane basically) permanently rages around the prison. Some of the towers that make up the prison are at the top of the rocks others are (magically) free floating above the raging sea.
The players will not be in the "maximum security" parts of the prison.

-The bricks used to make the prison are mixed from various minerals that make them immune to arcane spells and travel through them to the Ethreal/Astral planes is impossible.

-Because the prison is basically a domain of the Wolf god, divine spells are restricted to those granted by the wolf god.

-Guards will be higher level inquisitors and clerics. However these NPC's do not interact with cell blocks except in case of emergency (ie. riot, escape)

-Bloody skeletons are used to take care of prisoners. (Minor intelligence bestowed on them.)

-Cell blocks are monitored by mirrors enchanted with clairvoyance as "security cameras".

-Food and drink for prisoners is created by clerics of the Wolf God then brought to prisoners by skeletons.

Lastly players will be 5th level with access to Core, Advanced Player's, Ultimate Combat/Magic and Advanced Class books.

I will add details as I think of them.

I was discussing with friends Pathfinder and the great magazine that was Dragon Magazine. Which lead to this idea; any chance that Paizo might considered putting the material from old adventure paths out in their own books? Even if it doesn't include the monsters (because Bestiaries), or just the expanded details of monsters... I'd buy it.
I do buy some of the adventure paths but some don't really have a place in my game. I would be more than happy to buy the material from the back sections reprinted however.

Am I the only Paizo fan who would buy these?

Oh I should probably specify that the APL is 10

I work at a comicbook shop in Vancouver Washington. My boss and I are trying to expand are currently poor gaming section. As such I'm inquiring if there is anyway to deal through this website but with retailer prices?

I was wondering, the Rise of the Runelords -Player's book mentions a rumor about the Sandpoint Devil. Being a fan of the Jersey Devil folktale I was wondering if there are actual printed stats of the beasty?