Panger's page
18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
What ive done in the past is this:
Ill chat, email whatever with the absentee player and just say :
Listen, i understand life can get hectic, and this is JUST A GAME. But, I devote ALOT of time to game prepping, and my time and the other players time is just as valuable as your time. (it seems from the OP this absenteeism predates wedding bells).
I like having you as a plsyer, but this just isnt working out, so either you can just "drop in" and play the monsters or NPCs or whatnot, when you can play.
BUT, i dotn think id just let the new player play "her" character. Send him off on a vision quest or kill him off, and just have the new players play something new (even if its just replacing Bolg the slayer with Nakelnud the vicious)
Grimmy wrote: I started thinking about this after playing PFS where item creation feats are banned. For my home game I thought it might be fun if they were not banned, but rare. This would help me control the scarcity of magic items, for one thing.
From there I thought why not extend it to all feats? This would act as an engine to drive NPC interaction and RP.
Leveling up would be as normal, and give you "feat slots". You would fill the slots by finding someone who knows the feat you want, and getting trained by them. This could provide seeds for all kinds of quests as well.
Would you enjoy this kind of game as a player?
I like the idea, or at least something along those lines. You might never get anything done if you had to do this for every feat.
Possibly a better idea is you dont have to train for every feat, only acknowledge how you get it. Some feats might require exactly what yu posted though.
What ive done in the past is between sessions do email roleplay, and describe what my character is doing. When he got cleave, he had learned it by spending a week between addventuring at a local "fight club"
When the character faced a foe in session who used the same weapon, maybe he noticed a special trick the guy used, and that how he earned weapon focus or specialization.
Maybe fighting a troll unlocked the secrets of toughness.
WOW! I was just getting ready to start a PBeM game based on this. Can you also end me a copy?
thank you so much!
Ceptiger at gmail.com
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote: In 3.5 it was ruled that they do stack. Nothing yet in PF.
It was stated that the shield spikes added to what the shield does.
I would rule that it does not.
SRD/PRD "An enhancement bonus on a spiked shield does not improve the effectiveness of a shield bash made with it, but a spiked shield can be made into a magic weapon in its own right"
Armor spikes are a weapon, so by the original question, you would be getting a +2 weapon at the +1 price.
however, i have ruled in the past that gravity bow/lead blades and enlarge do stack, as it states that the weapons hit as if they were larger, but they arent actually larger in size.
PRD: Gravity bow significantly increases the weight and density of arrows or bolts fired from your bow or crossbow the instant before they strike their target and then return them to normal a few moments later. Any arrow fired from a bow or crossbow you are carrying when the spell is cast deals damage as if one size larger than it actually is.
so Large gravity bowed items arent huge, but they strike as if they were, at least IMO.
I can get to the site, but theres no place for subscribers to enter. So you can read advertisements for it,whats its all about, how much it costs, but not actually read content, at the moment.
Not sure if this is intentional, but if so, Id suggest whomever made that call get to work on providing the content thats already been paid for before you try and lure in new subscribers.
James Jacobs wrote: Panger wrote: what is valeros fighting on the cover of ultimate combat? and is the nodachi really supposed to be a martial weapon? It makes us falchion users cry. You should know what he's fighting. He's fighting yetis.
And yes, the nodachi is a martial weapon. The big advantage a falchion has over the nodachi is that it's a lot more reliable on doing consistent damage—it's harder to roll low damage with a falchion than it is with a nodachi. That said, I think that comparing the nodachi stats to the falchion and maybe adjusting them would have been good advice for the designer of the nodachi several months ago... but that time is passed. I thought they were Yetis, very nice depictions as well! Possibly my favorite piece of PF art so far, but i like the yetis.
re: nodachi...candidate for errata? or maybe a errata bump for falchion?
Back to Yetis, funny story...I was in the store where they sell the "Bigfoot" beef jerky with the scary sasquatch on it; this little Girl (3 years old maybe?) asked her mom if she ate one would she turn into THAT!
what is valeros fighting on the cover of ultimate combat? and is the nodachi really supposed to be a martial weapon? It makes us falchion users cry.
Ravingdork wrote: Lots of minor typos, but I've seen few things that look terribly serious.
The nodachi is a two-handed martial heavy blade that deals 1d10 damage, has an 18-20/x2 crit, and brace.
Shouldn't this be an exoitc weapon like it's smaller brothers the katana (one-handed, 1d8/18-20/x2) and the wakizashi (light, 1d6/18-20/x2)?
Also, the latter two get bonuses on coup de graces, but the nodachi does not, despite it having a similar creating process. Shouldn't all 3 get that ability?
I really think the no-dachi has the wrong crit range..comparing it to other martial weapons, as written, its superior to the falchion, elven curve blade and greatsword. Even if it was exotic, its still better than the curve blade..who really finessea a 2H weapon?
I think it should be 1d10, P, S, brace, 19-20x2
i just picke dup a copy of the gamemastery guide, and it pretty much answers all of my questions, but some of the suggestions here were spot on. the GMG says DC20 +2x spell level, with spellcraft and knowledge checks
thanks for all of the input! the rule states that you can duplicate existing spell effects, so thats where I was getting the learn spells from another list:
"A wizard can also research a spell independently, duplicating an existing spell or creating an entirely new one."
then theres apparently a blurb stating divine casters can do the same
Per the Core book (and the d20 SRD 3.5 PHB), a ranger in my party wants to research his own spells so he can cast stuff like obscuring mist, faerie fire, etc.
While the rules say you "can" do it, they are pretty vague. How have others ruled on it? Spellcraft DC's, etc...
I was thinking along the lines of spending a feat or a trait? then maybe make the spellcraft Dc the same as/similar to a UMD check.
Ive been playing a gnoll in the cormyr series from WOTC..the DM just said: Use half orc stats..but you are a gnoll. It worked like a charm.
(except the character speaks gnoll isntead of orc, and isnt considered an orc for magical item effects)
just to be a little different, the PC does get a +2 racial bonus to survival skill checks.
Any chance you will re-print the original flip-mat dungeon?
Any chance you will reprint the original flip-mat : dungeon?
I couldnt find what weapon and armor proficiencies the barbarian has in the class description.,
well, i really dont think you need to have 2-4 levels of paragon, thats basically the same thing as having a level adjustment. Id be happy to see a gnoll written up like the half-orc, with maybe the following changes:
weapon familiarity: Gnolls are proficient with battleaxes and throwing axes, and treat dwarven waraxes and ugrosh as martial weapons.
everything else written for the half orc would fit the gnoll IMO
I dont have mine either, and the game store has it..please issue a replacement.
MistaRyte wrote: Vattnisse wrote: Just got mine, in Oregon. Hooray! And mine in Norfolk, VA! (after 2 months of requesting replacements, USPS Periodical finally comes through :)
does anyone remember a pair of gnolls in a cartoon for "campaign workbook" several issues back.. they had set a snare for an adventurer. What issue was it?