Enga Keckvia

PandaGaki's page

Organized Play Member. 253 posts (261 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Please cancel my Pathfinder subscription.

Thank you!

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We're going to play gestalt, with 25 point buy. I've got the concept I want and it's going to be:

Orc Barbarian / Monk. I'm allowed to use whatever is in the PRD. We're starting at level 1 and are going to play Reign of Winter.

I'm seeking advice on realising this build since I've never played gestalt.

I'm also allowed to take any one weapon as a monk weapon as a trait. So I can take greatsword as a monk weapon in exchange for a trait.

Dark Archive

I'm DM'ing a Way of the Wicked campaign and I've got an Alchemist and a Rogue(Archetype) Poisoner who will be wanting to play with poisons soon enough.

Now I'm looking at the craft rules and I'm already thinking of houseruling this for poisons to change the progress. I would change this, so that the time it would take to craft this would change from SP to PP if they have the "Use poison" ability or have the "Alchemist" class.

My question however is does anyone have good resources for poisons? Or suggestions into collecting and gathering items. My players always ask if they can forage or try and gather components from slain enemies like spiders, etc.

They even go so far as to try and bludgeon critters to death as to preserve pelts to sell.

So far I've seen this The Secret of Herbs but I'm also interested in other pdf's or books.

Dark Archive

In this thread I'll place the story and changes of my Way of the Wicked adventure path set into my homebrew world of Aerda.


Tiadora has become a drow noble anti-paladin instead of a devil.
Mitra has become the sun god of my homebrew named Ordir.
Grumblejack (or however the Ogre was called) has been replaced by an evil psychopathic dwarf barbarian.

Since there are only three players they've also got one extra cellmate, the diabolist magician Tomas.

Asmodeus is the only evil god I have as the gods, demons, and devils work differently in my homebrew world.

Those are the changes for part 1.

EDIT: I also apologize for spelling, grammar mistakes, I'm from Belgium, so my native tongue is dutch and English is only a secondary language.

Dark Archive

are the pages of this issue out of order? Would strike me weird but the first six pages or so they were all combatting the demon spawn and the pages there after merisiel was freeing the others..... My issue is from comixology

Dark Archive

Anyone know if there is some kind of Druid archetype or a 3PP product that has the ability of turning in hybrid forms of animals?

Dark Archive

Like the titel says, please cancel my Pathfinder Tales Subscription.

Dark Archive

Like the title said, I would like to cancel my companion subscription.

Dark Archive

I do not know if other subscribers or purchasers of the Adventure Path books have this problem but I've been noticing a decline in the quality of the spine bindings of my books at least.

It started around the time of Council of Thieves, part 1, 2 & 4 that I received had the first page coming loose from the rest of the book. It was not too alarming at that time since it was not too troublesome and being an abroad customer it was just not worth the time & cost invested to really complain. It also was not a problem with the issues that came since nr 4

Since then though one of the pages of part 4 loosened completely and my part 3 of the latest adventure path has the same problem.

I am not one of those people to threaten about leaving or the poor quality of the work itself due to the fact I still love my adventure path. I just ask that you talk to your printer about this, certainly since none of my issues before Council of Thieves have that problem. (Well except part 4 of my Rise of the Runelords but that's due to use)

Dark Archive

I myself would also like to inform as to the status of my order. As my companion book (Cheliax) has been put to go with #28. I also have not yet received the confirmation that my recent issue, together with the other items I have ordered and should be receiving with them, has not been shipped yet.

Concerning order: Paizo Order #1280195

If at all possible I would also like to have the companion be a part of that order. (If however this is too much of a hassle at this time please feel free to keep it to go with #28)

Dark Archive

Could you cancel my Pathfinder Chronicles subscription and take out the Crimson Tide Map Folio?

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Dearest, dear super Customer Support (sucking up might help).

I lost the rulebook to my Harrow Cards set, is there any way to get this as a pdf or doc? I don't need it pretty, I just need the rules.


Dark Archive

I'm having a problem with the rules regarding DR. Problem explanation by example:

A Barghest has 10/silver DR.
Does this mean that
a) A magical weapon (every +1 magic sword) and silver weapons overcome this DR
b) Only silver weapons, magical or non magical weapons overcome this DR.

Now I'm thinking that a is the solution, but if that's true, is there any reason at all to not just get a +1 magic sword instead of sometimes try to find the weapon you need to overcome the DR?

Dark Archive

Please cancel my subscription to Planet Stories.

Dark Archive

Please cancel my gamemastery subscription. I'll be cherry picking them rather than grabing em all.

Dark Archive

This is thread is in reply to the Upcoming Adventure Paths thread. I thought instead of waiting or expecting Paizo to make these notes I thought we as a community of RotR DM's all chime in and do something that DM's do. You probably already gathered what I mean, yes off course we do, we're DM's. We're going to make these notes ourselves to aid one another. This should show James Jacobs and his Paizo cronies that we as true evil DM's can pervert their beautifull goody two shoes A.P. into something ugly!

I'll be posting my ideas, over the course of these posts but I would like to encourage everyone to aid in this. Maybe we could even make a DM tools Wiki for RotR and maybe just maybe we could ask Lilith to aid us with this seeing how she knows all that web stuff and I myself am but a web amateur. Lilith if you read this and would be willing to mail this over with me, my e-mail is in my bio!

1. Onto the slaughter!
Imo an evil campaign should have a goal, the overal goal with RotR from that view would be to not only destroy Kharzoug since he'd be a threat to the Evil Party's ambition but to usurp his power and magic. Therefor I would like to give my players the chance to not only find out about sin magic but to become real powerfull sin magic wielders.

2. In the land of the Pigs the butcher is KING!

Let's start changing Burnt Offerings then.

First of all, having the players find out about the Sihedron Rune and get them involved with destroying the Goblins instead of aiding them. I'd have someone from the party, preferably the caster get vision dreams about the Sihedron Rune.
A burning town, the Sihedron Rune high in the sky, an army under control of the PC who is wielding a book with the Sihedron Rune on it watching over an army under his control, shouting his name in cheers

If that doesn't bait an evil character than I do not know what does.

2.1 Burnt Offerings Part 1, Goblin attack

After the dream I'd have the festivities begin and the goblins attack, the goblins all have warpaint on themselves and the painted the Sihedron Rune on their bp or makeshift shields.
This should be the mark for the characters to try and capture a goblin alive or two, maybe even three or four, torture can be fun!

craft(torture) time (see end of post for this skill)

With a dc 10 torture check you have the goblins spill the fact that Chief Ripnugget uses this so the goblins painted it on their chests and shields, he is the first one to use it.
special since goblins are weak critters:
Fail with 5 or more, you're not quite good with this torture and you cut open an artery and the goblin dies.
Success with 5 or more: not only does he tell about Ripnugget, he also tells he started wearing at after that longshanks came into the lairs of the thistletops. Oh and he tells you his whole lifestory about how he made fake puke one time.

Saving Aldern, since Aldern is a whiny little fellow players might be wanting to just kill him to get rid of his flaunting but remember them that he is a noble and that it could be handy to have him as an allmost brainless lusting noble, after all he has money and some connections (and we must keep him alive for RotR adventure 2.)

That's all for now, I'll be continueing this tomorrow after some sleep and a movie but I hope this was a good apetizer and not just me getting my nanowrimo quota!

To be continued with after the raid

Dark Archive

I was hoping someone from Paizo could let me know what the Herald of Nethys would be (if off course that is already decided). What it would look like, one of my players is playing a cleric of Nethys and I would like to tie in a herald somewhere in the story of RotR.

Dark Archive

Cover #6

Imho best cover yet! Please keep Wayne for covers 13 to 24 if he keeps producing this kind of artwork!

Dark Archive

I know, I know, in the past one of the most used monsters ever but I haven't seen them in an adventure or in an Adventure Path yet. With the Varisia gazetteer however my interest for this race stirred up again. Here's to hoping they'll get an adventure path of their own once since I believe that when you do use them it has to be grand since they are one of the most iconic monsters of fantasy and lately have seen to little of the spotlight. (not counting World of Warcraft)

That and you have Half Orcs in the world and they must have gotten that orc part somewhere!

Dark Archive

One of my players is playing an elf and we're both trying to get a good background story going but we're already stuck! Where would an elven wizard be from? I read that there is a forest with Elves on Varisia but he would like his character to come from an elven village, are there villages like that hidden in the forest or around Varisia?

I was thinking of placing it just behind the forest myself but would appreciate some info about this.

Dark Archive

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Well someone had to do it, my wife and I made an mp3 of the goblin song to play during the raid. Don't expect too much of it but I thought why not share it. Made with the freeware program Audacity. Let's just say, knowing my players much hilarity will ensue when we play it and isn't that the goal of the goblins? :)

Feel free to use it, but at your own risk! I represent Warchanter Gortrok and his choir
With screams:
With Screams
Without screams

After our vacation (3 weeks yay!) we'll be making others from the Goblin song thread.

edit: fixed the link

Dark Archive

So, who else here is going to add this module into his A.P. I thought we could exchange ideas here.

How it's going to go into my module, by the time the players are level 8 I 'm going to hand them all another character sheet. I'm giving them a group of characters sent out by Kharzoug to retrieve his sword and if possible the others since he'll know he's the only one awake.

I expect my players to fail with such a deadly dungeon but hopefully it gives them some apetite to research all they can about Kharzoug & friends.

Now the only thing I don't know are stats for the other swords, I kinda hoped that they would all be in the adventure but I knew that with a page count like the gamemastery module it's just not possible.

My question would be, what do you all think one would have to do to awaken the powers of the sword and what would the powers be from the other swords.

Are there any plans for such an article? I'm going to be adding the ones I think off into this thread but those wanting to help out with this little project feel free!

Dark Archive

So, here I am looking at the calendar, august 14th coming closer and this is the first time my group will come together. Mostly creating characters but I was thinking. How will I bind them together.

So my idea was doing a flashback, since I probably won't have RoR part 1 by next tuesday. I was going to have them play kids, that will spend the night at a haunted mansion or something, finding there some skeletons (quite literally) in the closet.

Now this one is rather for the paizo staff to answer, is Chopper's isle the haunted mansion from adventure 2? If so, are there any other mansion that would be suited for a haunted mansion?

Lastly, for my fellow board visitors, how are you all planning on grouping them together?

Dark Archive

Based upon the D0 module, I thought up a Varisian Dwarf prc. Hoping some of you will give their opinion about it.

Chainbreaker prc

When the dwarven civilization crumbled Droskar claimed his dwarven worshippers unworthy as he saw them fail and transformed all of his death subjects into Forge Spurned, these Forge Spurned on their turn claimed many dwarves for their soul chains.

The dwarves that wandered from mountain range to mountain range were at a loss, rejected by their dark god Droskar and the destruction of their culture and homes, they did not know where to turn. They became pitifull creature that no god looked upon except for one. Torag remembered the dwarves for what they were before Droskar stole them away. In an act of kindness he sent a dwarf avatar, that guided them back to what they were once.

As they carved theirselves back into the world there was still one piece that needed mending, family and kinship between dwarves. The avatar and the dwarves themselves were still plagued with nightmares of their brethren that were enslaved in Droskar’s chains.

Hardened in their resolution to free their brethren, the dwarves trained a battle hardened elite, they called themselves Chainbreakers for they took it upon themselves in an oath to Torgar to hunt down and slay every unliving Forge Spurned and free the souls of their Soul chain. Torgar offered them the means, and the Chainbreakers will not rest till their oath is fullfilled.

BAB +5
Able to cast divine spells.
Proficiency with the Spiked Chain

Class hit Die: D8

Class Skills:
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Profession (Wis),

Skill Points per level: 2+int modifier

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Class Feature Spellcasting
1 1 +1 0 0 Sacred Chain, Free the Chain
2 1 +1 0 +1 Smite the Unholy +1 level to existing divine spell class
3 2 +2 0 +1 Bless the Chain
4 2 +2 0 +2 Forge the Hammer +1 level to existing divine spell class
5 3 +3 0 +2 Break the Chain +1 level to existing divine spell class

Sacred Chain: A Chainbreaker’s spiked chain is considered a holy weapon in terms of overcoming damage reduction.

Free the Chain: A Chainbreaker can free the souls imprisoned in a Forge Spurned’s Soul Chain. Doing so takes An hour of prayer to Torag and about 100gp in materials, candels, inscence, etc. After this hour all spells of the Chainbreaker are renewed as if he prepared them in the morning/evening.

Smite the Unholy: A Chainbreaker gains favored enemy Forge Spurned, this works exactly as the Ranger’s favored enemy.

Bless the Chain: A Chainbreaker can infuse his spiked chain with a Cure spell and perform an attack on a target, this is a full attack round. If he hits the target, he does normal weapon damage and the effect of the cure spell that he infused in his chain. He loses the spell as if he has cast the spell regardless of hit or miss. The spell does not linger in the chain beyond the round it is infused.

Forge the Hammer: A chainbreaker can forge an hammer, infused with the power of Torag, he then connects this hammer to his chain which changes the chain to do bludgeoning instead of piercing damage and also brings it up one category of dmg, for medium sized creatures this becomes a 1d10 weapon instead of 2d4. Creating the hammer takes a week of time, in which the forger prays to Torgar with each strike of the forging hammer and 3000 gp in equipment.

Break the Chain: The most powerfull attack a Chainbreaker can do. He can do this attack as much times per day as he has divine spell ranks. He smashes his hammer in the ground and his chain breaks, the pieces of chain fly into all directions. All creatures in front, back or diagonally are hit by these pieces and take damage. If the Chainbreaker is fighting a Forge Spurned he can direct all the chains into the Forge Spurned.
As a trade off for this powerfull attack the Chainbreaker loses all spells for that day from that spell rank. The damage done is that of a Bless the Chain attack with the cure spell from that spell rank.
The chain is reformed the next round in the dwarf's hands.

Dark Archive

I'd love to see and buy a book detailing all that goes into making an adventure path. But then again I love making off books since they show and explain just what goes into making some products.

It could be an idea for your overworked monkeys :)

What I'd like to see in it is, from outline to what goes to the authors and back to the editors. From art outline to finished artwork. Brainstorming ideas, (with pictures from the beer coasters with ideas :)

We could all pitch in to this thread and offer suggestions and show them who all would be interested.

Dark Archive

today I received issue 143 here in belgium but I have not yet received issue 142

Dark Archive

I'm starting a new campaign and thinking of moving to the spell point system. Two of my players however are playing players handbook 2 classes. Duskblade and Beguiler. I'm wondering where to put them on the spell point table. I myself am thinking on what a good progression would be for both, as I think that they should be somewhere between the ranger/paladin and wizard or sorcerer progression. I love Unearthed Arcana but it's becoming a bit of a pain if you allow some of the books after it.

If some more experiend dm's could offer advice or an opinion it would be appreciated

Dark Archive

I allways find this to be maybe the hardest thing in the whole adventuring career. Most groups fall or succeed at the succes of getting a party together. I am starting a new group and the thing I want to do is find a good, not stereotypical way, of having them become a group. I find the "you meet up in a tavern" done to death. One way I do it now is have them read Rich Burlew's roleplaying tips on his site and remind them that they are playing together. Anyhow what I would like to hear from other DM's is how they got their group together and maybe it'll get my creative juices flowing.

The most original I managed to do so far (albeit that it did not form too big a band)was have all 4 of them walk into a caravan robbery and talk to them each seperate. Then ask them what they did (they didn't know who were the other pc's from the npc's) It somehow succeeded allthough they also shot each other ;)

Dark Archive

Well, I love art, I make some small art myself. Thank you sketchbook and my tablet :) But I love art by other artists as well. My players are starting a new campaign and I'm collecting as much as I can for the npc's. I can't draw 100+ npc's in a month.

I remember there used to be a site that collected character portraits. I had them all before the big crash of 2k5 (my hard disk crashed and I had no back up :'( ). So far my googling has proven unsuccesful. If anyone knows the site I'm talking about I would love a link. I'm sure I'm not the only one that could use it :).

Dark Archive

As I'm currently thinking of sending in my first query I was hoping that maybe one of the others out there that has already submitted a query and having a problem grasping exactly what to put into it. I do not want to oversize or undersize my query. I have read the submission guidlines but I allways learnt better through example. Therefor to you my peers I ask, would you help a struggling new ambitious adventure loving writer by helping me with my query, exchanging queries or showing me one of yours as an example. Fear not, I do not steal ideas, I might ask your opinion on mine though.