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![]() Thanks. My character isn't a synthesist (the concept isn't to my liking, reminds me too much of the Power Rangers my daughter is hooked on!), just a regular summoner. But that +4 to all saves at 2nd level of paladin is mighty tempting. And, yep, I know my eidolon would stall out while I was taking levels in paladin. ![]()
![]() Has anyone tried this out? I'm playing a summoner (8th level currently) in the Curse of the Crimson Throne campaign and it seems like the high Charisma and modest ability to engage in melee of the summoner make it a decent choice for multiclassing to paladin. There are personal backstory and development reasons why going the paladin route with the Leadership feat might make sense for this character. I am curious to hear your general thoughts or experiences on this. I also haven't multiclassed before in Pathfinder and don't know if it's generally considered a bad idea because you slow advancement in a single class. Thanks! ![]()
![]() Hi, Considering the sea witch archetype for my next character (from Ultimate Magic). It contains the following: *** Spells A sea witch replaces some of her patron spells with the following: 2nd—touch of the sea [APG], 4th—gust of wind, 6th—water breathing, 8th—control water, 10th—cloudkill, 12th—control winds, 14th—control weather, 16th—vortex [APG], 18th—tsunami [APG]. *** How do you interpret the "some of her patron spells" part of this text? Does this mean that anytime your patron spell is different than that listed here, you use the sea witch spell instead of your patron's spell? Or at each even level, you choose which spell your familiar now knows (either your patron's original spell or the one on this list)? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Great thread. I'm in Chapter 2 now and one of my PCs is an abandoned member of the Rogarvian line. He was out of Brevoy at the time and didn't speak Common so Cintra's plotline works well for why he wouldn't have disappeared too. He's now a 5th level cavalier and in New Stetven side-questing by checking out the family's abandoned villa. My goal is to feed him a little clue, but give him the sense that this is much bigger and beyond his current ability to handle or even comprehend. Thanks so much! ![]()
![]() Hi, - In the kingdom building sticky thread, Jason Nelson made some suggestions with regard to what to share with players to start (it's on p. 2, not sure how I can link to it, sorry!). Has anyone created a player's guide consistent with those suggestions? I've done some searching but haven't found anything yet. I am aware of the Book of the River Nations but I don't have it and we're playing tonight and, frankly, my group is not the type that would pore over this stuff in detail on their own, so it'd probably be better as a resource for me, not them. I'm therefore wondering more about a 2-3 page document that boils down the rules from Rivers Run Red while leaving out the stuff they probably shouldn't/don't need to know at the early stages of kingdom development (e.g., exact effects of buildings, which stats are best for which leaders). Thanks! ![]()
![]() Looking forward to running this on Thursday with a group of teens new to Pathfinder. I may have to cut one or two of the encounters as we only have 3 hours (which includes getting them familiar with the basics of the game). The dares in particular seem like loads of fun! Can someone tell me where the base stats for the dogslicer weapon are found? Is it essentially a short sword? I did find the map of the shipwreck and the descriptions on p. 8 (esp. areas 3 and 4) to be a bit confusing and not match up precisely. Any clarification/insights for those who ran the game last weekend? ![]()
![]() And the Doktor wouldn't be relevant as is to female PCs! But being faced with losing a finger to reverse a condition (unless they can discover a workaround) could be interesting... Certainly it would be more of an "adventure inspired by..." than a direct adaptation. But I think that a lot of the scenes (the cage, chamber of 32 doors, riding the scree) or characters (Lilywhite Lilith, carpet crawlers, Lamia, Supernatural Anesthetist, Doktor, Raven) could all play a role, though major changes would be needed in some cases. Anyway (no pun intended), I may tinker with this as time permits and seek feedback if I get far enough with it. ![]()
![]() For fans of Peter Gabriel-era Genesis... I've been thinking recently of creating a Pathfinder adventure based upon the album "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway." There would be lots of changes/tweaks to make it fit, but the album is brimming with cool imagery and ideas, either as a solo adventure or a more standard group adventure. Of course, I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Has this been done before? ![]()
![]() On p. 184 of the CRB, it states "A character who can make more than one attack per round must use the full-attack action (see Full-Round Actions) in order to get more than one attack." Should I interpret this to mean than an eidolon with bite, claw, and tail slap attacks, for example, can only use one of them with a standard action, but could use all three if doing a full attack? And does this apply to all monsters as well? Thanks! ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai nods at Talison's plan, and giggles, "Naughty boy, what did you do?" After he leaves the docks, she continues to observe the sailors while sewing. Every once in a while, she will get up, stretch, find a random object lying nearby (such as a shell or nail) and incorporate it into her work. ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai nods at Talison's plan. "Okey dokey. I'll do my best to be unobtrusive." She then promptly looks about for some task to appear naturally to be engaged in, which probably appears anything but unobtrusive. Ultimately, she will take a seat somewhere and begin sewing, humming contentedly while glancing up at the small ship every few seconds. She will just take 10 on Perception while observing the comings and goings in and around the ship = 10+3=13 ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Sorry for not noticing that the thread had continued onto a second page... Back when we were dividing up tasks at the Lion... Since they get down to business quickly, Pai remains standing so she doesn't have to keep looking up at everyone seated at the table. As plans are made, she nods excitedly at Talison. "I will accompany you, sir, as I am friendly with some of the folk who repair sails and rigging." So as not to change what has already occurred, perhaps they will agree to split up the task about asking questions about getting passage on different vessels. Those who know her would know she is keen to travel before too long so the questions would be natural. After several dead ends, she heads back to where Talison was talking with a deckhand. Seeing the girl pointing to the small ship, Pai breaks into a little jog, her robe clinking and jangling lightly as she catches up with the cleric. She regards the ship, and when they are out of earshot, asks "That thing? Seems smaller than any vessel that would be heading far out to sea. Shall we do this together or do you want to handle it?" ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai can't stay silent any longer, and excitedly blurts out, "We'll do it! ...or at least, I want to help." She pauses for a moment, and then continues, glancing at the others. "Does anyone have an idea of where we should start looking? He may have come ashore in either direction up or down the coast, and I don't know the surrounding area to hazard a guess." Will be away this weekend and may not be able to post until Sunday or Monday... just so you know ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai hasn't spoken yet, but she is clearly in an excited - perhaps agitated is a better word - state. As it becomes clear that the others at the table seem to be ready for the task, she begins bobbing up and down on her seat while she stares up at the ceiling, lost in concentration as if going over a mental list. ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() "Ooh, it's a party!, Pai exclaims excitedly as the number of occupants at the table grows and the drinking ensues. She won't partake herself, at least for the moment, but seems captivated by the ritual. Perception check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 Seeming to have caught a glimpse of something, Pai studies the sailors more intently, but for once, does not say anything. Yet. ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai shrugs, still smiling, and accepts the captain's offer, plopping into her third over-sized chair in five minutes. She rests her chin on the table and listens quietly to the conversation, a smirk on her face as she turns her head from speaker to speaker as if watching a tennis match. ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai turns around to face the leader of the sailors who had just addressed her. She looks at him through the slats on the back of her chair like a child staring at the table next to her. "Do you mean me?" She smiles and jumps down from the chair and approaches his table, looking intently at each patron in turn before continuing. "I've come from Gogpodda. Have you heard of it? Most big folk haven't, but maybe you have, given your trade. It's a nice place. Lots of interesting junk." She does a little swirl with her hands while holding the folds of her robe to show off her handiwork. It makes a dozen tiny, incongruous sounds as she does. "But you've got to keep things interesting, right? Can't stay on one single floating morass of flotsam and jetsam your whole life, can you? So I took a ship to this 'mainland' and it was great, saw lots of swell things, but now I'm here, it's nice enough but it's been a few weeks and I'm getting a little antsy to see somewhere new, only nothing quite right has come along yet and I'm not inclined to travel alone, but I'm sure something will come along soon." She pauses for a breath, takes a tiny step towards Captain Slim, narrows her eyes a bit, and whispers, "That's my story...". A second later, she brings a small hand to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() In this instance, Pai isn't that interested in or concerned with being subtle. :) Pai giggles, hops down from her chair, pushes it over toward the person at her table, and hops back up. When there is a pause in her neighbor's conversation, she says quietly, "I think the minstrel over there is having difficulty getting started - you should request something. Something bawdy." ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Pai is about to lose interest and go elsewhere when Drendek called out to the barmaid she had had occasion to chat with once or twice. When the four men enter, she raises an eyebrow inquisitively. As it becomes clear that the attention of patrons and staff alike is focused on the newcomers, she tags after the bouncer in the direction of the sailors, but then climbs into the nearest open seat at an adjacent table, regardless of the other occupants there. With a smiles that suggests she is meeting with good friends she hasn't seen in a fortnight, she asks "Hi, what's new?" Pai will try to juggle a conversation with whomever she is sitting with, while listening in on the one between Drendek and the sailors. Let me know if you want a Perception check - can't get any worse than the above! ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() "That's nice. Uh-huh. This conversation is starting to lose momentum, so I'm going to see if I can find something more interesting to talk about somewhere else in here." With that, the only gnome in the place hops down from a too-large chair at one table and begins to make her way between the tables and patrons of the tavern. Clearly the folks here have gotten to know Pai, as she leaves to bemused laughter rather than angry looks. Despite her short stature, Pai is hard to miss - as she weaves through the crowd, one catches an occasional flash of wild neon blue hair and the patchwork of eye-catching (or perhaps eye-assaulting) colors and fabrics of her robe. Her features are perhaps softer than the typical gnome; between this and her near-constant look of intense curiosity, the slow-witted could be forgiven for mistaking her for a 5 year old at first glance. She pauses as she passes by the half-elf who is on his way out, and calls up to him above the din. "Hey, Dendrek, looking good!" She points to his green silk sash, a wide smile on her face. "I still think it's a little unimaginitive, but you're the paying customer." No one would see it, but Pai has a gnome-sized dagger in a scabbard strapped to her right thigh beneath her robe. There is an opening in the robe so she can get to it if needed. ![]()
female Gnome Wizard (Divination) 1
![]() Pai's profile is also up and ready to go! Like Kassara, she will have only been in Jelkala for several weeks. Once she learns that ship-repair is one of the active industries in the town, she will offer her services as an accomplished seamstress in the repair of sails in particular (supplementing her mundane talents with the occasional mending spell). Pai will also be creating clothing out of random bits of fabric and other materials she finds, and she'll look for a good spot to sell her wares. She doesn't currently need the coin, but she keeps busy both as a creative endeavor and as a way to interact with townsfolk and those passing through (her handiwork will certainly be eye-catching; whether a non-gnome would want to wear what she makes is perhaps another matter). She'll explore both taverns, but probably find the Hungry Lion more to her tastes. ![]()
![]() Add one more to your list of PC hopefuls! Pai Twistletrinket
Pai hails from the gnome community of Gogpodda, unique for the fact that it sits on a constantly moving expanse of flotsam and jetsam floating somewhere off the coast of Cheliax. One of the few permanent residents of Gogpodda, Pai and her family are fisherfolk, but Pai was always more curious about the detritus that the ocean currents brought to them. She began collecting the occasional trinket of value to sell to those who visited the "island" but soon came to feel that the objects she discovered were more interesting for the knowledge they could impart. Her finds were so random, however, that her guesses at the origin or significance of most remained frustratingly theoretical. Meanwhile, Pai's magical talent and intellectual curiosity were nurtured by a revolving door of transient gnome wizards that took up temporary residence on Gogpodda. The last of these, by the name of Thursaflokkurin, offered her the opportunity to join him on the voyage back to his native Varisia, with several stops along the way. She eagerly accepted and has delighted in the things she has seen and learned. The trip ended far too soon, and Pai is staying in town only as long as it takes to find her next ocean-bound adventure. Like many female gnomes, Pai is charming in a quirky, impish sort of way. Her hair is bright blue and her clothing is a patchwork of different fabrics and colors with bits of tiny objects haphazardly sewn in. Her tendency to get lost considering ideas or objects that strike her fancy are either endearing or maddening, depending on your point of view. Because of the peaceful yet transient nature of her homeland, she is quite comfortable among strangers. |