Shalelu Andosana

Paera's page

63 posts. Alias of Valkyrie Paine.

Do people usually post it here or somewhere else?

I'm doing research. ;)

Do Vudran elves, dwarves, gnomes and halflings exist entirely outside the caste system? And if they do have a place in it, what about other non-humans or even dragons?

And if they don't, what place in the caste system would half-orc or half-elven children have? Would it be seen as a mark against them and their human parent or even see them expelled from their caste?

I'm trying to think of something that sounds medieval at least. Maybe Middle-Eastern in flavor actually.

Ritin is hard in taldain. I am not shur if i am spelin the words rit but i think i am getin klos. I kan red but it taks me a wil. Mi hed spins wen ther ar so mani words tho. I hav never relli red buks. We do not hav them on the plato. But now i am ritin in won. It is funi i ges. Drawin the leters taks me a long tim but Danel shod me how to uz a pen rit.

I am ritin in taldain becaws it mite be emportent if somon finds this if somthing hapens to me. Hopfuli it is yu Zaylen or yu Alandra or on of our frends. But if it is not i need to tel the hol stori that i no.

I had to start ritin this bekaus it helps me slep. I hav had a hard tim getin to slep latli. I almost diid last nit and it maks me wori. I kan not di until i hav dun wat i hav to do but if the spirits kal me awa befor then i hop somon kan finish wat i startd.

I ges i shud start at the beginin. Mi nam is Ayedah dauter of Ivtolt and Talaid. Danel shod me how to spel mi nam and his. I am a Shonti. We liv on the plato. I am from the Shrikiri-qwa. Our trib is the most frendli with the Loland pepel.

Mi mother diid wen i was veri yung. I can not remembir much about her. I wish i did. Mi father rased me bi himself after that. He was a grat hunter and was won of the main tradirs betwen our trib and the Loland pepels. He tot me a lot about the Loland pepel. He tot me that they wer not as difrent from us as mani of mi pepel think. Som pepel in mi trib lookd down on him becaws of that. They saw me the sam way. I did not hav mani frends then.

Mi father tuk me with him on jernis to the Lolands rit under the plato wen i was stil a child. That was wen i met Danel and Sozite. I no i speld ther nams rit. I begd Danel to sho me how. They wer the first rel frends i ever had.

They wer the childrin of a merchent from korvosa mi father met with everi yer. I wuld go eksplorin in the wuds neerbi and they wuld sho me ther pepel's gams and I wuld sho them min. We wuld spend the sumer lik that every yer. They wer lik brother and sister to me.

We wer abel to met for five yers. On the last won i gav them ech a neklas that i mad with beeds and bon. They gav me won too. It was a medalien with korvosas simbol on it. I hav held onto it ever sins that day.

The next yer they and ther father and mother did not come. Mi father was not abel to find out wi.

Ever sins then i dreemd about eksplorin the Lolands miself on day. Mabe i culd even find mi frends. Mi tribspepel thot i was strang for that. They sed i was tu kurius about the foreners wen they visitd. It was not tu bad tho. I had frends latr on, but they wer never rely clos.

Father diid durin an embirstorm wen I was sixten sumers old. I hop i am makin him prowd.

I had to tak over his responsblitis aftir mi rit of adulthud. That was scari at ferst, but i will never forget wat it felt lik to be so hi up in the sky.

I still dreemd about goin to the lolands tho. Thre sumers latir i askd the eldirs if i culd leev the trib for a tim to see the wurld. They sed yes.

I was eksitd and scard. I had onli ben to the sam part of the Lolands befor and never bi miself. I went down with the next tradin parti and joind a caravan ther as a gard. I must hav lukd sili to them wen i was starin at everething they passd. I had never seen towns and farms befor. I had never seen so much water befor.! ! mens surpris i think.

It was lik a drem com tru. Varisia is ful of so mani things that I never imagind on the plato and now i was getin to see them.!

Wen we got to Korvosa the man in charg of the caravan pad me and told me to be carful. He told me a lot of Loland pepel wer unfrendli to Shonti. I thot i new that alredi and i had alredi seen ugli luks befor in som of the towns we passd thru but i was not expectin it to be as bad as it was. I shuld hav tho. Korvosa has a lot of bad histori for mi pepel. It is a long stori. Mabe i will rit abot it latir. It culd hav been wors tho.

As sun as i got to korvosa i startd lukin for Danel and Sozite. I askd around a lot of places. I was not welcom in som places but a lot of pepel trid to help. It tuk me a wil but then i found out were Danel livd.!

oh i hav ben ritin for fiv ours. it taks me a long tim. i ned to rest bekaws somthin big is goin to hapen tomoro.

it is hard to rit about Danel

Best cleric spell ever!

Is it generally assumed that late teen-to-young adult 1st-level Shoanti PCs have already gone through their rites of passage?

Or do I need to go back to the Cinderlands to get my GED?

I just wanted to see how it tends to work out in-game. I've never actually been in any RL games where anyone has taken it, so I really have no experience at all with that feat. What usually happens? Does the GM design the cohort and followers or does the player? Are they usually made to order for the player or does the player tend to get whatever the GM sees fit? Or does it vary too much between games for anything to be considered "usual"? And is it even workable in the PbP format?

To any GMs running games I'm in, please don't panic. None of my current characters will be taking it. ;)

Well, Kaliciel in Wellard's RotRL game might. But that would probably be much, much later in the game. Like after the campaign when everyone retires.

Either in Magnimar or one of smaller towns/cities? I mean asylums without deplorable conditions, where some good might actually be done for the patients.

Character background stuff. :)

Whether it was because you didn't want to alienate other players, you weren't sure you would be comfortable playing it yourself, or both? It could be something you think would have great role-playing possibilities and could even move away from the more unpleasant aspects of the character in time, it's just that you're not sure that even starting it is worth it.

Stupid Zon-Kuthon... >:(

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I had an idea for another PbP character to hold onto for Second Darkness and some elements of the background have me wondering what sort of stories adults tell children in order to get them to behave, whether it's parents or good clerics genuinely trying to guide them or just tales told to scare them into staying in line. Both stories that might actually really reflect the gods actual nature and behavior and those that just use their name without the gods' approval to give their message power. Like "Bad little dwarves get flattened into coins on Torag's anvil so good little dwarves will have money to buy things with in Heaven." or "If you make fun of others' looks Shelyn will make you burst out in warts for the rest of your life".

I'm just looking for more mental and emotional baggage to dump on my crazy gnome rogue who's convinced that Sarenrae is actively out to get her because of an accident she caused during her childhood. She truly believes that the sun is Sarenrae's eye and she'll be burned to ash if she stays within her sight for too long, for example. Even though well meaning priests of Sarenrae would actually try and help her out, she tends to run away in fear at the sight of them.

I've really fallen in love with Golarion's gnomes by the way. ;)

My Shoanti barbarian is being retired for a while and is recuperating until her friends can find a way to put her arm back on. Until then, I was wanting to try playing a jester from the Dragon Compendium.

What country would be most appropriate for a traditional "cap and bells" jester to come from? I was thinking of playing a Varisian, but it didn't seem to mesh when I thought about it. Are there enough opportunities in Varisia to support that tradition of entertainers?

All Shoanti women do this as well as the men, right? Except for elders and other non-combatants?

I understand why they do so and I have to agree that it's the smartest thing to do(my DM told me there were hints the Osirions do the same thing but for hygiene and religious reasons instead like the Ancient Egyptians), but do all the Shoanti tribes and tribesmen go uniformly completely bald? Do any ever keep any of their hair for a topknot or mohawk or something similar? I know that would defeat the entire purpose of taking off their hair to begin with, but even barbarians sometimes feel like being special and different sometimes, right? ;)

I'm just wondering if there's any additional reason for my Shoanti barbarian to look the way she looks that I could put into her backstory. I had the appearance nearly set in stone in my head before her background, which doesn't happen that often.

Or she might just get a tattoo.